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Everything posted by Nari

  1. I [hope] know the economy is the last thing on your priorities list atm but you guys really need to get rid of skill requirements for equipment. Unless you honestly expect everyone to conform to the same choice of skills just to be able to equip gear, yet alone improve it, these requisites are redundant and only hinder opportunities for trade. BP's are not a rare commodity. Level should not artificially limit your access to acquire or use equipment, only the ability to craft it. Skill points are currently handed out like Skittles on Halloween so it's easy to dismiss this as a non-issue. But it is... Considering the pirate theme this should be all the more obvious. How many times in PVP have players raided equipment only to find out they need a dozen levels just to use it? How many PvE Players have been disappointing to find out the only real commodities are Gold and Mats? So much for all these BP's with extra crafts we're never going to use and there's no market for... our allies can't use them yet and by the time they can they'll have accrued their own collection. By removing these requirements you open the door for all kinds of new ways to distribute rewards. Chests could have a chance to give you the actual item for example instead of the BP. The best part being you can actually use it! TL:DR: If you must insist on these Studies skills please change them to function as "Enables CRAFTING of [Quality] [Item(s)]" instead of enables use. *Edited for clarity
  2. I disagree. You're given a tame limit for a reason. If you want to use all/part of that limit to auto-farm or keep your island clean of hostile wild life, while simultaneously risking losing said tames, then that's your prerogative. There are many valid reasons and you're not forced to tame on that island. Sail to greener pastures.
  3. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=518296250
  4. I think that's exactly the issue. If the server pop is 0 will they still sail away from shores/borders? Me thinks not. Stasis.
  5. I was under the impression that when they patched SoTD to avoid shores they also prevented them from "camping" borders. Given time they will sail away.
  6. This is why people think you're a damn troll Realist...
  7. You good on tin foil or should I grab another roll while I'm out?
  8. I can also confirm that it scales with level not stats (for all companions.) Maybe yours is borked. Then again, raising Melee is raising its level xD
  9. The only effort I've seen in that direction are the early expectations of "roles" within a company via skills. Which eliminated any ability to play solo/small. Can't blame the players for expecting more though. GS knew better than to label Atlas as an MMO in anything other than a literal sense but did so anyway.
  10. I'll save you the Google: Gold sink is an economic process by which a video game's in-game currency ('gold'), or any item that can be valued against it, is removed. This process is comparable to financial repression in real economies. Every action that the player can take to generate currency needs to be accounted for for economical purposes. You complain about the time sink for a months worth of gold but fail to consider the value of that gold to the player. Supply & Demand. Inflation, Depreciation. Any of these terms ringing a bell?
  11. You ever hear of the concept called a Gold Sink? It really is so easy to make gold in-game that Mats,NPC's, Cosmetics, and War Tokens, combined are not enough to remove Gold at a predictable rate.
  12. \Steam\steamapps\common\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Saved The whole folder because character data is not saved in SavedAtlasLocal.
  13. MMO is defined as Massively-Multiplayer Online. Atlas is already an MMO just not in the traditional sense you think of. Plantside is also an MMO, an MMO-FPS. As are many other games. Personally I don't think the classic tropes of "MMO" design apply to Atlas.
  14. Acktually... machines are good enough these days to not only recognize porn, but the individual acts, then timestamp and label them for your convenience/pleasure.
  15. I second this. Probability could be adjust by condition. If the plank only has 10% HP the chance could be low, above 90% HP higher.
  16. Read the patch notes much? - Inactive boats will now automatically destroy after 4 weeks of inactivity
  17. Right, and what did you learn? That an entire pen of tames couldn't survive meaning obviously a single tame won't survive either. I assume that they weren't being as literal as you are right now when referring to a single tame easily clearing master chests. Otherwise it makes no fucking sense xD Hope you can keep up
  18. AoD don't 1v1. Tames shouldn't fight Aod on their own in the first place. Your point is moot. If there's a spawner in your pen the solution isn't to tame defenders. It's move the damn pen. This statement is accurate "A single tame can easily solo a masterwork maps worth of aod. " This one is not "Nope a single tame is not able to kill a single 90+ warrior by itself. It will just endlessly heal. A tame get killed by the worrior over time."
  19. I read the OP but skipped most of page 2. So unless I missed something you'd like to point out there's no connection between an entire pen wiped and the other comment (that i quoted btw) about a single tame being unable to kill a lvl 90 warrior.
  20. If you aren't riding the tame in a fight against lvl 90's it deserves to die.
  21. No less than twice daily if you want to get specific. The PvE community may shock you in that regard. We had 5 different companies build on our lands over 4x holiday event and every. single. one. demolished whatever it was they built before leaving. Be it pens or just fires. Surprised me a little tbh.
  22. Its not stupid its necessary. You haven't seen a golden ruins shores lined with 100's of abandon ships of all sizes have you? That means its working.
  23. IF your tame sucks sure, and you don't have Natures Cry and/or Natures Touch, but a well bred bear with 100% brofist is a different story.
  24. They just tried to add non-snapped core structure decay but then reverted it. Soon*
  25. Regardless of your interpretation 9/10 threads you post or participate in devolve almost immediately.
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