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Everything posted by Mephos

  1. I wonder if they changed the cycle times again. It should have already moved to O14 since 20 min.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/ahwr1w/you_all_had_it_coming/
  3. IGN review is actually very solid, fair and neutral. i like it. can´t say I would compare both though
  4. do not wipe before you fixed everything
  5. fun part is.. elephant is actually super easy to tame cause they are so slow. you can kite them around and with their high health they barely die (haven´t tamed one after most recent patch). try a bear. his bite attack on the head has a 180° and in 70% of the times you have to feed it where it can bite you. this made me almost instant rage quit especially on islands with millions of wolfs. when I love my current lvl 60 bear to some atlas bug bullshit I´ll fucking get cancer XD
  6. Current: F8 Next: H6 Full cycle F8, H6, M12, O7, O14, C6, D12, F8 etc. All server (pvp, pve, NA; EU) have the same cycle anyone knows what 1 ingame day is in time?
  7. If that is the case that is roughly 2h? I reported it in the bug section, just upvote there to get attention to this
  8. please upvote if you would like the fountain to stay longer on one place so you can actually get it before it moves.
  9. D12 PvE EU has no fountain anymore.. shouldn´t it stay 50 ingame days? that was literally nothing
  10. you can change home server as you want, right? C12 also has a fountain?
  11. there should be 2 locations, anyone knows both? d12 is like super far away for me
  12. uhm, is your "you glitch from ships" the final solution?
  13. love the " I have a job" topics. worked out well in ARK, will work out well here ^^ gl mate
  14. Mephos

    Lazy Fix

    mhm, I was always a fan of visiting other ships (pve) to check out their designs. I think the fix is also pretty lazy and will cause other issues (and not really solve the sinking issue tbh). lets see if they stick with the short term solution or if they come up with something better
  15. 20k gold to fly around with a dragon for a few hours.. .. who even does that?
  16. but what if devs want to only have mega tribes in the game? I always wonder cause no one complains about chest being only a 1vs1 game, I can´t group up with my friends and play with 30 people at the same time. its a similar complain. that´s how the game works out, deal with it or leave it. btw, I hate big tribes. I only play pve cause in pvp you just get melted by other people with higher amounts of resources/members.
  17. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. I tamed about 5h bears until I got at least one of them and now it is unridable and unusable. We had it in a house made out of stone. I used it before quite normal and this morning I moved it out of the house and this started. I tried: - moving it on a boat via radial menu (didn´t work) - put it on follow (didn´t work) - hitting with fists (didn´t work) - put on elevator to move it up and down (didn´t work) - saddle on / off (nope, didn´t work) - wandering off / on (didn´t work) - removing all floors in the house where he was and the entrance door and some walls in case he is stuck there (didn´t work, but didn´t remove everything fully) - tried to move all other animals around him (didn´t work) every other animal just works fine except this bear. please help me to fix this, he is our only fiber gatherer -.-
  18. crouching doesn´t help its just broken
  19. dismounting from ostrich results in being stuck in the back of the animal and you are floating. only solution is to constantly press left or right while dismounting (additional give that poor animal some feathers on the back that looks horrible as if someone would have removed them with force)
  20. on boats only. only if the tames are on ships and you didn´t aggro anything
  21. radius is roughly 10 foundation around a foundation where nothing spawns. glad we claimed half an island where no one can build. later checking if resources respawn but after most recent patch they still did
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