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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. Hate speech has consistently and notably been excluded by law and courts from free speech protections including the 1st ammendment to the US Constitution. So while it's true that some folks use charges of racism to try to stiffle dissent, and this is a problem, actual racist comments (and if you read the article this is what is being discussed) are not generally protected. Your comment makes no distinction between the two.
  2. I always find it amusing how people making this threat seem completely oblivious to how directly analogous it is to "I'm taking my ball and going home!" Only you're not even leaving with the ball (your money). People who make this threat are almost guaranteed to go nowhere. The people who actually leave almost never bother to say so, they just leave. They do so because they were never heavily emotionally invested in the game, so it's shortcomings aren't something they dwell on, they just go. The one's here whinging are those who ARE heavily emotionally invested and despite their prodigious protestations, chances are slim they're going anywhere come what may.
  3. All of the things you've just brought up have NOTHING to do with the point that was being debated. Stop bringing in other arguements because nowhere have I argued that the game is perfect and does not need improvement or correction. When you do this it is strawmanning by implication. You dying to crocs on a bed might be problematic, but it's not directly related to tames. At this point you're just emoting about everything that makes you mad about this game and that's pretty obvious. My advice is stop playing if it makes you that upset. The whole point is to have fun, and you don't seem to be having any fun. If it isn't a fix to you, then come back later and see if things improved. But blindly asserting that the devs bow to the will of streamers without any better evidence than what you've got, particularly when them doing so doesn't make any meaningful sense (seriously, streamers might be influencers of other players, but I think you're seriously overestimating their influence with developers if you think they can bitch and moan and get the game changed to suit them. I'm just very skeptical of this whole notion as largely based on emotion rather than much of anything concrete). Throwing the word bullshit around like you're getting a bulk discount also strongly suggests you're coming from a place if not purely then primarily from emotion rather than reason. What I need is not more proof of how the game works, your rant told me little I wasn't already aware of. What I need is more proof you can present a cogent arguement rather than whinging about stuff that upsets you.
  4. If they make ships less susceptible to being arbitrarily destroyed through SOD (progress made), whales (needs attention), or griefing (needs attention asap), then basing on a ship would be more viable. As it stands now, losing your ship to any one of those things can be doubly devastating if that ship served as your base, because now you just lost all that too. This is why even pirates had bases, because bases don't sink. I'm from North Carolina, and the most famous pirate of all, Blackheard, spent a good deal of time here. You should probably look into places like Tortuga and Port Royal if you think pirates didn't have bases out of which they operated. But your core point is reasonably sound. They need incentives to give landholders a reason to rent land, because there likely wont' ever be enough of it to go around. I think that sort of thing is in the works, but we shall see. Using your own experience as a landholder is a strong way to illustrate the problem. You literally have no reason to do the thing that would most easily help ameliorate the problem.
  5. Just because some streamer whines about something and a change is made that correlates with their complaint does not mean it's the reason the change was made. You don't know that, I don't know that, and unless they say publicly, only the devs know for sure. But yes, I said personal preference and I meant it. So there's a skill tree, that doesn't mean that tames should be the endgame meta, and if you read my post that's what I stated. Somewhere between tames not being an endgame meta and useless, there's a balanced medium. Btw when you talk about not being able to take a harvesting pet out of the pen without it dying, you'll have to forgive me if I take that complaint with a grain of salt. I played an awful lot of ark and got used to players endlessly complaining that this thing or that thing was OP and needed nerfing when in reality the core problem was their lack of taking responsiblity for situational awareness and paying attention to their surroundings. If you wander off blindly with your harvesting tame into parts unknown or even fail to check your base before taking it into a nearby area, then lose it to an alpha in that area, sad day for you, but it's really more evidence you need to be aware of the situation than that the game needs alteration. Today I died accidently to an alpha seagull of all things because I wasn't paying attention when killing for hide and hit it before realizing it was alpha when all I had was a few spears. Did I demand alphas get nerfed? No, I reminded myself to pay closer attention and got back to it. And yes, I do need more proof as to how this game company works, at least to accept your arguement as put forth. It's not based upon facts as you claim, but upon tenous assertions at best. You observe a thing, assume that the thing you observe(streamer bitching) is cause for something else (dev change) without any real evidence to support this assertion, then claim it as fact. That does not demonstrate a solid grasp of what a fact is, and it makes me unlikely to accept your other assertions as being meaningfully accurate.
  6. Well there you go. That's putting forth a reasoned arguement. When you put it that way, it's easier to see where you're coming from and it sounds more carefully considered. That's the kind of feedback more likely to persuade a dev to take a closer look at something.
  7. Interesting idea. Haven't done any salvaging to really be able to comment meaningfully, but what you're saying sounds reasonable. I'd suggest resuggesting this at intervals down the line if it doesn't get implemented right away, as I wouldn't be surprised if the devs aren't at a point right now in their development cycle where they are actively considering suggestions, but it doesn't mean they won't be at some point.
  8. Yup. The only reason my longtime gaming buddy didn't quit the game this morning is because I can be incredibly persuasive when I want to be. Also the compromise was no more official servers, only unofficial, and it's because our schooner base was sunk overnight, probably with this method. If your game is based around sailing ships, and an exploit allows ships to be sunk through non combat easily in pve, I am in complete agreement this is game breaking and warrants hotfixing. If sailing was supposed to be an ancillary feature then fine, look at it down the road or when you get to it. But right now, people are afraid to either make new ships or take existing ships out of shipyard. Hard to test your pirate game if nobody on pve side wants to sail. And saying go play pvp is an answer only if you think the devs are seriously considering making the game pvp only, and if you think that, then I have some real estate in florida we should discuss. Early Access broken in a way that is problematic for the testing EA is supposed to be about, so yeah, not only broken, but broken and probably merits priority. See reasoning just posted.
  9. Paypal me 50 bucks and you can report cheaters to me all day long.
  10. I don't know. I tend not to watch streamers, but I have no problem believing they might if the behavior in question is childish and self centered. And knee jerk reactions are almost always bad. I just had some pointed criticisms of the OP's post and decided to grace everyone with the wisdom of my views. You're welcome.
  11. Soon™ PS Never ever ever take any Wildshot™ timetable seriously. Their track record indicates doing so is foolish.
  12. I would more than happily pay a sub fee for ingame support *provided* that ingame support was guaranteed to meet certain measurables ie ticket time responses, issue resolution windows etc. Ark has had times when response to official tickets took up to six weeks. That is not support I'm willing to pay for. Same day response with 72 hour resolution in most cases? Sure, I'd fork out for that. Then again, I've always been the sort of gamer that considered people complaining about 15 bucks a month for a game they were sinking more than 50 hours a month into absurd because I do this crazy thing where I compare the cost of my online gaming entertainment per hour to the cost of other forms of entertainment, like going to the movies or taking my girl out. Online gaming is insanely cheap in this light btw. PS Your font still makes my eyes bleed. #stopkillingretinas
  13. I have 4k hours in Ark. I am perfectly fine with tames being utility but not endgame meta as other posters have pointed out. Leave that to Ark. The problematic underlying assumption with the OP's post is the inherent notion that tames *should* be as powerful as he or she wants them to be, and that this is the reason for the game's poor reviews. Personally, I think anyone trying to assert that reason X is why it's getting bad reviews is willfully ignoring a host of other issues players dislike. Also, are you really pulling the kindergarten move of "play my way or I'll take my ball and go home!"? Do you really honestly think any game developer anywhere responds to this tactic? I have heard it said by multiple game developers in person and in online interviews that the moment they hear "change x or I'm quitting" they immediately ignore it, because you can't run a game that way. This is across good games and bad, popular games and ones no one has heard of. What you're arguing at the end of the day is demanding a change to the game to suit your personal preferences. There is a way to request this sort of thing that might get it considered. Table flipping rants like what we see here isn't it.
  14. Even if it is a blatant ad, it’s csrtainly not unwarranted given what I said, and it is appreciated. I will be in touch. Clearly you are gentleman of good taste.
  15. ... They just nerfed flame arrows heavily like last week. Bow durabilty was nerfed, flame arrow damage was nerfed. Range nerfed. Etc etc. Instead of calling for nerfing into oblivion, you should evaluate whether your skill level is the issue, because most players at this point are saying the opposite of what you just said. Also if you're practically meleeing someone with a carbine, as your post suggests (similar range as shotgun ) then you're doing it wrong. My partner has stood in teh crow's nest of our schooner and sniped tigers on the beach nearby. Carbines are sniper weapons, they shouldn't be used at the same range as shotguns. Their whole advantage is they outrange bows by a mile and from what you said it sounds like your group voluntarily gave up that advantage in the way you pursued the fight, so again, not to be mean, but skill is the more likely factor here.
  16. Woke up to this having happened to our schooner at The Emerald Refuge NA PVE. My partner and I had gone there to mine rubies and silver to make alloy. We parked the ship and left it overnight after mining, bothering no one. Now she doesn't want to play the game at all because that was over 100 hours invested by each of us with everything that was on that ship. Since you can't claim land in lawless and there isn't any unclaimed land to go around, that ship was basically our base. Now it's gone. I understand it's a pirate game, but we had no realistic options other than basing out of that schooner at this point. Now she refuses to even consider playing official and I'm having to talk her out of walking away from the game period.
  17. With the upcoming release of the dev kit, it seems like there should be a place where unofficial Atlas servers can advertise, with information about what kind of grid they have to offer, rates or other tweaks, and potential unique mods. At present either on these official forums or steam, there isn't a dedicated section for this.
  18. Actually it means beds on anything BUT a boat don't work in lawless zones. You can place a bed on land in lawless zones, but because you don't own the land it won't work. So in lawless zones you can only respawn on boats.
  19. This is not true. They completely hit their time frame with Extinction....and then it was immediately obvious that they should not have, because it was half finished at most. So let's say they've never hit an ETA with a product that could reasonably be called finished. But overall yeah, their ETA's are a joke. Makes you wonder why they bother to give them. Just drop stuff when it's ready. If people ask, say Soon™. This is what the development team of City of Heroes, literally the most responsive development team to it's community I've ever seen would do (you could PM individual devs through their forum system, and if they weren't up against a deadline, there was a decent chance you'd get a reply. TO A PM!), and everyone over age 12 was fine with it.
  20. Yeah, the present system as you've noted definately has some huge drawbacks and weak spots. This is the sort of thing that can get tricky to solve but I like that you provided a reasonable suggestion instead of just table flipping. Let's see if they take notice.
  21. *Has Google Fiber and thus finds the complaints of internet peasants beneath him.* *runs before the peasants catch up with their pitchforks.* kidding aside haven't noticed it but so far I'm not running discord as my one partner dislikes voice chat. That will change as we add a few folks over time I imagine, but yeah my internet is strong enough that I probably wouldn't notice, but that one partner does report crippling lag at times.
  22. Not very port like is it? This is the sort of thing that, if we are lucky, they will take as useful feedback and design something more appropriate as EA progresses. Don't necessarily fault them for having only the basics at this stage, but over time I agree completely that something more appropriate should make it's appearance.
  23. I too would like these questions answered. They said they increased trade ships spawn rate by 4x, I'm assuming they exist on pve servers, but if spawn rate was just north of dodo poop, and they multiply it by 4x, taht doesn't suddenly make the number of spawns plentiful. I'd bet they're out there but still fairly rare, but I don't know that for a fact, so curious.
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