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Gemini Five

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Everything posted by Gemini Five

  1. A lot of us have suggested this in the past. I will quit the game the day this is put in. The most over used and broken idea ever heard in dead MMOs is to force PVEers to PVP. They will quit the game. This game has some of the worst, laggy, bugged, janky LOLz PVP I have ever seen. You want to force PVEers into that? Or, yeah, force then to have less, when most are already just logging on to reset timers. A better idea would be to have the PVE areas have most or all of the resource, where PVPers would go to refit, repair and stock up. And the PVP areas have higher gold. Now you have an economy and two areas working in support of each other. I had high hopes for Atlas, no longer. Two years and the game has had little progress and still runs terrible (yes I have a high end gaming rig). I only log now to feed and reset times. Another wipe and I have no reason to ever return. Besides, I'm loving the New World beta test.
  2. I've seen every wipe since the beginning. I'm not feeling like putting up with another. To me the worse things about Atlas are not the servers or bugs, it's the wipes. I could swear they said long ago, no more wipes, then, only if really needed. Then it turned to a regular event. I don't know why I have not wiped my hands of this long ago.
  3. Does this mean another wipe? Didn't they do the free free free thing right before the last wipe? I'll have no time to rebuild. That's right before the final New World beta.
  4. It may be true that some have been banned for this but, I have seen this kind of thing since the servers opened. If the devs are getting involved with this now, that's great. I agree on the salt. It's amazing how logging onto a game can change a full grown adult, into an idiot child.
  5. I don't think reporting will help. I'd just look for a new home. This game has no safe guards against griefing. The most you can do to them is leave your building there and visit it weekly to reset the timer. It looks like the population is already dropping. More land will be opening. I'm already seeing buildings time out all over.
  6. Confirm F11. I cut through F11 often (oil on the bottom island) and always get chased by them when in the wrong boat not fitted for whale. Strangely never see them when I go in my whale boat. As George says, get within about 200 yards of one and you see the health bar light up. Then it starts chasing you. Kite and don't let it get too close or you might get sent to the bottom. And don't get too focused on the whale and sail into a SOD fleet.
  7. New direction to be replaced by another new direction in a few months... again. Atlas pvp log on message: You have been killed by Snapperhead5, All your stuff has been destroyed. Enjoy your adventure.
  8. I live on an island owned by someone else. All seems good here with no issues. I think some island owners may not want settlers due to you never know what you are going to get. Do you get someone like me with two fairly small buildings playing around with breeding bears, that you never hear from? Or, do you get the person that builds all day, everyday, building some giant base and yapping smart ass stuff in chat all evening? One is out of sight, out of mind. One reduces the value of your island and your Atlas time. I'd say if you see an owned island with a lot of open space... talk to the owner, tell them what your intent is on building and what you are like. This way they have some idea what level of risk they are taking by allowing you to live there. If I owned Atlas, I'd explore options like grids with many small islands I could rent for USD. Something like Secondlife's land rental program. As long as you pay the 5 USD a week you own it and can set the rules. I'd set up grids of all different layouts to rent for USD. You could rent a tiny island, one of many on a grid. You could rent an entire grid. Or anything in between. Not changing the current layout of the map other than adding more grids as rented attached to on side. I'd use the income to add staff and servers.
  9. As far as land goes, I see a lot of open land. I have 3 outposts and see open land around each. I have 2 in the tower-less lawless and one in the corner of someone's owner island. The land issue comes down to the amount of land per person. If you limit the amount of land a player has it limits the interest of the game. Everyone wants land. It's required to enjoy the game. One problem is people can't find the available land. If your not willing to search for it, you come to the forum and say there is no land. If you are will to search for it, you find it and build your base. But that comes from someone who plays a lot. A weekend warrior is going to have a hard time. The truth is I hate having the weekend warriors around me. They pop in spam crap all over and I watch the timers as they count down 7 8 9 days (owner not around) then get refreshed. They use a lot of land but are almost never around to use it. That's part of the problem. I see grids with 3 or 4 islands full of bases while the population ranges from 3 to 15 players through out the day and night. Tower, if we go that way should have a timer (10-12 days) AND a gold cost perhaps 50 gold per day. Low enough to not punish active players, high enough to stop massive land use by people who are never around and just refresh timers weekly. As far as gathers go... it was a bad call to make more types of gathers, requiring everyone to have or want more, while so many lack the space to plant them. We would be better to have one or two types that collected multiple resources. I'd suggest one type of gather that collected everything with a much bigger holding tank. Then limit everyone to two per island or companies to 5 if the company has 10 or more members. Then you could lower the no build range without the spam. And the collection range of the warehouse should be island wide.
  10. I have seen my npcs not following on ships as well. Sometimes they just run to the middle of the ship and run in circles. Someone posted about this last week.
  11. I agree, when I first logged on two years ago I thought it had great potential also. I do enjoy playing Atlas. I don't think it has progressed very far in those two years. The map got smaller, didn't like that. They put hats of bears, I think that was dumb and looks like for children. A wipe twice a year and starting a zero sucks. The best thing is the gathers, this update made them worse and caused the need for more. I don't like these changes (more spam and servicing). With everyone wanting 4 or 5 now, the spacing really sucks. The market is nice for gold but how it works is questionable. The devs stopped posting on their own forum over a year ago. Over all I enjoy the game but no longer hold any hope for that potential.
  12. (PVE) I had the same for a few days. Almost no trades. Traveled a few grids in two directions and all nodes had the same resources. But... after a few days trades started and now I have other resources coming in daily. Maybe it's the secondary trades starting from those on the resource border. A few days of almost no income to now a few k a day.
  13. Good! I think I'll build some towers and keep them in a locker for that day. Thanks,
  14. If you're on, keep us up to date. We may need to fly home before the train crashes.
  15. Why not ask some more basic questions like... Why did they remove one of the PVE maps, reducing PVE map space by 50%? Why the gatherer changes that now require people to have more gatherers? I think these gatherer changes are terrible. I'm not saying some don't spam, rather the devs are adding to this not making it better.
  16. I like "real games with hardcore players" too, but this is not it. Why even try to understand what other people enjoy in their pass time? Maybe one day this will be a different game but for now this is not a good pvp game in my opinion. At the same time I don't question why some people like it. I spent years in Eve online while many would say that's too hardcore. As mush as I love pvp I don't find it here, and will not anytime soon. I do enjoy official pve. I like it as a nice peaceful doodle game at the end of the day. Lately a way to relax after some Outriders or Warships. Every time I see some rant from a pvper going on about cowards and such not joining the fight on pvp servers, I always think... How often is the guy ranting some pencil armed nerd, calling out someone who spent years in a RL combat zone or, someone 50 or 60 years old just not looking for a pvp game. And not a bad, laggy, glitchy pvp game at that. Just accept different people like different things. And Atlas is a game where different people can find different things enjoyable.
  17. This game lacks mass appeal for many reasons. Like locked in perma early release where they are not working out final bug, rather still trying to figure out a direction or how this should work (like the claim system). Like all your efforts can get wiped at anytime, yet again, Like you can get off-lined if on pvp. Like your client might crash sailing from grid to grid. Like you might take 8 seconds to rez the next grid or 45 seconds in the middle of a SOD fleet and loose your ship. Like taking a vacation for two weeks may mean you loose everything you have. Like something your client crashes and for mystery reasons you can't log on for two days. Like the servers run good one day and you have crushing lag the next. Like a dev team that puts hats on bears or pushes untested features to live. And yes, the time sink. And yes, the people who endlessly want to insult non-pvpers in a game that most pvpers say the game is busted at every turn. As the top Atlas pvp streamer said on stream last week "nothing in this game works like it should" . This game has a lot of issue and reasons why it lacks mass appeal. I don't ever expect that to change with this company. We are left with the simple... can I enjoy a little time here or not.
  18. I've played since the servers opened. Gold grinding for ships is a boring time sink. So much so I quit for a month attempting to grind for a schooner. As soon as I opened a market I had a gally and more gold then I could spend. I agree, it helps greatly for resources. I have only spent a little time on pvp servers. I don't think the pvp game is there yet. I've been living on the corner of someone's island on pve. Yeah, I want to see the new map. And hopefully not live in lawless. In lawless you would now need to claim the area for each gatherer. Right now on pve you can't find many open lawless places to claim.
  19. Clearly, they want only people with warehouses/markets to have ships.
  20. Yeah it has a bit of P2W or at least pay to bypass the grinding. Ships starts around $20 usd. I don't know of any ships over 1000, maybe some of those giant capital ship are. Eve online has the same... you buy ISK with usd and buy ships with the ISK. The difference in SC you have to be able to fly it (pilot skills) vs. Eve where you double click in space and the ship goes that way. People like to talk about how long its taking and rightly so but they have a development schedule online. Currently they are about 3 weeks behind schedule.
  21. Yes I know. I have been following it from concept. I log in for a flight a few times a month. If you have not logged in for a flight recently, you should. It has some amazing eye candy. One day over the rainbow it will go live. The news suggests a soft launch. Meaning launching with far less content then stated all those years ago. Then filling in the rest over following years. The timeline has been painful but if you follow the news, I think a soft launch in 2024 is doable. The end of the tech hurdles are in sight, then they need to fill in the world. As far as drugs... no no, it's the same drugs all us Atlas holdouts are using. Just in the time released tablet form.
  22. Since they are still working on concepts and not any kind of final pass and looking at the past... I'd guess 2-3 years. And it looks much like it does today. From their first live stream and early info, I don't think they have a team of more than 10 or 15. When they refer to a project being looked at by a person instead of a department... But what do I know. And SC, wow, I bought ships 5 maybe 6 years ago I have yet to see. I didn't mind helping on funding but now I'm factoring in life expectancy. I expect a greatly reduced soft launch in 2024. And stated vision complete 2026.
  23. We will have to see how New World is when released. It's release was delayed for a year on advice from beta testers, for lack of content. I will be there on opening day to check it out. You can look at beta game play videos. I'm not that impressed. We shall see in a few months.
  24. Pvpers would have to pay if you expect PVEers to provide product. This makes a far better economy than this silly warehouse gold printing machine. (100% broke until you get a warehouse, then you're rich) That means pvp actions needs to pay. Such as every player ship sunk drops gold and gear just like an npc ship but more. An amount worth adding to the value of the fight. Like half the cost of building the ship plus some of it's gear. Every claim tower destroyed pays x amount. Every enemy player killed pays x amount. Then PVPers can sail back to the safe zone where us barbie playhouse PVEers have everything for sale they need to refit and stock up for their next run to the combat grids. Just like RL pirates back in the day. The war zone should have reduced resources. PVPers may spend days at a time in the war zone but then if they are going to be away for a few days, they can sail their ships to a safe zone dock yard... to not get Off-lined while away. Off line pvp is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Others may fill a mid level risk jobs like cargo runners, from the safe zone to war zone bases. Factions could be the English and the Pirates.
  25. Before good mechanics... you need servers that can handle the load.
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