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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. This was still a useful thread because it alerted the community to this issue. I didn’t know about the clipping but now if it pops up I will. Thanks guys.
  2. But what if they are all on coffee break when the alpha shows up? what then? huh? *mutters* Also I think half of them got distracted by a ball of string.
  3. This entire thread is a breathe of fresh air and a welcome change from screaming in all caps in half formed thoughts and exaggerated emoting. @Incarnate I agree that the game needs trading infrastructure to realize its potential. I also like mechanics that force players to weigh claiming choices as finite supportable options. Numerous thoughtful suggestions presented in the replies.
  4. *steals his eyeballs while he sleeps*
  5. Is this newly patched? I tried locking stations initially and wasn’t able. Perhaps I just missed something. Yes Iwould agree that if all stations are lockable now your idea seems very reasonable and viable. Forgive my ignorance as to the change.
  6. I would suggest a combination of 2 changes: those not in your company do not count toward crew limit and any weight on them is not added to your ship AND they also cannot be transported by your ship unless their company is allied. So if they are standing on the deck of your ship when it moves, they shortly find themselves in the water. This should prevent weight exploits. The problem I see with the Op’s Suggestion would be the griefer willing to make multiple trips loading themselves up just under the weight limit and then depositing that weight on any accessible inventories on board like campfires.
  7. Or GrapeCard™ could release patches that showed any signs whatsoever that there was an internal testing process in place, which to date is a hard thing to argue. Even in EA, there is supposed to be internal testing, and some of the reasons you've mentioned are some of the reasons why.
  8. Eyes in the back of your head is exactly what you need to play a game where lions and tigers and crocs come at you any time from anywhere and rarely exhibit the courtesy of making sure they are where you can see them first. Your pvp opponent even less so. In a survival game, situational awareness is perhaps the single most important skill in the game. Watch your six. Always. Now if flame arrows are killing everyone in 2 hits and everything else takes significantly more hits, then I'll grant you they either need to have damage reevaluated or have a lot of drawbacks. Some drawbacks were just put in, but if they were sufficient is a perfectly debatable matter. After further testing myself, I'm inclined to agree they probably need further tweaking, but it's better to do these things by increments than by sledgehammer. Side note: Flame arrows in rl historically weren't much of a thing used against other human beings. Traditonally they had one primary useful purpose, that being set a structure on fire that you couldn't set on fire because there was a wall between you and it. Shooting another human being with an arrow set on fire tended not to kill them any faster unless they were budhist monks who had already doused themselves in gasoline, and in that case they were probably likely to self immolate in the next few minutes anyway. Flame arrows as a trope are primarily an artifice of Hollywood, presumably because they look cool on film. Interesting and realistic suggestion.
  9. *whispers* It's called sarcasm. Almost as good a way to piss people off as intentionally using a font color that you know will make their eyes bleed.
  10. I like the phrase "lazy potato chips child" It put a smile on my face this morning with my coffee. Also I think it would make a decent name for a garage band from Portland. I will confess that the temptation to edit the wiki to say that crocs optimal taming food is dodo kibble is hard to overcome.
  11. The skill part is understanding that if you have a carbine, you don't need to get anywhere near the guy with the bow to kill him, and as long as you stay outside his range, the power of his bow doesn't matter.
  12. Congratulations! Your character is a meth addict! *pulls an Oprah* YOU get a meth addiction and YOU get a meth addiction and YOU get a meth addiction! EVERYBODY GETS A METH ADDICTION! and you thought the vitamin thing was just for show....
  13. oh, you mean you have to actually play the game and do stuff they put in it? Well that's disappointing. I thought I got levels for being logged on.
  14. Death doesn't affect age...yet. But it has been hinted that when the mating mechanic is fully implemented that dying will accelerate aging. I believe I was rather clear in my posting that it was speculation on coming mechanics, so saying death doesn't affect age might be technically true, but misses the point. Saying nothing will change is asserting something you don't know for sure and can't possibly know, you can only speculate, particuarly when you don't even own the game.
  15. There is speculation that once the aging mechanic is fully implemented, that dying will cause your character to age faster. Given that the devs have suggested there will be stat nerfs as you age, this could indeed be a consequence. How much of one is open for debate. At the present moment I'd agree that death most often has little consequence. Occasionally one is unable to recover one's gear, but most of the time smart players don't carry much they can't afford to lose.
  16. History derailment ftw! I'm also to blame. A thousand pardons.
  17. Agreed, this is whole principle upon which protecting unpopular speech rests.
  18. He's right if he's British and it's prior to 1776. Given that the Constitution wasn't written until a full 13 years later after the Articles of Confederation failed, saying that the 1st Ammendment was treasonous would be true IF the US wasn't already an established sovereign nation, which it most certainly was at the time of the Constitution's writing.
  19. Be done. The video proves absolutely zero because there is no evidence it influenced developer decisions. A decision that appears to favor what the streamer wants could be entirely coincidental. Any given developer change you could find someone who clamored loudly for said change and claim it was done to placate them. Claiming so means little.
  20. You're not really suggesting that the 1st ammendment to the US Constitution is treasonous are you? Because that...is...how do I say this? Not accurate in any sense of the word anyone I know of has ever used the word treasonous?
  21. I stand corrected. You're right. It's not hate speech but inciting to violence. Apparently my brain went awol there for a bit. And you're also right about the private vs public. That's probably the most dead wrong thing I've said in a while. Ugh. Entirely true and way more effective than online forum posting.
  22. Quit pretending like your whinging (and it *is* whinging to those familiar with Game of Thrones),and presenting things with foul mouthed invective is a better approach to getting a problem solved than logic. You can cast aspersions at my writing style all you like (yeah typos are not really a big concern of mine, sorry. With all the horrible use of language on message boards, you're really gonna try to call me out on a one word typo? mmkay) If you can throw out cliches, then they're fair game for me too. You get more flies with honey. Do you think you're gonna convince the people who make the decisions to change things by hurling profanity at them? Squeaky wheel or no I wouldn't put money on your chances when you do. And yeah, when you throw around all caps and profanity and bitch about every problem with the game you can think of, sorry but that's ranting. My education doesn't really have any bearing, you just don't like it, so you throw shade at it too. How surprising.
  23. The developers are on record as saying region locking isn't an option, but you know what I bet would change that? Everyone defecting to unofficials which can be privately moderated. The economics of MMO's are such that game sale revenue, particularly from half price EA sales, at best will barely cover development costs. Micro transactions are where they really make their money over time, and I don't think Atlas is somehow going to have players able to make micro transaction purchases on private servers. So in the short term I don't think anything is going to happen with the problem of chinese players running rampant on the officials, in the long run, we might be able to change their mind.
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