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Everything posted by azmoodeus

  1. Please change fire elementals with the wipe. Either replace them with cyclops or create an way to effectively deal with them. I mean wtf, they're noclip zooming across the terrain shooting one-shot fireballs that are sometimes homing and are only killed by roughly 40-50 ballista shots and they drop nothing. Getting an aneurysm just thinking about having to deal with that shit again.
  2. I understand wiping land and mats because they're making some severe changes to just how claims and land works. Keeping that would surely mess things up. However correct me if I'm wrong but our characters are not tied to any of those systems so why would they wipe those? The point about wiping for "muh newbies" is moot. There's always gonna be someone new to the game (or not considering the bad press the game has).
  3. It's early access. There's bound to be game breaking bugs, half-assed cheat protection, bad balance and an unfinished list of content. If that wasn't the case then they could just have straight up released the game. Quit moaning and move on until the game has had a few patch cycles.
  4. I think the game is heading in the right direction. "40 cannon schooners" lol nowhere close to reality, nice hyperbole. That ship is gonna be fat as fuck, close to unmaneuvrable and an easy target.
  5. It's not worth to have on a main character unless your sole purpose in the company is to craft. Either get an alt or ignore it. How int works is that every BP item crafted have a minimum roll and a maximum roll. Minimum roll stays the same more or less but the maximum roll increases with higher int. Some mock numbers: 150% int=0,1% bonus min roll, 4% bonus max roll 250% int=0,1% bonus min roll, 12% bonus max roll
  6. Tried doing one of the powerstone islands just now that contains fire elementals. Who the fuck thought they were a good idea? Massive aggro range, flying (noclip more or less), Fast fire dumbfire fireballs, homing fireballs and they are only reliably killed with ballistas. On top of that they got a 3 minute respawn timer. Now add 3-5 more of them to the entrance of the cave alongside gorgons, wolves and lions that grab you. Cleared out the entrance with ballistas and tried to make our way in just to find that the first one spawned back in again when we were close to the entrance. Blapped us and now we were stuck trying to get our corpses with all mobs respawned. Woho. Amazing gameplay. Not gonna continue with powerstones that contain fire elementals. It's just the most broken mob I've ever seen.
  7. Can't even tell if it's a troll or not. Excessive caps and a general amount of REE. Def a kid
  8. Rebalance stam regen on some of the animals (elephant and rhino comes to mind). It's pretty clunky gameplay to gather for 20 sec and then wait for 40 sec for it to regen again. Rhinos are fairly useless when it comes to metal gathering and this is due to carrying capacity. Increasing carrying capacity would be one way to balance it or just change how much metal weighs. Currently it's much easier to just go and gather it yourself.
  9. Think the patch broke some of the powerstone island bosses or I've just had really bad luck. Been to C6 and O7 with no hydra in sight. Waited around the spawn area for 30-60min and no show.
  10. Logged in to check if I got my powerstone gem and discovery points back. I did not. Logged out again.
  11. Logged in this morning (did powerstone last night) and now my powerstone is gone from my compass. What the hell?
  12. Same server. Seems like they have a persistence issue when it comes to discovery points. There were no crashes or rollbacks it just disappeared.
  13. Did a powerstone run and got my discovery points up to 87. Travelled across the border and it went down to 37. I still have the stone in my compass and relogging doesnt fix it. Also tried fast travelling between beds but still doesn't work
  14. To me it just seems like most features in this game have been more of an afterthought or just "this feature would be cool lets do it". Most if it lacks depth or any considerations to "what if" questions. It feels like an amateur mod that was cooked up without any real playtesting to see if the features were fun or feasible. Examples being sap requirement to stone structures which arctic regions already desperately need for their armor to even remotely survive. I mean just look at the patch notes where in one they buff discovery points to 3 per zone and then just a small hotfix later they reduce it back down to 1 per. It screams a divided development team and everything seems rash and not thought out. I agree with OP on the aging mechanic on all points. It doesn't belong in a MMO (as the game is advertised as). Also placing the fountain of youth just a few meters in front of the powerstone altars just screams lazy. "Meh fuck it lets just place it here, it'll save us some time"
  15. Who's going to be our William Wallace?
  16. Seriously wtf is this shit? 1 cyclop every 5 meters and inbetween them there are high lvl wolves etc.etc. Very balanced
  17. gems for arrowhead, alloy for the arrow body and a tamed chicken (needs to be sacrificed) for the feathers. Output=1 arrow
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