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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. *laughs heartily at the hubris it takes to believe oneself the only one capable of saving a troubled game.* bye Felicia.
  2. If only steam gave us access to player activity data so your question could be easily answered just by checking the game’s page there...
  3. I’ve probably argued with Realist as much or more than anyone on these forums and while I clearly don’t agree with him on any number of topics I will say that he seems far too genuinely invested in what is going on with Atlas for good or ill to just be a pot stirrer. People just looking to start shit do not put the time and energy into writing the kind of in depth posts that he has contributed on any number of occasions since day one.
  4. It’s EA what do you expect? Ever seen Natural Born Killers? ”Look bitch, you knew I was a snake.”
  5. I have one question: Do you find the drums boring and repetitive? Here let me help: Ladies and gentlemen, the late, the great Jon Henry Bonham on drums
  6. Your written English is excellent btw. I wouldn’t have known it wasn’t your native language if you hadn’t said. Far superior to my Russian, which is pretty much limited to “borscht”.
  7. Fair enuff. I just never expect those stories to have any more than a passing resemblance to objective reality.
  8. During the siege of Leningrad in WWII, residents of the city became so desperate for nutrition that they ate wallpaper because the glue was made from potatoes. That is a level of hungry I can’t even fathom. Unrelated: Boomer Inc has a standing offer of 42k doubloons to anyone who posts video of any of the following people eating wallpaper: Jeremy Jess Bolognaphony Anyone high enough on the food chain at Electronic Arts or Bethesda to have stock options. Roger Goodell
  9. Although I can see why you might take this position it’s underlying assumption is that most gamers do not grief others unprovoked. Long years of experience have led me to the conclusion that plenty do.
  10. This post has only a small bearing on the issue of whether or not you are mental. Perhaps you would care to explain these pictures to us? *Holds up pictures* Here’s you. Here’s a jar of peanut butter. Here’s what I can only surmise to be some variety of alpaca. Whats with the midget?
  11. City of Heroes devs actually posted with some regularity on their forums and were even known to respond to pm’s if they weren’t in crunch time. But that is a very high bar to live up to imo. I agree more CM activity would probably be the better way to go. The problem is the number of people who don’t understand the difference between threads discussing actual issues that merit a response and threads table flipping because “ZOMG MAH GALLEONS SUNK IN TEH SHALLOWS! HAX!”
  12. Woah woah woah! Let’s not get crazy. Baby steps man, baby steps. I’m perfectly capable of turning the game off, but showering? I just did that last month! Clean my clothes? Why? They don’t smell any worse than anything else around here. Step outside? Now you’ve gone too far. There’s like, plants and animals and stuff out there. I might be allergic. I mean I’m not sure because it’s been years since I went out there, but why take chances?
  13. Sports commentators and their baseline level of professional incompetence are the pet peeve, hence my long winded jag.
  14. Sorry you hit one of my pet peeves. And yes 1400 in shop rent does not require in game experience to second guess. That’s why I said yes and no.
  15. Sports commentators are 90% useless. I like Tony Romo because he is a former qb who is well spoken and able to communicate his considerable insight on the game in real time accurately and concisely. I also like Dick Vitale because, let’s face it, listening to a grown man hyperventilate continuously for 2 hours like an 8 year old who’s just seen Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and his first naked woman all at the same time is fun. Romo and Vitale however are the exceptions to the rule. Witness the legion of play by play announcers who get paid handsomely to do ONE THING, talk about the actions of highly paid athletes on the playing field, and yet consistently mispronounce those players names. In the case of NFL announcers it’s particularly galling because they do one game per week. You had all week to learn these players names! You should know the backup punters name as if he were your brother even if his name is an unpronounceable jumble of consananants from Elbonia! It should still roll off your tongue like butter because THATS YOUR ONLY JOB. Sorry but if you are trying to convince me of the efficacy of anything by analogy and your example is sports commentators, you have failed at the outset. Any journalist worth a fig knows the difference between reporting on a thing and experiencing that thing. The great Edward R Murrow (a name too few Americans even know anymore) would have told you that no matter how many times you listened to his broadcasts from London during the German bombing, it would never be the same as being there. Journalists can inform, even highly inform if they do their job well and lord knows we never have enough of that, but they cannot substitute for actual experience. I am largely in agreement about the devs. I get the impression they need to play the game more. But again, they need actual experience. Even we happy few screaming at them here like a cacophony of shrill Wall Street prognosticators cannot eliminate the need for them to see for themselves.
  16. Yes and no. There is much that can be commented on from observation, but how much advice about sex would you take from someone who only knows about it from watching pr0n? Actual experience matters.
  17. Note to self: Do not ever argue with Sulfurblade about sailing. He appears to have been born with a jib in one hand and a fid in the other.
  18. The correct answer is of course: C. Since you understood what was being said to you, it probably wasn’t being said in Chinese, and therefore it’s not their island.
  19. Big Sale. Last week. You missed it. (This topic has already been covered in other threads with Jat responding saying they would bring rent down. If I were less lazy I’d link it but I’m not so you’ll just have to trust me.)
  20. *yawns* Don't know of anyone who thought you were alone in this regard. There are always any number of folks loudly pounding their fists on a table demanding that their vision of a game is the right one regardless of what the devs think. That this piece of content or that is beyond the pale and must not even be put in for fear of contaminating the game like some disease. Fear not, you have plenty of company in this regard. But you claim to have taken your ball and gone home. So either take it and go or... appear wishy washy by lingering like the curious child like voyeur who cannot look away. The choice is yours.
  21. I am perfectly fine with pretty much anything being added to the game as long as anything I have is more powerful than anything you have. This is my main requirement. Also it goes without saying that my stuff should be cooler than your stuff.
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