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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. @Jatheish @Dollie This sort of thing needs to be confirmed and made clear, just like the fact ships need to be boarded every 3 weeks rather than just rendered. I had no idea animals need to be interacted with I assumed it was the same as ARK, just render them in and the timer resets. If structures have decay timers visible to the owner then so should tames and ships. Otherwise people are going to continue to lose stuff because they were not made aware of how the mechanic works.
  2. Nope it changes, just keep an eye out on the announcements each week so you know what's coming. Not sure how often they will include breeding though.
  3. The Mythos x2 is only for XP, Taming and Harvesting. It is not for breeding, as per the announcement. It isn't always the same each week. Like sometimes it has x2 gold but didn't this week.
  4. I'd be happy with either of these suggestions. I only have a small base, but I don't bother with torches or lanterns because of the fact they will just burn away when i'm offline so end up refilling them so often. Having an NPC housekeeping would be good. The repairing structures would also be good, it's one reason why i'm upgrading everything from wood to stone because of the pesky Cobras damaging everything.
  5. Someone was clearly speaking like a pirate when they wrote that! Arrr!
  6. No-one is saying you have to go sailing so don't exaggerate this. If you have time to feed animals, how time consuming is it to jump on a ship, jump off, or even just use the bed system to fast travel to each bed. The problem here is not the fact you have to board the ship, it's the fact this was not made clear from the start.
  7. Had anyone boarded them within the past 3 weeks. Ships on PvE will disappear after 3 weeks, and although it was believed to be non-rendered ships, it now appears to be non-boarded ships. My sloop too vanished the other day outside my base as I hadn't used it in a while and therefore had no reason to board it.
  8. You missed my point. They recently reduced the spawn interval for SoD's in golden age ruins, which resulted in spawns increasing in all grids. So i'm saying they've done enough damage with that, so making further changes to spawns in golden age ruins would likely make things worse for all grids. When I say all grids I mean ALL grids, not just golden age ruins.
  9. Tbh they've messed with SoD's too much already. They went to reduce the respawn interval on golden age ruins to every 15 minutes, only to cause all grids to see a significant increase in SoD spawns. If they start increasing spawns of lvl 50+ SoD's in golden age ruins it will no doubt increase spawns of that type across all grids even further.
  10. Yes it is starting to sound like that, but it needs to be confirmed. That sloop was my temporary backup in case i lost my Schooner, so i had no reason to board it. @Jatheish Can we please confirm if inactive ships need to be "boarded" within 3 weeks rather than just rendered in? If you need me to test it then I can make 2 dingy's and see what happens to both in 3 weeks.
  11. If this is true then that needs to be stated clearly by the devs, because my understanding was that ships that are not rendered within 3 weeks will disappear. At no point do I believe they have stated the ships have to be "boarded" every 3 weeks. This may explain why my sloop disappeared this week as I never used it since i made a schooner, but i log in and render it outside my base every day.
  12. I spent ages trying to find a discovery location on the island I live on and followed the co-ordinates shown on the Wiki. I gave up in the end, then as I was out and about I stumbled across it. I looked at the co-ordinates and they were out, not by much, but far enough away from the actual specific co-ordinates on the wiki that I wouldn't get it. So don't trust the Wiki completely. I've not been to N2, but I suspect the wiki is providing you incorrect co-ordinates.
  13. Looks to me like the island probably had 20% tax set which means you lose 20% gold from the hunt. P.S. Only resources are additive tax, gold is not.
  14. Say I pick up a wild tiger or lion or anything aggressive that can be picked up and dump it in your base if the walls are low enough. How about if you are taming a creature and I come along with a tiger in my tames mouth and dump it right next to you and your tame. Plenty of griefing tactics for picking up wild creatures in PvE.
  15. Even if you don't have crew manning the sails if there is no player on the ship the sails will close automatically, but by then it will have still sailed a fair distance. Do you not get discovery points from the quest?
  16. I believe they only spawn in golden age ruins, nowhere else.
  17. The app in the screenshot does confuse me a bit. That message was posted at 05:41 UK time, and as it shows London as 5:38 I will assume the screenshot was made just before the post. Therefore, the time on the screenshot for London is correct, but underneath it says GMT +0 which is wrong as UK is in GMT +1 until October.
  18. Yes it is wrong, because Paris is currently GMT+2. People should learn the changes in timezones and seasons etc. Have a look here: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/france/paris
  19. Probably because on PvE it would be a major griefing tactic.
  20. I think you'll need to provide more details. How was it wiped, what happened etc...
  21. I reached lvl 51 yesterday and when I hit 36 DP's it increased to lvl 52.
  22. I mis-calculated the next date, I turned 90 today. Instantly sailed to the FoY, ran in, rejuvenated, turned around, loads of stuff spawned, I managed to run out of the cave alive and back to my ship. Look forward to the next visit 29-30th June!
  23. I'm not sure how many foundations it is, but it is "unique" foundations, so running in circles will not do anything unless it is a big enough circle.
  24. People can do with an island whatever they want. If they want to own an island that they have no interest in which means no-one else can claim the island then that's fine. If the Devs start enforcing rules around that then they'd need some damn solid evidence to take action. So no, there is no risk in it at all.
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