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Everything posted by fgriasa

  1. lol so this is wrong?
  2. so this is Paris time ?
  3. +1 restart game is the only way I think of it.
  4. no Coal no Metal no Crystal no Gem no Salt no Sugar no Vitamin A no Vitamin C few Fibers I think it's a bug? 57 point island bad than 15 point
  5. fgriasa

    my bag...

    bug? can't take it
  6. what the hell after v322
  7. It is good for the official to manage the game. but over and over again to delete file is treat the player as a free test employee. It is not? But the game is charged...
  8. If delete this time, then China will definitely not to spend money to hire slaves to help them get resources.
  9. agree.. tame one and lose one Endless loop
  10. Plz Fix this bug ......this is realy silly
  11. you restart server and kill my Rhino? I just ride before server close! funny game
  12. https://i.imgur.com/3eQPPsH.jpg got!! thankyou~~
  13. https://i.imgur.com/45E5e7V.jpg My bear fell into a deep
  14. my horse and npc is jumping to sky , funny
  15. many time when I dead I can not find my bag ! SHIT....I search 5mins still nothing............. https://i.imgur.com/RuENbv8.jpg
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