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Everything posted by LoneXS

  1. I'm sorry but arrogance of that statement is mind numbing. We stuck around because it was hard and because we want it to be better. To say 'if you don't like it leave' is the dumbest statement I've read in a while. Heck you didn't even make it past freeport in a group I assume judging by the way you describe it? Where as I managed to get my own patch after a month of scouting and smart play. Solo. And that would have only been easier if they had capped claims at the start. I'm not sure why your under the assumption that 99% of the people that have left put it down to land. Off the 12 or so people I know that played Atlas and ended up going back to Ark, not one left because of land. Different circles I assume.
  2. Directly from the patch notes: - Claim flags will no longer prevent enemy building. You can now build anywhere, and only structure build radius will prevent it. This does not apply to cannons and mortars, which will still require a claim flag. This is a non-default, which will be enabled on our PvP Networks. Unofficials can also use this as a custom server-side config. Is there a flag overlap with 'build all' enabled? it just takes one. I'm not able to build on any of my neighbours land...
  3. I also lived in 2 different lawless areas for about 3 weeks. First one was amazing, very friendly talkative group of people. Bought my first elephant from someone, went out hunting SOTD with a couple but space was at a premium. There was a lot of crap everywhere. Second zone was god awful, my neighbours were complete tools, no one really spoke in global and it was just the polar opposite. So I've experienced both ends on the spectrum. I think Lawless is a great place to start out and get a feel for things but nothing can compare to get your first bit of land knowing full well its yours and no one can ruin it.
  4. Its not just pillar spam, spam in general but yes that is a big factor. To give you an idea the beach I live on had several broken traps, 2 huts and a bunch of random foundation all over it. I removed it all when I took ownership. 9 metal nodes, a bunch of trees, rocks and fiber and a lot more animals spawned in. I've now place one public trap at the end of the beach, dropped the tax and people can enjoy it as a stop of point or come tame an elephant or giraffe. That scenario just isn't possible when its a free for all. Also time and effort is a small price to pay when it comes to griefing. Heck the time consuming process of luring a SOTD to someones base with the sole intention of sinking their ships and destroying their base when grabbing agro with a melee weapon should be the prime example. Now they can just slap a bunch of pillars outside your dock and hold you to ransom. Maybe that would add a new layer of RPing I guess, pay us 20k Gold or we'll foundation spam all your resources and block your boats in.
  5. Pretty much, lawless can be bad for it but Imagine what it will be like when you can spam them EVERYWHERE. Heck I don't like my neighbour, time to pillar in his boats. The trolling is gonna be crazy just like Ark
  6. You say your happy with the changes but I assure you your in the minority. Some of us have been there and done it with Ark already and that has some of the most toxic official servers you'll find in any game. Here in lies the problem, you gave up and left. Some of us kept plugging away, sometimes waiting weeks to snag a bit of land to call home and I'm solo 99% of the time. I don't want to live in a slum and thats why I put that effort in. If you enjoy living in a free for all environment theres a place for that. Flags are not the problem, not having a cap is. Imagine if companies were limited to 20 claims each, I can guarantee you there wouldn't be nearly as many red circles on the map.
  7. Thats odd, never seen Jat comment and rarely seen anything from yourself... You do realise thats the whole point of us being here to test the game. To bitch, complain and point out the flaws. If we all spent out time brown nosing we wouldn't achieve much. This a EA, I get that but the moment this game looks like it will end up Ark 2.0 it will be DOA. Removing claims and not just limiting them is the first step towards that reality. Oh and I watched the video, read the patch notes and clocked up 4k hours in Ark. What they suggested isn't a fix.
  8. My take away from what Jat said was that they would remove claim flags eventually. I would guess this is a first stage of sorts assuming this is coming from the test server? If they apply a radius to the repair box then that just adds to the stupidity. Its not going to stop griefing and to assume otherwise is just mind numbling dumb, if I want to grief someone with pillars or foundations I'll happily just replace them as they expire. I can bang out 200+ pillars in an hour with a few tames or just feed a few repair boxes I guess. And yes it will cut down on the clutter as stuff with naturally expire but you can also do that with claims. The land I snagged had several busted taming traps on it, took all of 5 mins to clean it up and get stuff spawning back in. But yeah I think you pretty much nailed it, instead of trying to limit these mega companies they are simply slapping on an upkeep instead. I guess if they put these changes in place I can give up on being a nice player trying to eek out a living for myself solo and spend 100% of my time trolling mega companies, its not as if I'll ever get banned for it.
  9. I can only assume you didn't put many hours into Ark PVE on official at least when there was land to be grabbed. Sansa Phoenix nailed it, if I want your land I will box you in, foundation spam your resources, places pillars in the sea just outside your dock and watch your ships go no where and I can assure you there is NOTHING you can do about it. The Devs have made it pretty clear that punishing griefing isn't a priority right now and using Ark as a template of what to expect, it will likely never be. People think it is bad right now but imagine the levels of griefing we can expect when you can build on anyones doorstep. The claim system makes 90% of that impossible.
  10. I agree 100%, that sort of content I can get behind. Quick, easy and adds a lot more variety without breaking the game. I'd love to tame a polar bear or get a dire wolf but instead I have to kill the Kraken to get a sub so I can tame a Crab or get another type of resource because 5 - 6 wasn't enough.
  11. So this is likely to be thread 9964+ on the back end of last nights stream but I am truly at a loss. The outrage that came across in the stream chat and the blissful ignorance shown by Jat, a hipster and someones grand dad. You do have to wonder if they are intentionally trying to kill their game. My take / feedback - Wipe: I don't like it but I get it, character wipe seems a little excessive but I assume they have a good reason for it. To state that it will be done at some stage this month is just stupid on so many levels, I mean seriously what is the point in playing atm. Oh right we get an ugly looking hat. If you plan to wipe then just do it in the next few days tops, to delay it and expect people to want to continue playing during that period is ridiculous. Underwater Trench + Sub: Why? I mean seriously just why? Its a bloody pirate game, at no stage do I remember anyone asking for a Sub or the ability to visit some poor mans Atlantis. Its been stated so many times but I need reiterate just in case it was missed during the last brain storming session over at Grapeshot - FIX STUFF FIRST then add more content. New claim system: I remember saying that you would break it before you fix it in another thread but wow you really went above and beyond to screw this up. I could scream and rant at how bad this entire cluster f**k of and idea is but that would be pointless. All you had to do was remove sea claims and limit land claims but no that would be to simple right? Instead you're gonna over complicate PVP and take a giant crap on PVE. Claim flags have been one of the few good things in this game, the biggest downside being they were not limited but instead were heading to Ark 2.0 with foundation / pillar spam on 60%+ of land. And I'm saying 60% because you're gonna lose a lot off your dwindling player base with these changes. Guillotine + Cosmetics: Pointless and a gimmick at best. Side note wtf is up with the cosmetics, outside of the peg leg and hook I want to look like a bloody pirate. The skins your all excited about look stupid.
  12. LoneXS


    Seems to be a re-occuring theme on PVE at the moment. Was speaking to guy in E3 with this exact issue and I feel bad for him as hes basically being trolled 24/7. Offered to swap a claim out with him and let him move next to me. I'll happily sit on a solo claim in the middle of a mega tribes turf even if only causes the smallest amount off annoyances to them.
  13. I mentioned most of that to provided evidence that a gold base claim system would be pointless. Taming was never the crux of my entire statement, but the ease in which you can obtain gold. Taming being one avenue. To put bluntly, tieing gold to claims is most the retarded solution to this very broken system and that would only change if they heavily nerfed gold income. Your absolutely correct but fear I that we'll be waiting a while before we see anything close to resembling a fix. If anything they are likely break it 3 - 5 more times before getting anything close to a fair system. Ofc they could just do the simple thing and cap claims but common sense is in scarce supply over at Grapeshot.
  14. This is the internet, people live to be annoyed and if some poor snowflake who grabbed 50 claims solo is about lose half off them I wouldn't lose an ounce of sleep over it. Same thing goes for these retarded mega companies that have taken multiple islands in several grids. You have to remember that vast majority of people do not have land and if they were able to get just 1 claim each they game would be much more enjoyable experience. However there are these elitist few that want EVERYTHING even at expense of anyone else. I also only have a handful of claims clustered on beach of an island owned entirely by one group that pushed everyone else out. And despite their best efforts when I initially setup I'm still here, my tax is 10% and I'm a damn site more helpful to people entering our grid.
  15. Gold is so easy to get its borderline broken. To give you an idea, last weekend I had about 8 maps clustered in one location ranging from 8.0 - 17.0 that took about 3 hours to do in my brig + bear and ended up with 20k ish gold. Another good revenue stream has been tames. With the recent x2 we had I tamed 4 Giraffs and a Rhino. Gave one Giraff away too some friends and sold the other 3 at 5k gold each, rhino went for 7.5k. I'm semi solo and this has all been done very casually. The real issue is we really don't have a huge amount off stuff too spend it on. Also its worth noting that tax applies to maps as well so these companies that own entire islands on multiple grids are getting a tonne of passive gold that could easily pay for a bunch of claims. So too sum up the only real fix for this cluster f**k of a system we have is to include ALL claims in the claim counter for a company instead off current system where its only the land claims in that grid. Also adjust the timers a little aswell, 50+ claims should not be tied to a 3 week timer. 1 - 20 2 weeks, 21 - 40 1 week ect. Mega-companies will bitch and whine but at least the game might actually be appealing to the other 80% who don't own land currently.
  16. As mentioned the usual culprits are claim overlaps with contesting parties, have a little search round and check any if there are some. Also sea claims will not give ownership to buildings. Yes they will generate a demolish timer but you will not be able to remove it. You need to drop a land claim over the building, once that's down it should belong too you.
  17. I'm sorry but what the hell are you guys smoking over @Grapeshot. This is another group off hard working players getting griefed by a Chinese company (pathfinder can be seen in the video) and thats your only response? I know the Ark Devs were well known for being completely useless in curbing the toxic elements but clearly lessons haven't been learned. Lets see in the last few days: And this is the first time we've been deemed worthy enough to get a response?Countless hours off lost progress for an ever shrinking community and now they can even knock you out in PVE with a mace. Bravo. I mean seriously what the f**k is going on over at grapeshot? should we just assume that they'll get punished eventually despite the fact you can't stop them regardless... Here let me do you a favour . *prevent people from being able too agro SOTD with bloody melee* *hire more GM's, your support tickets are beyond useless* *stop adding more crap and work on fixing the existing issues*
  18. Good job Latinoseb, with a bit off luck something might get done about this. Just a shame it happened in the first place @Dollie @Jatheish This is the second time on these forums they've been reported and judging by the efficiency they demonstrated I would hazard a guess its a frequent activity. Please do something about it. I know banning them will likely not work but at least it will slow them down. Second note, being able to agro a SOTD via melee is just insane, how is that a thing? These guys lost massive chunks off their bases due too that mechanic.
  19. Wow that sucks, seems pretty silly tbh. Though now knowing how much easier it is to protect a claim, being a semi/solo player it doesn't seem to be unrealistic to be able to protect a small chunk of land assuming you remain active or place a sleeper in the centre. Kinda been living out of lawless since playing as it never seemed realistic without a group.
  20. Ahh ok so you basically just have to be active in one of your claims and it resets every other claim you own or just over lapping ones? I did a quick circuit just now and its every single claim they own with the exact same timer. But there's also 2 claims that belong to a third party which show the exact same timer so does it also block out neighbouring claims if they over lap in some way?
  21. Have noticed some companies manage to keep their Claims in a perpetual state of 3 day protection but not entirely sure how its done. To give context I came across one company with 20+ claims all on one Island with every Claim stating 'Other Company PvE Claim Flag Upkeep 16xxxx seconds' each with the same timer. Now I've been passed it a few times taming Elephants and its almost always 15000 seconds on all the claims for this company and also on the half dozen claims that don't belong too them. I was under the impression if you wanted to reset the 3 day protection for a claim you had to take down each claim individual and replace it to restart the timer but going by this example you can lock down a whole Island by just reseting 1 claim repeatedly? (including blocking third party claims from being taken as it will state another companies claim was upkept recently) Am I getting this wrong and missing something or is this the actually intentional?
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