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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. This would be a skill through use system like many sandbox games have or have had. SWG was noteworthy for this. Not sure how it might work alongside a skill point per level system, but can't hurt to suggest. Are you aware there are already skills that can buff those things through the current system? Even non tool hand harvesting?
  2. Not finding this to be the case where we are. Both predators and non predators continue to spawn in fairly reasonable numbers each.
  3. Not finding this to be the case actually. We are basing in lawless and ships aren't decaying at all when anchored. We haven't build on land yet, but have been there for the better part of a week and there are neighboring structures that don't seem to be going anywhere. Poofing overnight seems at best wildly overstating.
  4. OP thanks for creating this thread btw. This is exactly the sort of thing that can make game forums an information gold mine for new and experienced players alike.
  5. Thanks for alerting the community to this. Sounds like awful customer service at best, sketchy at worst. C'mon GrapeCard™, if you're gonna favor one 3rd party provider over others, how about holding their feet to the fire and not letting them treat your players like used rhino dung?
  6. They not only must be killed, but they are on a timer, if you don't wipe out the first group and get the treasure within a certain time frame, another group will spawn. I have found taking out their ranged attackers first, then melee, then the warror boss last. You will need decent dps spike to kill boss, because he will bury himself and heal every few minutes.
  7. *is in sales* *reads this and starts thinking about how to con convince an IT person or two to join his group so they can do this.*
  8. Yeah that would definately be nice. What would be even nicer is a feature here on the forums that showed current wind direction ingame when you pick the selected server. Wouldn't that be nifty? btw if you haven't worked your way up to ships with handling sails, or used them, they definately are a big help in terms of sailing into the wind or at a bad angle. Speed isn't great, but it's far better than nothing. No it rotates steadily clockwise over time. Can confirm this. What I haven't confirmed yet is if the rotation is on a set schedule of interval x or not, and if so what is x?
  9. Dunno but after running an ark cluster for a year, my two cents is I would strongly encourage you not to make cost your main factor in deciding host provider. This is one of those things where quality really matters imo moreso than the rather incremental differences in cost. If you go with a slightly cheaper provider, but their crappy service winds up costing your group endless headaches, was it really worth it? I have experienced both good and bad Ark providers. Sorry I can't recommend an Atlas one, but gl.
  10. On the steam forums before release, there was a player organizing for an ingame rp brothel for just this purpose. Was pretty amusing, but yeah I think there are gonna be options.
  11. There have been reports of this sort of thing here on the forums. Not tons, but you're not the first, so it is most likely a thing, and definately a thing that needs looking at. Logging of storage access and then banning of players who engage in unauthorized entry is likely the most effective approach vs trying to make the hack not work/prevented. But I'm not a programmer so who knows. Sorry you lost your stuff. Next time it could be me, so hope this gets fixed.
  12. 1 point for armor upkeep- 10% bonus to armor durability loss 2 points for improved armor upkeep- 10% bonus to armor durability loss 8 points for Advanced armor upkeep- 10% bonus to armor durability loss Through what line of thinking does an eightfold increase in point cost for the same bonus a third time make any rational sense? Percentage of players with a brain who will take that third skill: close to zero I'm going to say someone take a look at this, but really, without any testing whatsoever, who looked at this and thought "Yeah, that might work?" The other two related armor penalty mitigation skills have increasing bonuses that justify the increased point costs. Armor upkeep needs to scale similarly or if that is unbalancing, it needs to have decreased point cost. This one size fits all approach is not showing a lot of thought put into early versions.
  13. So I just discovered a major one for me. Gold isn't mostly useless after all! It is needed along with mats to upgrade gear crafted from blueprints. When you craft an item from a blueprint, it will tell you how many times it can be upgraded and then show how much gold and mats required for each upgrade.
  14. rope ladders are extremely useful for getting into anything bigger than a dinghy. Bigger ships have at least 5 snap points for them. Fore and aft on each side and one astern.
  15. Not for nothing but I sailed right through the middle of a storm last night, and while I died at the helm, with a bed that was a momentary annoyance at worst. The ship did sustain some damage, but nothing that impaired it's functionality noticeably until I was able to port and make repairs.
  16. Was just tinkering with the calculator and noticed the captains skill to unlock that tree doesn’t seem to appear anywhere in seamanship. Edit: nm found it, was just a scrolling issue with the ipad. *shakes fist at Apple*
  17. I’m 41 and while I can’t do everything and do agree the system needs work (requiring skills just to USE armor and weapons is absurd), I certainly don’t feel like I can barely do anything. I’ve built a schooner and a sloop, made some armor, mastered the bow and even stuck a toe in cooking. I could build a decent land base but haven’t got round to it yet. I would challenge you to link any marketing material from Grapeshot saying the game was designed FOR solo players. It may be designed with some features intended to accommodate solo players (paying taxes to a landlord comes to mind), but these types of games tend to be designed around and to encourage group play. They are almost never intended to allow a single player to be able to take a majority if the skills available in the game.
  18. I would not necessarily bank on them figuring it out. The design issue presented by land claim is the same issue as pve pillar spam on Ark officials and to this day that problem has never been really satisfactorily resolved. To see them begin EA if this game with a system that doesn’t show they learned anything from that experience is disapointing and along with some other factors calls into question the extent to which they learn from and improve on past experience.
  19. Doesn’t start with it no, but afaik it’s the only quest even in the game atm. And while it’s not uncommon for quests to be added, I’ve never heard of a game that has them basically starting EA with none/ one. That’s a pretty significant part of the game to roll into EA without effectively having some portion of it in place.
  20. Here's the premise that I'm starting with: In nearly every similar game I can think of, not wearing armor at endgame to do endgame content is gimping yourself. Therefore I'm proceeding on the assumption that anyone wishing to do endgame content will need to wear high end armor to do so. So given that, here's what I've noticed under the current system, which I fully realize is entirely likely to be changed at some point: In order to max out the armor tree so that one can wear mythic armors and make good use of them, with all the acompanying mitigating skills such articulation, fortitude penalty etc, one must spend 52 points. This doesn't count the 15 points that must be spent just to unlock the armor tree, nor does it count spending any points on shield skills within the tree, so it assumes one will not be tanking. That's 52 points for something that is effectively not optional at endgame because of the fact the skills are required not just to make, but to even wear armor. With the 15 points needed to unlock the tree, now you're talking about 67 non optional points spent just to wear endgame armor. I'm presently 41, but being told by 51's that the total point pool available under the current system at that current max level is around 200. This makes either the number of points, or more precisely the requirement to use, fairly onerous. This requirement is of course on top of any mat costs the armor itself may have. Someone in charge might wanna think about that for more than five minutes over the next two years. Just sayin.
  21. I've played both MMORPG's and sandbox games including 4k hours in Ark and extensive experience with Eve. I'm fully aware of the differences between MMO and MMORPG, as well as the difference between sandbox and theme park, but I thought I remembered interviews prior to release with Jeremy and Jess where they referred to questing as part of the game's content beyond just the one main quest with the compass. It's possible I am misremembering what they said would be included, that's part of why I made the thread asking.
  22. If you don't care about being a hypocrite, then no, they don't matter. Thanks for clarifying for everyone reading that you are in fact, exactly that.
  23. It's not really up to a game developer to respect your financial constraints to be honest. If they choose to offer sharing that's nice, but it's by no means required. While it may seem unreasonable to you, others might look at complaining about a second 25 dollar cost to play a game that needs a machine bare minimum 20 to 30 times that cost to run unreasonable. If you can afford the machine to run Atlas, second copy shouldn't break your bank.
  24. Then you will be engaging in hypocrisy by virtue of doing something you have criticized. Or you could always just criticize Wildcard to your hearts content without commenting on this game’s gameplay in a way that is problematic. Let me give you an example: ”The land claim system in Atlas is horrible and a mess and proof that Wildcard doesn’t care about their customers.” This statement is problematic because the implication by people reading it on the game’s official forums would naturally be that you’ve experienced it firsthand. ”From what I’m reading here, it sounds like the land claim system in Atlas has a lot in common with the pillar spam issues on Ark’s pve officials. I played a lot of Ark and it’s disapointing that they don’t seem to be learning much from that experience.” (This is a criticism I have of the game currently btw, which is pretty inconsistent with the whole idea of a white knight mindlessly defending anything.) See how these two statements are similar but QUALITATIVELY different?
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