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Everything posted by TheCoolGuy

  1. what will a wipe change? not much. freeport will be unplayable again because megalaggs. the few nolifes who get out first will claim everything again until the masses get out of freeport and we will have the same situation again. the claim system needs hard limits first before you should do a wipe.
  2. 4000 spam posts in the next 2 weeks? possible for you right? spamming forum and watching football. now we all know what a low iq retard you are. thank you for that information.
  3. i dont even know what are you talking about mr no life 24/7 forum spammer. get a life loser
  4. shut up you nolife loser. nobody wants to talk to you. remove yourself
  5. explain! i have a neighbour on my isle and he claimed 70% of that island. i wanna sink his ships (PVE server). he is a pure greedy ashole
  6. the reputation "Do not buy" is active since day one dude
  7. 2 Claims per Person. 2 Sea flags or 2 land flags or 1 land and 1 sea. 2 Flags is better because you cant build a ship if you place your flag not on a shore. 1 Flag for coast and 1 for inland. Tax Bank is bad. Everyone uses 30% Tax. They would set it to 100% if they could. Do not support greed! Lawless zones should be wiped and changed into "normal" zones with claims allowed but before that the world needs MUCH MORE ISLES.
  8. looks like this "game" is getting worse by every hour
  9. I have a question. can you ram other peoples ships to sink them? I hope not
  10. yes me. i was in polar zone. the ONLY one in that zone and had insane rubberbanding. it fixed itself after 5mins. super strange
  11. still have all my ships including my first day raft
  12. aircraft and dragons should not be in the game. the only vehicle to cross the sea should be ships. reminds me of the flying mounts in wow, one of the biggest mistakes from blizzard.
  13. "Fuck off" is not an argument. remove yourself soyboy
  14. i have 70 Fort with Vitaminbuff. i only freeze to death under water at night or storm at night. happens every 5 days or so. i can live with that
  15. why the hell is it 5 hours now? if you cant protect your land then you dont deserve it. 5 hours is waaaaaaaay to long. one guy on my home isle has claimed HALF of the isle but he only uses one small area to build. nobody can take the land back because he has 5 fuckin hours to interrupt or some random guy interrupts. why in the fuck can random people just by walking into the area interrupt? MAKES NO SENSE
  16. same here. one wolve was inside my house stuck between a smithy and storage. happend this morning for the first time
  17. stop posting 24/7 get a life dude. and no SS means Sailing Ship or "Segelschiff" in german. shut up if you have no information
  18. oh please stop it. SJWs like you are worse. you wouldnt made this thread if the ship name was SS Stalin. SS btw means Sailing Ship. just shows how bad informed you are. same is with your history knowledge. you know nothing what happend.
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