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Everything posted by Kidori

  1. It's a visual bug. Even though it shows 29 when you put the level in it will only give you 19 (to use your numbers as examples).
  2. The shaded bar on the left side of the skill shows how many prerequisites are known. If it's half full, you have half the prerequisites. If it's full, you know all the prerequisites and can learn that skill.
  3. Kidori

    Help .....

    They're typically pretty good about responding to ownership issue tickets, so I hope they're able to help you in a timely manner. Moving forward, I would recommend starting your own company again (and staying in it) to avoid more problems. Just remember that if you ever want to join someone else's company you choose the option to Merge rather than Join.
  4. Kidori

    Help .....

    Unfortunately there isn't anything you can personally do to fix it, a GM will have to assist you. Submit a support ticket and hopefully you'll get a response soon.
  5. I kind of want this in the game now. Better than a cannon bear, you can one-man it by carrying a torch on your belt and eating some wild beans.
  6. Stick them in a cage. Cages have one of the highest priority on loading in. I haven't lost a small animal in a cage yet. Note: "Yet" being the key word.
  7. Kraken was nerfed to hell. It's easy mode now. Power stones were always easy. One person with a basic ship with no upgraded parts can do all of the above. Can't speak for hard mode Kraken at the end of the trench quest line as I haven't made it that far yet.
  8. The system we have now feels like a placeholder to me, just testing out the island ownership concept and the kinds of issues they're going to run into with it. They had announced the mega update too early and didn't have enough time to make the kind of drastic changes required to properly see their vision come to fruition. They kept people waiting far longer than they were comfortable with and they needed something functional to roll out. They've already announced their next mega-update so it kind of solidifies the theory. That it's months down the line suggests to me that they're trying to give themselves plenty of time to make drastic alterations. Looking forward to the next captain's log where they give some more details on those changes.
  9. Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, just pointing out that there's more than one reason the population has been decreasing. Can't really point the finger at any one thing, the game has plenty of different things going against it. I do think the game needs a proper overhaul, and I also think factions are the best direction for the game to go in. It would solve a lot of the game's issues, and the developers seem to want to have a place for both large and small companies and have them working and living together and the only way I can see that happening is with a faction system. I had written a long-winded suggestion for it months ago but the wipe announcement and claim system kind of dominated the conversation.
  10. Well the reasons for the population decline are numerous and can't be linked back to any one reason. Firstly this game has never recovered from the poor reputation and reviews it got because of the issues on launch day. You go to the comments section of any Atlas article on any PC gaming news site like PCGamer or Rock Paper Shotgun and you'll just see people trashing the game, almost all of whom have never played beyond the refund window on launch day, and anyone defending the game is automatically wrong and labeled a shill. Couple that with some unflattering YouTube videos and the mostly negative Steam reviews and you have very few new people joining. Then you have a large number of people that bought the game, played for a while and realized that the game wasn't what they thought it was. There's a lot of people out there that don't really "get" the game, and that's due in large part to a big difference in how the developers marketed the game and how it was marketed by third-party sources. There's also a crowd that come in just to check the game out but are waiting until full release to actually play. The PC gaming landscape has changed a lot since ARK came out and a lot of people have been burned one too many times by early access games and either won't touch them until release or only jump in once in a while to check out updates. The biggest drop in player count was due to the premature wipe announcement, and is something I hope they don't repeat but have a feeling they will. And then you have the people that played the game, did everything they wanted to and got bored and moved on to another game who may or may not check the game out again at release. But there are also a lot of people that have left because of bugs, or griefers, or bad design decisions, etc. It's hard to nail down exactly how many people have left for each cause, but it's certainly a mix of reasons and not just one.
  11. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but really they need to nerf the hell out of lawless and make it untenable to live there as per their original intention. The only real way to make it sustainable for smaller or more casual companies to own islands is to have tenants living on their islands. The costs are meant to be controlled that way, but with so many people living in lawless it's simply too expensive to maintain islands, especially larger ones. That's why there are so many unclaimed large islands. My company is large enough to claim a large island but we've deemed it cost prohibitive to do so and instead are just living as tenants. We could either claim the island and pay the upkeep, or at the same cost have a fleet of up to 60 crewed brigantines. But back on topic yes the cost of claiming the island is equal to the amount you have to pay in upkeep.
  12. Kraken was nerfed to hell and is easy to solo. The only challenging part of it is just carrying enough cannonballs.
  13. I don't disagree that the current system needs more work, or that it's not the best route they could have taken, especially for PvE. That said, if the question is "why the devs are so obssesed with imposing a lord system," That has been on the Steam game description since the game was announced, and it's not a long leap of logic to assume that if you're not one of the governors/lords/dictators then you would be one of the people living under them. I've been aware of the direction they want to take the game since before I bought it, not the exact details but the general direction. I liked what I read and believed their vision was a good one so I bought it. And I still think it's a great vision, it's just the implementation that's not so great. But Grapeshot has shown a willingness to change even the core mechanics of the game based on feedback so I think it's highly unlikely that what we'll have at release is the system we have now.
  14. Because that's a part of their vision for the game, and we were told about it before any of us purchased the game.
  15. Yeah we have 12 other companies on our island but the flag is only counting one settler.
  16. I... Had really hoped they had learned a valuable lesson about announcing things like that so far ahead of time.
  17. And remember kids, never let syphilitic insanity go untreated.
  18. All the power stones and the Kraken are definitely doable solo. It's really not even difficult, you just have to go in prepared. Just wanted to throw that out there...
  19. - Ramshackle sloop weight capacity has been reduced to 1200 - Raft weight capacity as been increased to 1600
  20. Sometimes this forum just needs a little positivity. Now I just have to unlock the guillotine...
  21. Smithy > Structures > Cliff > Enjoy
  22. I've been playing Atlas since release, and after the wipe my boss from work picked up the game and joined my company. We went out to go do some treasure maps, and when we got to the island both of our vitamins were low so I grabbed some poop from my shoulder monkey and told my boss to eat it and respawn before we got off the ship. So I not only got away with telling my boss to eat shit and die, but he actually went and did it. I'm living the American dream, and it's all because of Atlas. Thank you, Grapeshot.
  23. Necro because still relevant.
  24. Kidori


    ^ This. The information here is for the uninitiated. When we get the inevitable dozen posts complaining about how buggy/broken the test server is, feel free to copy/paste.
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