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Everything posted by Nokim

  1. it does make a difference im lvl 64 now, i have put all points into int to craft bps. the highest i have seen is +9%crafting bonus and that seems rare to get. i can get +6% crafting pretty easy +8%not so commonly.
  2. btw... galleon with 5 sails? you messed up your placement. They can run 6. I run 4 large weigh sails that, blue quality that each add 1.4k weight= +5.6k and 2 large master craft speed sails that each give me a +14.6% speed boost.
  3. galleons for sod killing purposes is a waste of time. especially with side cannons, thats a massive waste of ammo. as only a small % of them would effectively hit, not to mention who the heck wants the repair bill on a galleon taking side hits? I did the sloop, but you are limited in how high an sod you can do. Speed of taking them down seems to matter for quality of loot. I did a 9 large cannon schooner and that did a pretty good job, but would sometimes take quite a bit of damage. Then i moved to an 18 large rear cannon 600ammo carrying brig.Then i went the extra mile and aligned all 18 cannons to hit a 1x1 foundation at max range. The results are that i not only not waste ammo but taking down sods solo is almost laughable. I can 1 shot at max range anything under lvl 22. I can 2shot anything under lvl 40. I'm running blue quality cannons. I have no armor, crew space of 28 and i run fast enough to outrun any sod with full ammo. yesterday i took down at lvl 36 and 2 lvl 25+ at the same time, i think only the red managed to land 1 hit on me. the entire battle lasted like...4 or 5 reloads worth of time. by the time i was down to 15/400ammo, the biggest repair i did was 1 cannon that had lost 2k hp. honestly i think the galleon is only good as a mass carry mule, not worth using as a sod killer.
  4. its pretty simple, you want gold. go kill whales. you want ship uprades you go kill SODs. Honestly the SODs are less effort than whales to me. Cannon upgrades are nice, but i moslty solo them for the Speed sail upgrades. soloing a lvl 35 sod doesn't take that much effort.If anything i wish they would drop trasure maps according to their difficulty, that would be great. Edit: btw i use 18 large cannon on rear of brig. i 1 shot lvl 20s at max range and 2 shot lvl 35s. I don't get touched. My brig carrys 400rounds so i can sink them for quite a while.3 Speed sails and i get around at a decent speed.
  5. The problem i find with mean whales is that there is an insane mounts of them. if you are in a galleon you are screwed if you plan to carry anything. last time i took a galleon i kept my weight t 50% so i figured id be ok..WRONG! I first crossed and spotted one to my right, ok np i just kept going, before long it was behind me. Then i wee on to the left, ok np i turn to the right a bit before i turn left a bit againt o go in my direction. so now i have one behind nd one south west of me. Next thing i know i spot one coming at me north west and one north east, ok np ill just keep going straight and speed past them. Just then i spot on straight in front of me. CRAP. i cant turn left or right, sure as hell can't do a u turn as i have 2 behind me and this turns like a turtle. So i take my chances and try to speed past the front one at an angle. Few seconds later im getting ping ponged by 5 meanwhales. I got smashed so hard i somehow ended up riding on top of a mean whale, glitching in and out of it, watching it do circles around the wreckage. considering their agro, range and the fact they give discovery point and tons of gold if you do kill them, they should be more rare..like 3-4 PER SERVER. I once raced in a schooner on a straight line , by the time i cross the border i had9!!! mean whales chasing, ridiculous.
  6. thanks, i'll try it out tonight
  7. Does anybody know of a way to change the ammo type while driving? i can see all the different ammo icons on the lower left along with ammo count. is there a way to switch it?
  8. maybe you should try it. i have horses and rhinos, the average horse can get to 2700weight and thats with a lot of effort, the average rhino can reach 3k+ weight pretty darn easy. I don't pay attention to raw numbers but i guarantee you the rhino can gather more per hit than you can, even more with melee buff,as a bonus the rhino recovers sta very fast, can run MUCH faster than you can, and can defend itself even from alphas.
  9. Uhhh... I'm not sure why nobody else has noticed but uhh... theres actually 3 options for thatch. bear= from plants that give roots (BEST)10/10 bull = from trees (mediocre)4/10 .......... ..... RHINO=from trees (Great)8/10 How does nobody know that Rhino are actually fantastic at gathering thatch? Oh and btw..they are also fantastic for gathering honey...yes...HONEY.
  10. ok so i took it out tonight and pushed my lil destroyer schooner to its limits. but first...the sniping demo... once i was warmed up it was time to show you how much a schooner can do.
  11. alphas have been nerfed so hard..im not sure what to say other than your bears suck. I got bears with 1k health 1.5-2k carry weight and any of them can take on an alpha anything.Lions are just tough because they grab you almost instantly. but a bear should be able to hold its own long enough for you to come back for it or bring reinforcements. personally i use the skill of watching my surrounding and i have not had a surprise attack for weeks.
  12. Heat waves, they come and go, they kill you, they kill your breeding tames. Theres no avoiding them. thatch, wood, stone going inside of any building does nothing to reduce the heat, going on shadows does nothing. other than going into the ocean to get wet, all you can do it watch as you DIE. being inside a building should give resistance to heat/cold. also cooling alternatives. currently the penguin can heat you up when too cold. we need something that gives a cooling aoe buff not just to ourselves but to our baby tames.
  13. Nokim


    schooner + ballista = dead whale.
  14. There seems to be a relation between how quickly you kill them and the loot you get. at first with my schooner it took a while to kill them and i got nothing but common bps from greens, eventually killed yellows and i would get the occasional green bp, maybe a blue with some luck. I have since gotten considerably more efficient and deadly vs SODS, im still using a schooner, but i have noticed if I 1 shot green sods i am guaranteed green bps, yellows now give me green and a few blue bps. because i 4 shot em. red are giving me blues and some masterwork bps. I can't say the loot is bad , i feel its about right considering i have only gone up to lvl 30sod with my schooner. But how quickly you take them out seems to matter. I posted my schooner set up on the PVE sod post. edit: a bit more gold would be nice. getting 20g out of a lvl 20 seems a bit low. when a whale that is much easier to get, can give you 1k+
  15. I believe I have got my schooner as good as it gets. I figured out a way to align my 9 cannons to hit within a 1x1 or smaller at max range. That means i can manually aim and hit with all 9 shells at max range 99% of the time. with default cannons at 2,200 average damage per shell I could hit a lvl 24(94khealth) and have it half health before its even closed50% of the distance. best case scenario i would kill it before it hit me with more than 3 shells, worst case id lose 1 plank and take light damage in front. Upgraded to 115%green cannons, damage per shell 2,750. I was able to take down a lvl 27 red(109k health) with nearly the same results every time. at best id lose only 1 plank at worst id lose 1 plank+1 cannon.I was nailing it for over 20% of its health at max range on first salvo. I haven't found any but i believe a lvl 30 on frontal cannon schooner is very doable.I have 145% sturdiness so even if i solo, losing 2 planks should be no big deal.When i lose 1 plank i can literally stare at open space for 3+ minutes before i start seeing any water actually come in. I did find bp for 124% cannons so i think ill use it for my 18cannon frontal brig. I should be able to 2 shot lvl 30 sods with that. *as a side note with 300ammo i go about as fast as a sloop at 80% weight. but with 200ammo i can move fast enough to outrun any SOD.
  16. I have more or less solved the occasional ram problem. My biggest issue right now is that the schooner is hard to aim with because it turns so damn fast even when at 90% weight.running away is not an issue as long as im fully repaired soloing a yellows is not that big of a concern. i'll make a video later to show what im talking about. But my brig is for sure going to be frontal cannons now that i have some things figured out. that first salvo of 18 or 24 cannons will just about obliterate a red on the first hit if i align the cannons right.
  17. i already do this. I use reverse to back my ship into the shipyard and park it there. I created the shipyard parallel to my dock and made a ramp for easily getting in and out of the shipyard.
  18. on one side of the map we have a small outpost of gems, with its bank nearby. On the other end of the map we have a base with its own bank. apprently 1 bank gets the materials from both islands while the other gets nothing. either reduce the range a bank can collect from or make both banks capable of sharing materials.
  19. i think you just need to lvl up your schooner. As you can see I have 9 large cannons on the front. I carry 300large cannon balls, 1k thatch, 1k wood, 250metal, 100alloy bars, 200-400 leather, 1k fiber. It takes about 7-9 sods before i am out of ammo and have to head back and end up with plenty of left over mats for repairs.So far the worst i have done is replace 1 plank per trip. Last couple of nights I have been hunting sods and I have gotten much more efficient at it. Turns out another benefit of large frontal cannons is easier aiming as you mentioned but also the ability to Manually Hold and Snipe aim easier. I have learned to use the range guide lines that only appear if the cannons are in sight of your mouse aim spot, to synchronize 9 shells into landing in 1 spot at max range. With a bit more practice i think i can take out red ships solo before they even get close enough to shoot back.
  20. yea i've seen those standard armor your ship with tons of little guns on the sides approach . doesn't fly too well with me. most of them take massive damage and can only handle green low lvl green ships. My design is kill first before you get killed. Made a vid last night pushing my limits a bit on higher risk ships. With someone to repair for me i think i could possibly take on a red with my schooner. Easier once i finally upgrade my cannons as im running with vanilla cannons right now. thats my schooner build. i'm working on a brig version with 18-24 frontal blue quality 115%damage boosted cannons that i'm hoping to smash red ships with.
  21. I'm curious as to what designs people have come up and what your best success was. First i started with a sloop, yes a sloop with 3 canons in the back. was good enough to drop ships below lvl 9 as they gave chase. Then i moved up to schooner(9large cannons) and i can drop up to lvl 20 yellows with minor scratches if touched at all, maybe one plank lost at worst case. I believe i may be able to take out a red but that is untested as of yet. Next will be a brig(18large), and i believe i can take out reds and orange with it...but remains to be seen. cept for sloops 3 rear canon design, the schooner and brig will are all forward cannon design. I don't use any side cannons. has anybody used a schooner to kill Red+ what configuration did you use? how many cannons and what type?
  22. if you are interested i play in a very arge 6x6 unofficial with all 700+islands soon to be 9x9. My company of 15 PVE players is all active and we do all kinds of stuff together, whaling, sod hunting, trasure maps etc. eventually power islands/bosses even occasional PVP as half of the 6x6 is actually pvp zones. you are welcome to come join us and do your own thing an join us for adventures.
  23. as you saw in my video sneaking is not even required if you start from the belly and inch your way towards the face. I tame rhinos the same same..i NEVER get hit. I have 0 points into sneaking, its not necessary. Arguing its broken because you can't feed it from behind the head is about as legit as complaining you used to be able to feed it from its butt and now you can't. Get over it, things get changed. Some animals you can feed from behind the head some you can't ..or shouldn't. example the bull, can be fed from behind the head but getting hit by the horns is like 80%, or you can feed it from the belly and its 0% of getting hit. Carnivores can be fed from the front face is 90% of getting your face eaten, belly is 50% and back of the head is 0%. rhino, elepant, bull = belly tiger, wolf,bear, tiger = back of the head
  24. easy peasy. I don't even use traps anymore. Did this video this last Friday real quick.
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