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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. Coul’ve done nothing more because like I said, no one has reached the cap yet.
  2. Devs never cease to amaze me. But I’m not surprised by it, it was like this with ARK and it will be the same with ATLAS. Which is a shame becaus everything could’ve been so much better and also faster development, because they need to invest 50% of their time to reroll or fix updates. I’m pretty sure the elephant will receive a buff some point along the way but why, why nerf it like this.
  3. Not every patch makes the game worse, it adds new problems but certainly doesn’t make the game worse. And there is something going on against cheating. If we must believe them they’ve banned 300 people so far and wiped some companies. Why they’re not doing anything against BB is beyond me.
  4. That is what someone told me. 800 NPC’s per grid per company. But I don’t think anyone has got to the cap yet.
  5. Delusional. I know you’re a troll because I’ve never seen anyone like this, not even on the ARK forums. Maybe explore some more, because I have less hours than you but explored so much more. I’m not sure you have the right to make 10 threads talking about no land to claim when you discovered almost nothing on the map.
  6. Ye but a flying suit I can somewhat understand, because it is something that couldve been thought about during the time. I know it’s fantasy and all but that doesn’t mean I would like them to jump that further into the timeline in the beginning of the game.
  7. Yes. But from the livestream I heard they will do a bit of a change to the entire claiming system but they didn’t use any of our suggestions so we’re just gonna get thrown with a new claim system and we just gotta suck it up.
  8. This game is not standing still. I know you have a hard time doing this but; THINK
  9. Why the hell are they going to put in submarines to a pirate/medieval setting? This is ridiculous. In the pirate times there were diving bells and oxygen spaces. No crappy submarines.
  10. Because you think this will stay forever? I have no clue what’s going on in your head.
  11. Or they could just turn off decays everywhere during updates. But delaying it is also an option if that doesn’t allow new bugs and exploits to come in.
  12. I was listening to it but I didn’t know if the submarine was for official or the dev kit. Do you know this?
  13. No on official. I’m not sure when it was, maybe it was in the morning for me (EU) so there weren’t that many players online, but it was fine. It has many factors
  14. I’m not experiencing that, I was talking about sea battles. I haven’t been in a larger battle than approx. 5 galleons and a couple schooners and it was fine, except when I was sailing closer to the islands.
  15. Then is the ship stealing too powerful or the fact there’s no offline raid protection? I vouch for the last one.
  16. This is a newer version than ARK’s engine. As for the lag, out on sea not close to Islands I have no problems with that much lag. When we’re close to island it can get pretty nasty yeah.
  17. Hm weird. You have the coins and all? Your company hasn’t reached the limit?
  18. Jep its my plan to join one of those eventually. Makes it so much more fun.
  19. Wildcard never cease to amaze me, every patch brings fixes and more problems.
  20. Yes, common problem at this moment.
  21. Wipe is a total waste right now. They need to have a good and working battle eye, a good claiming system and all the bugs that are known at this point, fixed. If all of that has been done, they can add a wipe. Or that doesn't need to happen if there are many players hacking in different major companies, when that happens the whole company gets wiped. Frees up land.
  22. Or wait until they repatched it, I know it sucks but you can't do anything else really..
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