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Everything posted by Vorxius

  1. I think for the most part we have to get over this. Everyone knows the bad bits. Atlas will be forever tainted by the steam review system, but, take it for what it is, an Ark v 1.5 game.. There are some interesting mechanics in play, and the good bit is that most of the issues can be fixed by twiddling server configs. Ark's configurability (is that even a word?) is unprecedented. Private servers already do this.. some even have like 30x resource rate.. whilst being a bit OP it does allow one to explore the game and it's failings. I think the boat / pirate / sea thing really gives Atlas a USP. OK it's built on Ark, but, for me, it's combined two great desires.. Ark + pirates. Always though Ark + *anything* would be good. Delivery leaves something to be desired, but when Atlas is a fleshed out as Ark is... I think satisfaction will replace anguish at a steady rate.
  2. eventually you'll want to come back to the main servers, but for testing mechanics, getting to understand and know the skill trees and experiment to find 'your' game in all this mess, I think private servers are the way to go to experience and like the game. Official servers are such a mess a) with bugs, b) tuning issues, c) players taking everything over, d) predators encumbering progression for small bands, e) trolls and griefers and........ many more. Sad because we should all be able to get on with Official servers, but alas until the game designers start laying down the law, it's too restrictive and problematic unless you're in a large company.
  3. Personally I don't think the main game / main servers are working as intended anyway. It's going to take much time. The griefing / insults and hostility / trolling on official servers just puts many off. It sounds like it may be time to find a community on a private server, and enjoy playing. It changes the game immensely.
  4. I feel you though, we have had the same troubles. Just get walls up and fence off your base. Once done you can start to stockpile resource and you'll progress nicely. I found door arches quite fun... no animals can seem to pass through them and whilst they sit one side you can simply shoot them / tame them! Good luck out there
  5. You're both right though, the guy is clearly bored, and projecting that on to others game experience is very much against the developer and atlas spirit of the game.. so report and document the crap behavior. Just don't rise to it. Ignore him as much as possible in game, and continue to document his wrong doings. Ultimately he is ruining the game experience for other players. There's no justification in that... and to add (literally) insult to injury he's topping it up with deplorable language. He'll get his, don't worry. Just don't humor him. You're just feeding him.
  6. The guy in the screenshots is just a troll. People reacting to it is exactly as designed. Give this guy no air time, no brain focus, no attention, and ignore him. Troll back. The guy is doing everything in the book to get peeps rallied. You peeps are falling hook line and sinker for it. Don't rise to it as they say.
  7. There's a few techniques I found defending our crew of... 2 As head of security detail, for the company of the clueless.. I found the following tips really help. Wolves.. A major source of problem. Get yourself a pike or spear.. many spears if you have no pikes (from smithy), and lead the wolf into the water. Sitting duck. They hate water, and you can pike em until they die. Crocks. Blighters. Use a bow, they're vulnerable on land. Kite them around, keep turning back to shoot em with arrows. Get the fat meat pinata wedged in between trees, and taunt them. Snakes.. Annoying, again, arrows. Don't get close, don't melee them. Just kite them as they're slow and fire at the tops of their heads. Scorpions.. Same, kite and arrow them. Keep 3 or 4 bows in your inventory and plenty of arrows. They're cheap and you don't want to run out. What's fun is when you meet an alpha herbivore. Any of the predators will eat anything they come across, even if chasing you... so be sure to detour towards that Alpha 250 horse and watch the show. One thing for sure is that the wildlife in Ark.. I mean Atlas is brutal. Arrow has more utility than trying to club things. Just don't get stuck in the water with a crock, or on land with wolves / cats. With one person on watch, and armed with the right tactic against the creatures, you can keep them at bay until you get walls up. Good luck out there!
  8. the s+ is far superior to build with for sure. No one can build a perfect building, and s+ was always more forgiving when you had tiny overlaps or a grain of sand clipping where a structure would go. Agree.
  9. Holy crap, that is one hell of a build. Insane.
  10. 2x is way better. Coupled with vitamins, and hunger, it doesn't turn into the SIMS as much when you spend all day cutting down trees. 2x is playable. 1x was a soul destroyer. Our 3x server feels absolutely right.
  11. Had this with my raft, changed zones, and spawned right next to a SotD. All I could see was green and the noise, oh the sound was bad... then I realised what it was, and well... now I pray when changing grids
  12. the problem is it takes all but no effort to destroy a galleon. until they make them almost as epic as it would be to build one, the risk vs reward is crazy bad.
  13. Not just loving it... needing it.
  14. It's made the game playable during this ER. Resources need to be higher, ships need to be farmed easier... if they want people to play the game to test features to further optimize and improve the game towards release, they should not lock out content just 'because'. They (we) need players to experience the whole game... not get bogged down on stuck rafts, getting galleons smashed by an OP alpha snake.. Some of the bugs are outrageous, and are WIP, the least the game can offer is some condolence, and respite from itself. I see these changes as good... bear with it whilst WIP. This isn't about entitlement, it's about doing the right thing whilst the game is in design.
  15. Reminds me of the battleship film where Kurt Douglas captains a 'modern' aircraft carrier with jet fighters, and somehow gets transported back in time to pre Perl Harbour lol. Who's to say the time gate couldn't take one back to the Caribbean, and you have a modern frigate in a sea of wooden sloops. Perhaps some 'gameplay' balance issues there, but, mods are mods lol.
  16. It wouldn't be a pirate game at that point, it'd be more like Battlefield 2019
  17. Could be worse! They could have allowed players to extract alpha snake venom, and coat arrows with it in lieu of the flame nerf
  18. Granted the real solution would have been to pull in your sails to 0, and be able to use an oar (if solo) at 10 or 15%, and if you have a friend, then two of you go 20 / 30%.. but I have no trouble realising that this change is ultimately for the good of things. It stops dead zones and stops game play becoming stuck or dead in the water. (I play on PvE, so, understand it's a different ballgame to PvP)
  19. Galleons could always sail against the wind with the right sail? (or I'm mistaken) It's never fun to be stuck on a raft, and I found out the crap way that some erroneous sand can put an end to a night. In any case...
  20. last night I got stuck because a little strip of sand prevented me from sailing around an island. There I logged off as wind speed was zero, and I wasn't able to progress on. That is super frustrating. IRL we'd have oars, or some way to move the raft past such obstacles. Cannot people role play oars being responsible for this 30% minimum? It's a much needed change, and, helps newbs, and would have helped me immensely last night.
  21. Even if they added another server, the 90% of players 'without land', will create their own land grab, 10% of those will take all the land, and then leave 80% of the player base without land... They may need to bring online another 3 or 4 servers
  22. The best place to log is next to large cliffs, rocks where things do not spawn. But then you're at the mercy of other players. I think there is no real safe place to log out and keep your things. Even known players to log out in a stone fortress and come back to everything stomped by an alpha and back at Freeport. I have started to 'hide' a storage box away from the main base with my valuable items in it, then kill myself, spawn at the freeport, log off there (stopping your body agroing your base), then when you log back in, kill yourself and spawn back at your main base. Doesn't help with the claim mess, but if you're among friendly neighbours you'll at least not agro local wildlife and they wreck everything you have to hit on you. I do not know if SotD agros YOU or the raft, if it's you then stash your stuff and kill yourself like above.
  23. I do agree that boats are a labor intensive endeavor. BUT (always a but), combat tuning is and looks to be quite clunky. Not only that, but the myriad of ways (included bugs, oversights & exploits) boats can be decimated in seconds does sort of lean towards the work asked to create a ship, being utterly unbalanced against what it takes to wreck one. If it was me, I'd ease the weight of building ships whilst mechanics of damage, and what can damage ships is tuned correctly.
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