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Everything posted by Archsenex

  1. They need to get the fires under control. There's actually not THAT many left. There are some. However, based on history with Ark, once they mange to get to "churn out content" it should be a pretty satisfying amount. They just gotta get the last few massive issues done, or all that content will just become "another thing on that broken game"
  2. This is the kind of thing I'm hoping they'll address on the stream today etc. Based on number of votes, there's a strong argument that this is among the top 3 bugs in the game (I know it's the only remaining bug that my group considers critical at this time). It's just frustrating that we're so close, but also that we're now closing on two months without a resolution or major response. @Jatheish @Dollie
  3. They don't help directly. Your ship turns faster if you have wind in your sails. They have wind in their sails at a bigger angle, so they'll help in more scenarios than speed sails, but the benefit is minuscule.
  4. Yeah, the problem with handling sails as a solution is that you are forced to open your speed sails too, and those take you too fast forward. It would work best if you had 3 sail arrays, installed sails onto those (speed or handling or weight, based on your desire) and could then control whether you were opening your speed or handling sails, otherwise you'll always go forward too much.
  5. If you could open and close your sails individually, there would be a lot of help, because then you could do 4 speed and 2 handling, leave your handling open during combat, and they give you the wind to turn. But even that's a oversimplification of where it should be.
  6. Oh, the whole sail system needs an overhaul. It's just like.... 6th or 7th on the pile of fires. 6 Masts, Handling Sails that don't really help your handling (they do a tiny but but not worth it etc). Tehy should have a much more in-depth ship customization system allowing me to determine if I want to focus on speed, turning radius, etc. Right now, there's no reason to ever use anything but 6 speed sails. Even cargo sails aren't worth it (by the time they help you, you're so slow you will die to SOTD every time)
  7. If it gets behind you, don't try to outmaneuver it, turn into it, rather than away. you'll take a volley but then your guns will be in range. The galleon probably needs the bad turn radius to make up for the speed, or it would be totally OP. On a straight, you're the fastest ship in the game. I often only go at half sail when hunting because I don't want to be too fast. Also, you turn faster with wind in your sails. That's why you want to turn before you get into combat, so that you still have that "cruising velocity" to work with. If you wait until you're fully stopped, you'll have no momentum and you've entered the "brick" phase of combat, where you basically have no choice but to tank everying. And finally, remember that you out weight-class the SOTD (they are brigs). Ram them if it comes to it.
  8. i go hunting on my galleon all the time, frequently taking out 20 or so on a trip. Once you learn to maneuver and attack in it, it handles just fine. The major things are that you don't let them get behind you in the first place, and if they do.. you can outrun them. However, I approach, turn before they get into aggro range, and unload my broadsides. I often fight 2-3 at a time this way, I drive into the center of the pack and unload. You just need to get used to bringing your broadside to bear first, rather than driving at them until they're in range. They will aggro onto you.
  9. If I've learned one thing in this game, it's that Signs are huge. People aren't psychic and it takes all of that out. "Why did this a-hole pillar spam this part of the island? Oh, there's a sign that says "XXX Resource, help yourself"
  10. About a third of players I've run into in pve are friendly, cool, and try to help you About two thirds are just here to play and keep to themselves, so no big deal. Many of them have really inconvenient buildings I have to pick over but they don't ACTIVELY try to hurt my play. Plus maps are totally random so I won't fault somebody for building in a nice spot if the system put a map there. The tiny fraction of players left behind by saying "about" in the two previous fractions are the toxic land grabbers, but they diminish every day. Even the foundation spam is dwindling to people mostly claiming about the distance of a couple claims on most lawless servers. Of the five lawless servers we have bases in, only one has aggressive "my land hands off" claimers. Everybody else seems to passively share, if not actively work together. Many islands have clearly put "courtesy protection" on resources, such as fence posts around metal nodes
  11. We've started having a "free stuff" closet that we throw our spare metal tools and seeds into... and anything else that we're just going to hoard for no reason.
  12. Make liberal use of signs. If you put up a "2 - hour parking" sign on your piers, it lets people know you're ok with people using it temporarily. I rarely park at other people's piers, although it's often the case that there is no pier where I'm going. I get around a lot. If there are Piers there, I usually base my decision on the amount of free space. The message on the claim bouy also matters, if there is one. If they List out the resources on their island, or state "feel free to park" I will of course. In lawless, I try to use signs or if it's obvious they've made multiple parking spaces and left them open. I never park overnight on another group's pier. I will always move to an "inhospitable" part of the coast, as in one where you don't have easy access to land without swimming. It prevents misunderstandings.
  13. Well yeah, everybody knows C6 is a complete joke. If all the islands were stupidly easy, there wouldn't be such a pileup
  14. Most items weigh less after crafting. There are exceptions. Thatch building parts are a big one because they massively reduced the material cost but never re-did the weight on the final product. Wood building parts weight WAY less when constructed than in materials. Wood walls go from almost 10 Kilos to 5.6
  15. I'm not noticing any change. Golden Servers are farmed to hell now. Some servers are clean, and some are piled up (mostly the desert). The spawn RATE on them is actually quite low. Only a few spawn every day. It's just that the maximum number is high enough that if nobody is killing them, a server can get quite a population. So it depends on if people are killing them.
  16. I would be for this... IF they put a 7 day cooldown on rejoining a company after you leave or are kicked out. To prevent people just leaving their company to gather a ton of stuff
  17. They need to add systems to create responsibilities for landowners to justify the tax. Things like making it so your tax rate is capped based on the number of ship of the damned or other elements that balance out the duties of a landowner to justify the taxes. Additionally, they could allow landowners to pay for upgrades to their claims, like turning down the spawn rate of hostile enemies, up the spawn rate of non-hostile, increasing the gather rate of specific resource types, etc. Actual infrastructure building. They should also allow me to no-shit tip landowners who make good infrastructure to make my life easier as a visitor. I'm SO tired of seeing a map pillar and there's a ladder nearby that is blocked by a locked door. Hell, let them set up a toll booth even. The current tax system isn't a tax at all.
  18. You can fill the waterskins from the tap. It has four slots for waterskins, so you can make like 12 of them, fill them all up, put them in your grill and kick off the cooking, then rotate them
  19. I think I must have hit one in the ocean myself. Only took one pulse of standard ramming damage but sheesh was it silly. And invisible. Are they always on the surface? I saw nothing.
  20. a death seems to have reset things, however the crow I picked up in that state and threw has poofed into nothing
  21. I'm trapped in my house... I also cannot interact with object with inventories for which Access Inventory is not the default action (Forge, Grill, etc.)
  22. Might I suggest: Remember that Behemoth Gate only walls (e.g. ones that aren't properly anchored onto real walls) would be single item structures
  23. It has a high chance of happening on a server restart, but it's not the only time. Sometimes, when we go to our corpse right after dying, it has happened. And sometimes, just logging in without a restart will give us gear that's been poofed. It's important to remember that when the server puts a portion of the game into stasis, it writes it out of memory and that could be part of it, however we've had it happen in fully active zones where we die, our pillar is visible from the respawn, and when we get there an item has bugged out.
  24. You aren't. The problem is that they're actually still equipped, in a way. If you take something from your bar and swap it with the "empty" slot, you'll see it's still there without a cooldown.
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