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Everything posted by Zlax

  1. This is what google translate had to say: Hello forgive, who approves those skins or parts of the ship's nose? Mother of beautiful love (are you creating a transformer or what?) I feel it in the soul but if you take out more things like that, a few uninstalls come, I believe. I want to play a game of boats and pirates not a futuristic game of boats !!! What are you creating spaceships or what? Anda that does not open shells of boats Bonitos of times to create or to copy or to modify or to create it of 0 but is that mother mine that you see films of star-trek or that? Thanks and it's not because of bad it's to improve because that's a shame and I like the game a lot. But I play boats not to transform.
  2. Same, tho I am hyped for the sub! Cuz im a pve nub playing pvp and I like exploring hehe tho it will probably run on mythos or something and make it extremely limited to anyone cept the major players....
  3. Yeah, I was just wondering if they where gonna do the same here, and if so when they would do it since the end of feb is comming up in just a few weeks
  4. Tbh they should remove large cannons from ships and only allow cannons in the gun ports of ships. Would make balancing them easier and remove alot of the monstrosities we see atm Should be noted that they should then introduce actual ship parts with forward pointing gun ports and add gunports on the backside of the galleon
  5. Hopefully ... but in ARK some of the areas they wiped where much larger than you'd think.
  6. There are alot of places where the deep sea comes really close to the coast, especially in the tundra and polar maps.
  7. It might be due to the way waves are coded, but I could be wrong.
  8. When they release the deep sea biome, will they be wipeing stuff thats in the current sea? They probably will, however how close to shore are they gonna wipe, would be nice to have a border like in ARK so you know where to build and where not to build!
  9. You really should think about disabling console commands on PvP servers, they give an unfair advantage between the ones that know them and the ones that dont. That there even is a console command to remove the fog baffles me, also the ability to change gamma on pvp is something I find wierd, but maybe thats just cuz I played ARK
  10. tbh its not that bad at all, depends on diplomacy and not shitting in your own back yard, but ofcourse random offline burndowns happen, but its not to the extent where you get randomly wiped off the map. Just look at it as a way to get rid of the excess ships from the crazy double harvest weekends....
  11. Its not really the ATLAS devs fault that steam has issues sending a patch to you is it now?
  12. Dunno if this helps, but whenever a corp mate paints the sails on our brigs the whole server seems to lag.
  13. What you do is tag the whale with a carbine, then sail away just fast enough to keep it behind you in range, then open up with the NPCs. Wastes the least amount of bolts.
  14. The problem isnt that there is no room, its the way that PvE servers are setup thats the problem
  15. The double stone nerf did alot of bad aswell
  16. The devs should take a long hard look at how eve did this and make an atlas appropiate version
  17. This happens all the time on PvP servers, please when you start these kinda topics be aware that land isnt really an issue on PvP servers, its mostly a PvE problem! On our island alonbe (PvP) there is a 2 man company and a 3 man company, they live in their own claims and farm from the island under tax, their claim is their own tho since people get uncomftable living on land that can be taken away. In total 6 companies lives on the island with 1 of them owning it and the rest paying taxes for the protection they earn from the big company. For PvE, im actually not sure what to do, probably the changes they have already made to remove claims from the people not playing anymore is a big step in the right direction, however that will take about 2 weeks to really show through.
  18. I love how your stories gets more and more exxagerated
  19. So it doesnt matter if he plays eu or us, or pvp or pve? News to me...
  20. Tundra is often a decent choice to restart, often more spots available and the people there are hardier
  21. Might wanna add some more details, like which server your on for instance....
  22. Please no minigame, even if its a small buff, it will either feel mandatory or be so small that its ignored completely, hence a waste of dev time.
  23. Wish there was a switch on the grill to not auto cook meat and fish, since some of the cooking recipies require those and you lose a ton, or have to babysit it (putting in only enough for one craft at a time) A quick and dirty fix could also be to allow the cooked versions to work with the recipies that require raw meat / fish atm.
  24. Cooked food helps aswell, the damage you take is gonna be minimum and one bite of Fish 'n Chips and one Pork Pie will reset your vitamins nearly back to the middle, and they are pretty damn easy to make.
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