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Everything posted by MindOfMadness

  1. There's no way to report. They openly admit to it in the official forums and * crickets *
  2. turn your sail to 180 but only at 10-30 per cent.
  3. Notice it never happens to the large PvE companies that also go offline and sleep or go to work. Wonder if the devs play in those companies...
  4. Players have been sinking other player's rafts and boats since launch and it could easily be fixed through many avenues. They could make it so the raft or boat just doesn't move or only does damage to the item or player holding the weight. It would make more sense that if I was holding 400lbs of rock more than I'm supposed to that I would be injured not the floor I was standing on. Choosing the one thing they did fix is a far better example of cherry picking than saying these 10 other things they haven't fixed is...
  5. The beef is that they won't reply to any of the real complaints or problems and obviously they read them. They'll take a minute for some random shit that's not even in the game yet can't give us a "we're working on it"
  6. All the stuff wrong with the game from people sinking boats to stealing from locked chests and flags this is what the devs respond to...
  7. They don't care... I'm sure a couple devs are in the large companies so all our complaints fall on def ears. They already got our money, we all just funded their personal pirate playground.
  8. Just keep dying and respawning. It'll put you over there eventually.
  9. I usually run around 50 but I died early and my game dropped to 3-4 FPS I've tried turning graphics to low, restarting the game, restarting my PC, loading to a new zone, loading to PvP from playing on PvE, checking for updated drivers, and verifying integrity of game files... Nothing is working. I can still run RB6 and PUBG at 60-75 FPS. WTF?!
  10. There's a freeport in the south that has it all over around the coast. My game is currently jacked up or I would find which one but can't get more than 4 FPS currently.
  11. Lawless areas... Build a raft surrounded by walls to spawn to and a house on the island to work from. Don't forget to layer your walls.
  12. There's been a lot of complaints but the dev team never responds. It would make more sense that your raft just can't move when a bunch of people pile on or it's overweight.
  13. I would be happy if they would just let us spawn on our house beds in the lawless regions.
  14. It's been happening since the game launched. It started in the freeports when people noticed if a lot of them piled on a raft it would take damage... It's just progressed to use less people.
  15. As long as you have a boat to spawn to, the lawless regions aren't horrible to build in. I decided to set up a shack for myself and it's working well.
  16. There are dragons, fire elementals, and cyclops... Ghost ships aren't exactly out of the realm of fantasy.
  17. Not true... I had a random naked running through land I was trying to claim and it kept interrupting and adding time back to the clock.
  18. It's probably the old Ark glitch of passing out or logging out by a wall and when you stand back up on login or waking up it pushes you through the wall.
  19. There is a HUGE difference between killing someone and insulting them in a video game... What the actual fuck?! Are you trolling? Nazi means the same in Russia by the way... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-russian/nazi And "you are dck cause you russian" isn't hate... it's rude, yes. But being called a dick just means you're a jerk, not that they hate you... Russian isn't a race... it's a nationality. Racism is hating someone because of their race, not where they're from FFS. Nationalism has no natural negative connotation aside from one's own subjective view. Do you love Russia? Does that mean you hate people from other countries? None of the words you used imply hate other than "Nazi" which hated Jews and are long gone and "terrorist" who actually kill people... Again, not the same as saying mean things on the internet.
  20. Not gonna quote your words because I'm not gonna get ban for that shit... You're a complete fucking moron if you think genocide is equivalent to saying mean things on the internet. I cited dictionary definition as proof... You offered "I think"
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