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Everything posted by Badkebab

  1. Why not have insta travel or just one button to push that puts a message on your screen "you won, game over" I understand where you are coming from but I am sure there are plenty of people who like it as it is and wouldn't appreciate the sudden appearance of an invasion fleet on their doorstep without any warning or enabling mega companies to roll over half the server in a morning. The consequences of your desire have far reaching implications. The level of delayed gratification and emphasis on team play, social interaction was one of the things that made atlas stand out and harkened back to the days when games were hard and goal achievement was meaningful. This is slowly being eroded, the game is step by step being watered down, personally I see this as a disappointing direction for the game to take and will ultimately, for me at least shorten the games lifespan.
  2. There is an easy to follow tutorial on you tube
  3. This more than anything is why I choose to remain on a pve server.
  4. Crossing a zone border presumably into a full zone lead me to be disconnected from the game with the message in the title. Repeated attempts to rejoin the game resulted in one sleeping copy of myself on the ship per join attempt. This quickly exceeded the crew limit with obvious results.
  5. Will the idea has merit in principle I think a donate button would depress them more than motivate them at present
  6. I'm enjoying the game but feel no need to contribute further funds. If this game had a monthly fee I probably would have cancelled it. Perhaps they should have set the initial price higher this might have mitigated the launch woes.
  7. At some point this will have to be addressed with people leaving the game. If their avatar remains in the game despite them having not logged in for months this could theoretically tie up pve land indefinitely. Naturally this is less of an issue on pvp.
  8. Every issue that comes up results in dozens of threads on the same subject, please please please comment in the threads already started there are already dozens of threads about the following subjects Stone buildings Ships of the damned Land claims Developers poor design choices Fountain of youth Taming Would be great to not drop in and see pages of threads all on the same topic
  9. I am familiar with the workings if the fountain but deemed it not worthwhile for me as I have a relatively limited amount of time to devote to the game and the trade off of better stats against enjoyment of my game time didn't make it a worthwhile endeavour for me at that time. Conceivably in the future I might reevaluate the trade off but at present the mechanic is something that is irrelevant to me
  10. Makes no sense to me, reached 90, re rolled rejoined my company, back to business as usual without the debuff
  11. I heard sotd are back attacking ships close to shore now, don't know if its true or not, Alternative possibility wave action during a storm smashed them against the sea floor. Another possible cause is storm damage. Another possible cause overweighted players hanging off your ladders or throwing items onto your deck. I'm sure there are other possibilities
  12. You obviously weren't around when some people could play and others were locked out of the game for 12 hours at a time. Feel free to search the forums before calling people liars, it will save you from looking like a nob
  13. I'll take it with a pinch of salt
  14. The system was designed by people who put a cage in game that allows you to imprison other players indefinitely Developers who have no inkling of the words professional standards and conduct, are you all high when you expect anything better?
  15. One reply in an hour, that's a fair indication of low interest. Its also an indication that all the waaah cheats waaaaaah exploits waaaah bad pings from overseas is a storm in a tea cup.
  16. The money would be provided by the 200 or so members of the consortium. I don't believe this is difficult to achieve
  17. So I was thinking at work today, to fully represent the game world of atlas on private servers would require at most 225 servers I am envisioning a server consortium run by a group of people interested in running the full game world, only with admins actually interested in removing cheats and zero tolerance for hacking. Needless to say these servers would be Region locked. Would there be any interest in this?
  18. Well there you go you learn something new every day, simple solution, add s key functionality to rafts, problem solved, alternatively build a ramshackle sloop instead.
  19. Close your sails completely hold down s key your boat ship raft will slowly start to reverse can be done with any ship I believe But yes the buttresses on the shipyards are a pain
  20. While I understand your point I would hazard a guess that it's no difficult feat to sink a wooden boat with an axe, does it really matter if a sickle is used? But then I expect you are advocating that it should be harder to sink ships with hand tools.
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