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Everything posted by Lethality

  1. I don't think that's really the kind of system I was hoping for. I'd love to see each resource type have properties of its own. That way, if I find iron and you find iron, there's a chance that someone's will have more desierable stats on it, which would translate to stats on the product it was used in crafting. Star Wars Galaxies, in other words
  2. Maybe the game isn't for you? It's not a solo game. And not really good for small groups. So if that's what you're trying to do.... You're going to have a hard time. But that's ok, not every game has to pander to solo players.
  3. Everything you said we've been bored to death with in other games for the last 15 years. Go play those if that's the kind of progression you want. Let Atlas be whatever Atlas is gonna be.
  4. Am I the only one with interests in this area? Are there no former Star Wars Galaxies players here??
  5. I think that will come in time, organically. Once bases are established, certain outposts will become known for certain resources or high quality crafted products, and so on. I'm all in on the physicalization of things as well. And yes, if there's an auction house, the goods need to be brought there first.
  6. I think and hope this will be something that is player driven in the future. Don't want a centralized market/auction house, but rather real physicalized regional/local shops set up by players, that kind of thing.
  7. You can't spam. You already have to wait until your previous one is fully claimed before planting another.
  8. Just looking at the wood types from the wiki: Wood Aged Wood • Dark Wood • Lightwood • Softwood • Strongwood • Wetwood Those names scream for different properties, allowing the crafter to select the best wood for the project! In other words, there would be no one "best" wood, but "best" only for the application at hand. Also from the Steam page... Vitamins benefits and deficiencies, with recipe & cooking skills and varying ingredient qualities.
  9. I don't understand this part. If you find a blueprint, don't you "consume" it when you learn it? How can you give copies of it out? Doesn't that devalue them completely if you can?
  10. You're missing the point where that is what adds value to the stuff you were gathering.
  11. They already explained there is at least 2 years left of Early Access.. any and all of that stuff and more will change multiple times before "launch".
  12. Interesting. Do you know if material types have qualities and/or properties that can effect the output of any crafted item (food, weapon, tool, wall. etc)? Or is finding an "epic" version of a recipe you know the only way to get a better version? And does it ask for specific consumables (i.e. copper vs. "metal") And is the blueprint consumed on use?
  13. Ahoy! So far, I really dig the varied resources out there, and how that many types are usable as a "group" (i.e. Copper and Iron are both "metals") My question is, is there a benefit or difference in choosing to use one type of metal or another in a crafted item? Does it affect the quality/rarity? Item stats? I think they mentioned something in the initial PR blurb about quality of ingredients in food, so perhaps these are systems they are still iterating on. Any thoughts or theory crafting appreciated!
  14. Ahoy! So far, I really dig the varied resources out there, and how that many types are usable as a "group" (i.e. Copper and Iron are both "metals") My question is, is there a benefit or difference in choosing to use one type of metal or another in a crafted item? Does it affect the quality/rarity? Item stats? I think they mentioned something in the initial PR blurb about quality of ingredients in food, so perhaps these are systems they are still iterating on. Any thoughts or theory crafting appreciated!
  15. This is a very different game than ark... when you've got whatever 40,000 players, but also a persistent world between them all... it's not the same kind of game. And therefore, the game design philosophies have to be very different. In order to make large companies work with lots of specializations, they can't also make lots of specializations available to solo players. There has to be a choice made, for the integrity of the design... and solo players I don[t think are going to win this one. They can't, unless they're re-tooling the whole game. Or perhaps that's why they also allow private servers? Can't you set up your preferred rules that way, and ignore public servers?
  16. Not trying to argue, but, what makes you guys assume you should be able to do "anything and everything" with 2 people? Isn't a multiplayer game good when there are dependencies on other players?
  17. For me, the animals still seem very out of whack. The level disparity doesn't seem to matter. Also, I am still running into alphas
  18. This more than anything is NOT a game for solo players. It just isn't.
  19. Keep in mind... many people are brand new to survival games and how this works. Many, if not most folks, are here because of the MMO tag - this is all new and foreign.
  20. It feels like this is very much intended to be an MMO, very different than ARK... so I'd doubt a single player mode, unless you go the private server route.
  21. This game has plenty that Ark does not. Plus, isn't this what you want a developer to do? Iterate based on existing proven tech to bring new games more often?
  22. Remember these are not tiny islands. Some of them look that way because the map is so huge. Remember, each square on the map is 2 hours across...
  23. If you didn't see the map from above, you wouldn't even realize it... they will be fine at ground level.
  24. If you do this, your first charge will still be debited against your bank account, and this method will create a second charge. But according to Steam, this should resolve itself once your bank reconciles, which I presume is nightly...
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