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Everything posted by ExplodingYeti

  1. For me it does that when i'm kicked, disconnected from the server, or the server is crashing. I have to restart the client. @DARCEK it's an anti cheat
  2. I actually had to put single foundations near my house next to some metal spawn that were walled off, decayed and destroyed. Didn't think for a sec, put up a foundation before someone wall it again (lawless zone).
  3. You need proof to put that in the dev nose, because apparently they think it's a visual bug (that's what they said on stream chat last night). So if you have video or picture showing that the damage is in fact real and largely more important that a normal mortar shot, well fill a report to them with the proof.
  4. ok it happened again this morning when i first tried to move my boat after relog, i make some screens. Here i just slightly turned the boat, and you can see half of the crew flying, if i moved the boat forward they would just disappear in the horizon, have to unseat them all and put them back on their job to have them stick to their position in the boat.
  5. look like the company id on the spout is wrong or not attributed to the guy that create it. The spout show company id 0. In any case i cna't fill or open inventory from spout that was create with shovel.
  6. There is a post somewhere with a tweet from some dev saying it's an oversight with the armor adjustment.
  7. Our lawless island in pve Eu was raided a few days ago by a company that sunk at list 10+ ships, people were obviously watching helplessly because they put signs everywhere naming the company and telling people to raise their ladder. Thing is in boats like sloop you don't need ladder to enter if there is a little bit of waves. My sloop was sunk, and stripped naked. Hopefully it was just a back up for me, but i saw brigs been down along the shore. Company name is 'Boozuallok'. How the fuck diodn't they fix that already or at least told us they are working on this...
  8. Ye a lot of the time some random guy showed with a mounted tame while i was doing maps, and they helped so it's probably possible.
  9. Well with the resource not respawning bug and islands going naked in a matter of hours, you can now see how some people are just fucking stupid and just abuse weak game mechanisms. Some people just spam foundations everywhere they supposedly want to settle on or more likely just want to have a back up, but they probably do that everywhere a place seam 'nice' to them, and you can see that some just spam for no other reason than spamming. And honestly it's the same thing with claim, why are you guys letting this kind of behavior in your game, it's like a fucking gangrene or something. Not even talking about people that have so terrible building skill and just destroy the beauty of the game with all those half assed constructions, some guys cover half island with ceiling/foundations everywhere, they fucking gate off any passage in their island. Can't you just limit this kind of behavior, give one fucking claim/foundation zone to every single person, just give a bigger radius as your company grow members, and that's it. Why a moron can ruin everyone else experience is beyond me. And ye blabla freedom blabla, i get that, but this have nothing to do with that it's just bad game mechanism. It's terrible for the moron that put all them up because he is unable to check them constantly, it's bad for the people that try to find a location it's terrible for anyone going through the fucking zone because it look like unfinished communist project. It's just terrible from any side you look at this "problem", which shouldn't be one because the whole fucking game is about people having some territory to play with. I mean you guy had all this already in Ark, so much so people had to play in private server to avoid this fucking mess. Why keep on doing the same trash over again in a new game???
  10. So that's the second time it happen to me, last night and this morning, i have 16 crew guys on my schooner, they are set on cannons and what not. Now already the second time i log in, raise anchor and raise sail and i see all of them fly away from the ship in the air. They keep their "formation" as they are set in the boat, like 2 raw of cannons, but it's obvious their coordinate isn't attached to the ship but rather ahead of it. And the further i go with the shit and you see those guys disapear at the horizon. SO i try to go back asap to the same spot i anchored the boat so those guys fly back near it, have to swim to grab them in water, put them all in the boat praying for no shark, and set them back at their job. Also when you look at a cannon it say it's manned but the npc i in the air miles away... TDLR the coordinate of the npc ai is messed up if you log off and log in later. In the same gaming session this thing don't seam to happen. Last thing i forget, once i came back with all my crew swimming, no fucking way i could whistle the ladder to go back, i had to kill myself, respawn on the boat to put the ladder down... So it seam that loosing relative coordinate also affect other thing in the boat. You guys should check that.
  11. I hope they will patch this asap, thanks to who ever posted the dev team comment, at least we know what's going on.
  12. Are they unoffical with enough grid so that sailing is not sub par? I'm genuinely interested, as i only tried offi. I remember i never played offi in ark though, but the first few days. Are they a lot of unofficial with at least 6x6 grids?
  13. Thanks guys, i tried to hold e and only the drink option appeared, probably because the water skin was in an other slot than slot 1... I'll try later when i log back in. Well I tried and it doesn't work one more bug to add to the list i guess as it seam to work for some but not others.
  14. If you use fire arrow (easiest way) you should know that a direct hit won't do shit (ye i know it make no fucking sense but whatever, it's how it work), you actually need to aim at their feet so it light a fire under them (most of the time they will walk on it if you aim close enough). I needed someone to explain and show me, that's why i take a few minute to post here.
  15. I know it's a stupid question and i'm probably dump for not being able to figure it out, but for the life of me i can't manage to do it, tried everything.
  16. Because the game is just 90% broken. EA is not an excuse at all, plenty of EA games were running decently. Not a single feature of this game was coded properly. Yes the game is interesting and fun, bring a lot of things other games don't. But that's probably why people hate on it rather than just ignore it. Look at the thing that way, if people hate it and criticize it, it's because they really want to play it but physically can't. They just wouldn't care about it and just ignore it, if it wasn't the case. People really wanted a game like this, see how many top streamer hopped in the first wagon, it was day one one of the most watched game on stream, way to waste your change honestly. You don't hate someone you never meet, you only hate people you know that act like dump assess. They had all the experience needed with their previous games.
  17. Why would it be claimable, without lawless this game would be unplayable for a majority of players. I personally won't touch the claim system with a 10foot pole until they fix it, it doens't work in pvp neither in pve. Without lawless the game would be unplayable, that would be an immediate uninstall from me, that's for sure. Also lawless as of right now probably have the best communities. Also if people think they changed the region spawn on lawless as a step to put back the game into full FFA, people are down right wrong. They did it because spawning in lawless region is so fucking broken it's just beyond any hope, and they probably have no way to fix it properly or in a decent time. So to explain people, if you set your default respawn region to a lawless, out of 20 time you'll respawn 10 to 15 time under the world and die obviously, the rest you'll spawn in the bottom of the ocean miles away from any island, die from sharks or exhaustion. Once in 20 you'll actually spawn in an island or next to it. It's so damn broken it's it's ridiculous. If you don't believe me try it while you can. This process is so frustrating it must push any new player to uninstall the game before even reaching land. Also i personally diodn't care i did that just to try, i had a few beds already. I am just absolutely stunned by the state of the game.
  18. no it's an other chest you get from whatever skill line is need for ai crew, let me check... skill is called 'basic of crew' in the captaineering tree, it's one of the first skill, give you food and resource boxes for crew. PS grapeshot, why even hide skill you didn't unlock how can you make an intelligent choice if you don't even know what a skill tree will give you, let us see all the damn skills. It's such a bad design choice.
  19. Hi devs, sorry if this post once more look very negative from me, but the entire option thingy in your game is so so bad, i don't think i ever played a game with such bad option/keybind tweaking. I'm pretty sure it work really well if you are an US/Uk resident, but for anyone that actually need to change the default settings it's absolutely trash, if not impossible. To the point i actually need to use a US keyboard setting while playing the game, naturally i have completely different keys (i use azerty). Even in Windows using multiple keyboards is just a fucking mess so you guy from grapeshot aren't the only culprit. I talk 5 languages so i know what i'm talking about. So in short, if i want to use 'z' instead of 'w' to go forward, ok simple change right? you then now have to also change this setting to go forward while on a boat wheel (it's an other setting on the second page of input setting), well now it reset the going forward with your character, so basically you cannot change it on unless you want to use a super wonky setting. It's just so fucking bad and nerve inducing. So i use an English keyboard setting to avoid that and use default setting, the thing is that every time i have to type in chat or alt tab to use a browser, i also have to change the keyboard, if I don't; half of my letters are just wrong, it's so fucking bad and nerve inducing you wouldn't believe it, i did put a keybind for each my keyboards in windows, but come on, in all other game you can change the setting without problem, why is it one in your game? This just because some setting overlap for no fucking reason at all. The same exact thing happen if you want to tweak your video setting/keybind and messup up, if you revert to default it put all the fucking setting to default, not only the tab you change but everything, and you have to do it all over again. Since i use a low, mid computer i have to keep in check my cpu/gpu temp so my video setting are top priority, i can't even count now the time i had to do them all over again, honestly fuck this shit. So while writing this i managed to find the ini file for input and graphic setting and tried to change them, make a copy if something is messing it up. So i managed to tweak them but you forgot a few line of code here (im not a coder by profession but have so much experience in games i usually can figure those things and make small mods). There is no line for turning the wheel left for example. Once i added those everything could be set up properly.
  20. They are youtube video about the end game boss of atlas. Basically guys with private server, using admin commands to spawn everything, and try to kill the damn thing. Well it doesn't seam to work very well, nothing really strange. Most games also do that they code their end game content only once a good % already reach it and they are kind of forced to actually do something. The video i saw, the boss spawn so fucking much damned, them alone would wipe out any big streamer fleet with hundred of naked fan boys in seconds, not even talking about the boss itself.
  21. Honestly Bow and tame being stronger than guns, just don't make any sense. But the problem is just more subtle than what make sense and what some might want. They actually need to make guns good to begin with. When i need 2 gun shot to kill an animal, well it's just make even less sense, especially the flintlock, those guns used to make so much damage they would make a hole bigger than an arm. Also they could have put multi barrel flintlock rather than forcing us to run with 4+ on us because those were quiet common back then... Also for the record those flintlock where so deadly that usually the best outcome was an amputation, so they could definitely use that since the game already use that mechanism (broken limb) even on mobs. Also i don't like how they nerfed bows, the repair in mid fight literally stun you and just make no sense at all, imo the best way to do it would be to boost run speed of flintlock reload just a slightly bit, put super short timer on equip for them but keep the bow high since you have to nock an arrow, and reducing run speed while aiming a bow, put a serious stamina drain on it too. Someone that have a bit of experience in archery will tell you, aiming for a long time is not a good option for any bow made before the 20 century, a good archer will let go the arrow asap, it's actually the best way to learn archery properly. Personally i would get rid of having to repair bow in mid fight, it's just stupid. But the real problem here is the desynch and lag, that's why bow will always be better.
  22. They should add giant beavers mobs just for the lolz.
  23. Why is that, other games with similar set up had trading as one of the strongest option and play style. It's really not that hard to set up for a good dev team. I can definitly see trading in this game being similar as Eve online, npc trading from freeport to freeports sure wouldn't take long to code, buy some stupid mat in a freeport as a very heavy package, sell it in an other, give gold when it's done, 3 line of code, 2 npc, hundred of hours spent in the game by players lol. Player to player is a bit harder, i guess as you need to put an entire system in place, that need a bit of thinking, but other games managed to do it very well. After all they have 2 years of play testing before launch Lulz
  24. You will basically be able to eat your own poop and die instantly, there is a key nobody use obviously to poop, check your keybind... Also from what i'm aware of if they handcuff you, you won't be able to do it but i didn't try it myself, i guess you'll have to report back once the patch go live in a few hours
  25. I tried melee and it's terrible. On small mobs like aggressive animal, pigs whatever it's ok if you can deal with the stupid amount of desynch that make the mob teleport constantly behind you in a fucking slideshow. A bow is just better because you mostly can kill them before they reach you if you agro them first, and they will mostly run in a straight line toward you. For treasure map mobs, you won't be able to take them down i melee exclusively, you have to lure them, and fight them 1vs1. The crossbow guys and the one hander are fine, with a sword if someone can heal you between each mobs i guess. I personally use sword only if i need to finish them quick.The 2H guy is completely over the top, the only reliable way i found to take them down is by shooting 4 flintshot almost point blank in their head while back pedaling. You will still miss, if more than one miss you'll have to redo it all again. The sword make something like 4 damage to them, the metal pike like 11, they have around 800+ hp and will basically kill you in 4/5 hits max, less if they catch you in their overhead move that have huge aoe. If you try the funky moves (other than clicking), you'll be lock in an animation for ever and will miss pretty much all the time with the desynch/lag. So they will first need to fix the lag/desynch before even being able to test melee properly, this is going to take some time i guess. They are good reason why bow is the best weapon, was also the best in Ark.
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