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Everything posted by PeglegTheAngry

  1. I don't see ships in a bottle being a thing unless it becomes a way to trade/steal ships
  2. Seriously. Performance has been improving in leaps and bounds. With a chinabrand 980 I'm pulling 40 fpson medium at all times. The team is doing SUPER well with preformance
  3. If it is soon, the next mega update will likely be several QOL fixes and more PvE content since PvE players are the more active user base at the current time. If it is later, I very likely see the developers implementing a system like the one I described in my "Nations" post, since this would help bring back lost players and cement Atlas as a proper MMO.
  4. Right now is a x2 gold event plus boosted maps. Go do some. I just filled my 56 point flag for the rest of the month on a few Journeymen
  5. 1. No, that gets deleted. 2. No, but neither does Offical 3. Not enough people for that.... thats also GS fault. 4. Yes. No one my server does anything about it because it's an Early Access exploit that will get patched. Goofy shit like this is in all EA games. 5. Yes. I've done it too on SP. Stacking a shit BP into a good one is not much of an exploit, and could be avoided if GS didn't rely on RNG to balance everything. 6. Yes. Depending on what was duped, they'd get banned, or warned. But thats a really tough one to prove.
  6. FOLLOW UP, Man... I guess this actually backs up what I said earlier. Other players make me want to quit. Look at the toxicty toward the devs on Reddit! Holy shit, talk about shooting yourselves in the foot.
  7. Alright first of all... you're right. The mongol hordes did run lots of lowbies off, but thats why American megaclans started winning the map. Look at TC. Those dudes CRUSH everyone. I can see them driving off all the smaller players, yes... but most of the time those players come back or opt for PvE. The issue is that the changes to competitive aspects scared off the megas. I've been in a few, still talk to people who ran them. The torpedo killed the game. Literally. Look at the drop off the day that thing got released. I do think SEA needs its own server. I mean, getting a ship blapped randomly is one thing, its a pirate game... its what we signed up for. Where it hurts is base raids, and thats why its actually a huge waste for megas to raid lowbies. What is the point in wasting my time for a meager amount of resources if there are 55 people at home farming 24/7?? That's a really lousy way to look at it. These were players who were upset at losing thousands of ships in minutes to a bad change. This was a chat set up by the devs to address concerns, Dollie left the chat as a result of people expressing their concerns (although I would have too). Let's put it this way: You know that survey McDonalds puts on their receipts? Now imagine if you filled that out, you went to the restaurant, hand them the code for your burger... and then teller for no reason at all... clocks out and kicks you out of the store.That's how it felt to those players. THAT BEING SAID, Considering it was No No No, I am sure they were being extra salty toxic buttholes about it... and Dollie was too stressed to handle it, nor should she put up with it. But... the fact is, it resulted in the loss of 200 or so players.
  8. It is as if your "points" are based on your own personal prejudice or something. Remember how I mentioned my HOA? I've heard this exact same line of trash you are giving me now about why we should kick the Mexican families out, kick the college kids out, etc. ALWAYS with the same bullshit excuses to justify their prejudice "its just DEMOGRAPHICS!" "It's not fair to US THE OLDER MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY!!!" "They belong in their own community!" "Their cooking stinks!" "Those college kids are too loud and drink too much!" "Everybody knows THEY are like that!!!" DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR TO YOU, WINTER? You know what else these same people do? Complain that you aren't addressing their concern and are instead telling them to stop being prejudiced (which is against our bi-laws, go figure!) FIRST OF ALL: YES YOU SHOULD TRY IT BEFORE YOU THROW YOUR HANDS UP. TRYING NEW THINGS WITH AN OPEN MIND IS AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF A HEALTHY MIND. Second: Toxic is subjective; personally I thing your segregationist attitude is toxic; but you and others may not hold such feelings. Again, if I wasn't prepared to take on or tolerate such attitudes... I would have muted and ignored you long ago. It is really not hard to ignore or mute people... I fail to see how that is an unacceptable concession for you to personally make. Absolute bullpucky. I changed several aspects based on feedback including yours. Moving on now. Okay. First of all. I only responded with Jat's response because you challenged me to do so. So you are just gonna have to get over that bit. Also, at no point did I ever say "everyone should be forced to play here" you did. REMEMBER WHEN I SAID I 'WASN'T TRYING TO REACH YOU, WINTER'. BECAUSE YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT A PLAYER WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS AND WOULD END UP ON A PvE UNOFFICIAL. Remember when I told you "personal incredulity is not an argument against something?" I am SO SORRY that I wrote my thoughts out in a concise manor in a way that devs could understand and implement it. It is becoming clearer and clearer to me you think people should behave how you want them to. This is just another pile of jimmies on that prejudice sundae. I really don't think it matters if they quit at this point. We are dipping below 3k on the daily. Why bother trying to appease those who are left if they are losing interest anyway?
  9. 1. Wrong. Just wrong. Don't be an asshole about it either. Why do you think console commands would magically work locally? Don't you think that the devs wouldn't allow that? I think you are putting too much thought into this. Hosting a server locally (one that must be connected to the main server, and verified to match the offical server's save) is not going to help people cheat. It would function in a similar way to Eve's space stations. 2. The game is dead. What they do now could only help, or do nothing. PvE players are not the target audience, nor should the devs be forced to maintain two game modes in four different servers. Seriously, what sounds harder to deal with? FOUR servers with two different rule sets, or ONE server with one ruleset? Making a bigger map is easy... you edit the oceanic .ini like all the private servers do! IZI PIZI. 3. Maybe thats something going on PvE worlds, but on PvP worlds, right after wipe heckin no one used lawless anymore. There are no griefers because.... they were the first ones to leave after almost every griefing method disappeared. They can only grief in lawlesss now.... and since no one lives in lawless, anymore..... well you know how this works.
  10. Uhhh... no. It has NOTHING to do with disappearing "bobs." The decline directly correlates with the decline of mega-companies. In my entire time in a mega company I never once saw anyone who wasn't a rival get "preyed" on. It would be a waste of resources. It's really hyperbolic to say that its because lowbies disappeared (as if they have anything to offer a 100 man strong guild.) We lost a HUGE amount of players because of the change to group limits and alliances. Torpedos were the death blow. Worse, right after torps came out, Dollie also, inadvertently killed a portion of the playerbase when she left/blocked a chat that was meant for the mega clans to talk directly to the devs; this was the last straw for No No No... their entire clan left after that. Put this "megas prey on lowbies" delusion to bed already; all of the ape-like behavior on lawless is from other small groups. Large groups got totally fucked by recent updates; because bobs complained, ones who still quit anyway.
  11. Not you guys. I'm talking about the players that seem to think their enjoyment will come to a screeching halt if we made X change that wouldn't actually effect them. Or the players on Reddit who whinged and whinged about mega companies... and look what happened. Mega companies got killed off so did the population... AS PREDICTED. Players who whinged and whinged about other people getting their stuff when they abandoned their base on PvE; so now we can't decay demolish or raize.
  12. I never said they can't interact. I gave you answers to exploits. People would still be able to trade and such, just not recently stolen goods.
  13. That's the only thing that currently lets you level up 125+ tames.
  14. Stop thinking about things as they are now. We have item owners and creators listed on items. This can be used to determine if something was stolen, therefor prevented from being stored in certain containers, thrown on the ground, etc. Chests placed in PvE made locked not matter what. There are always ways to prevent exploits. Winter.... the more you try to not make it seem that way... the more NIMBY (and I honestly have no better word for this) culturally prejudiced your posts get. There is just SO much in this one... I just... look at what I quoted. Let's just skip to the parts that are actually relevant to gameplay, and not about a disaffected person's tenuous grasp of sociopolitics and intersectionality in the age of the internet. Okay... so... again the italicized statement.... this is 110% a result of MMO games. They are clearly not for you if your concern is potentially negative player interaction, or being witness to it. You don't want to deal with other players who might get in your way or annoy you. So far the only issues you have addressed have been your concerns about having people interact and play in a way that does not please you. I wish that you would reconsider your position, and if the devs do implement such a system, simply out of respect for their efforts... give it a try.
  15. PvP companies would not have refuge in PvE areas. Their enemies would still be able to attack them. That means to keep thier stuff safe with someone else, they have to truck it across a PvP zone (dangerous), give it to someone else, go back, repeat... EVERY DAY.
  16. For the tames, don't let tames be declaimed again within 76+ hours of being declaimed. The same is true for boats. As for a dude turning over all of his mats and BPs? I dont see that as a problem because it is a MASSIVE undertaking to do this every time he wants to play. The convenience factor alone is all that is needed.
  17. There's the "self correction" method on which the enemy would kill the exploiter. There's the "in game" method which would add various levels of major inconvenience to it.
  18. Exploits get patched, lets move on from this. I was a member of Uganda, No No No, and a few other mega companies. Ive fought week long wars against Chinese flag spammers. Trust me, I know. But those differences don't matter.
  19. I haven't banned anyone in the six months I've been helping to run a server. Banning people because you don't like them is a bad way to run a server. Exploiting is as bad on unofficial as it is on official, and since everyone does it to some extent I can't punish anyone for it, neither can GS. Its too early on in development. A lot of programming changes can be done to prevent this. Don't think of the game as it is now. Think of it two years from now.
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