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Everything posted by Psykonalle

  1. Could and should be fixed so that items dropped by non-company members don't affect the weight on the ship. If they are stored in e.g. a storage box, they would.
  2. Same here. Right now only playing for 1-2 hours a day, and therefore PvE. Right now I'm just living on my ship, waiting for a solution to this claiming mess on PvE.
  3. If by claiming others can still build on your claims then no, there doesn't have to be a claim limit as it has no function. If you mean that others still wouldn't be able to build, I am interest in hearing how you were thinking there(?).
  4. No, they go hand-in-hand. Taxes is a part of the problem, and also one of the reasons people are claiming ridiculously large areas. As long as there is no con of having more claims, there is no reason for people to limit their claims. You could easily counter this by decreasing the contesting timer the more claims a company has. Then it's up to the company to decide how many they can afford having.
  5. Haven't seen any communication from the dev side, even if this is the major problem with the official PvE servers right now. The majority of people playing PvE are casual players, who don't play for 12 hours a day. The whole point with PvE is not having to worry about getting screwed over by others. I look forward to both claiming and taxes being modified or removed completely from official PvEs.
  6. Does this exploit work even if the ship is anchored? Because that would be an easy way to fix it.
  7. If I understand this correctly, you say people will trade their territories for BPs, mats, or anything else of value?
  8. My apologies! I had to read the text a few times to understand what you really meant. Seems like we agree on this point! You say the tax system is supposed to benefit both parts. What would be the benefit for the tax payer on PvE? On PvP it's easy: You pay taxes to a megatribe that no one wishes to contest. This gives you protection. Because there is no PvPing on a PvE server, this doesn't apply here. That being said, I think the tax system should be completely removed from PvE, and as I mentioned, to eliminate griefers efficiently, the amount of claims should affect the contesting timer. What do you think about this idea? Any flaws?
  9. Did you check the log? Some animals may glitch in to your house and destroy things. What was the door made of? Some one could have lured something to our base, which was able to damage the door.
  10. What would prevent you to farm for the galleon yourself? You make it sound like you're a hero, when you actually are griefing
  11. You can spawn in beds on your ship/raft.
  12. I agree. There is no need to have tens of flags on a PvE server. Not even a tribe with 100s of people need to have 100 flags. Another solution would be decreasing the contesting timer eventually exponentially the more flags you have. If you have 1-2 flags, it would take something like 3 days to contest them, whereas if you have 10 flags we would be looking at minutes. This would still allow big companies to own larger areas, but would also require enormous activity around the clock. That being said, smaller companies would be able to thrive with 1-2 claims without having to risk getting wiped over night.
  13. Your fast travel claim is not accurate either. You can still build on e.g. lawless territories and place beds there. I don't see any reason why there should be a tax system on PvE. One solution for the flag claiming would be progressive decay timer system. You would be able to place more flags, but the time needed to steal the territory would decrease for every flag. At a certain amount of flags it would decrease drastically (to minutes), eliminating griefing. Please note that if you only have one flag, you'll be looking at 2-3 days. This idea needs polishing and testing, but as far as I can see it would make the PvE servers a lot healthier.
  14. There is no reason to have a tax system on a PvE server. It's an invitation for people to grief. Are people supposed to claim as much land as they can and put taxes on it, and in return they won't provide anything to the people who build there? In PvP it's different, because it lies in both parts' interest to have the tax system. Smaller (tribe/player) pays taxes in return of protection. It's wrong to have a tax system in a PvE server. It's not a matter of opinions, it's seriously WRONG.
  15. The tax system in PvE is not needed. You pay taxes on PvP to be safer on a territory owned by a (mega)tribe. What do you get in return on a PvE server when you're paying taxes to another tribe? The answer is: not a damn thing.
  16. Of course I am. That's how you keep a business alive
  17. If I were them I'd probably report you. What do you need so much land for any way? This is PvE. Jesus
  18. This is an assumption of that they haven't learned anything from their mistakes over the past years, which frankly is highly unlikely.
  19. Why would you need more claims than the area you're building on? As long as they aren't blocking any rare resources, what is the problem?
  20. The shipyard is on too shallow water
  21. (Small) characters tend to get stuck in the ground when they die. Sometimes one can see some weapons sticking out from the ground, but very often the bodies cannot be looted. This slow down the progress remarkably, especially in the beginning, and needs a quick fix!
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