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Everything posted by JotaCe

  1. Well, it's kind of obvious, don't you? Been a MMO, why some people pretend that this game needs mechanics or features for soloplayers? If you don't have friends to play with, found the way to survive and have your things. I play SOLO, i have already like 300 hours, i'm in PvE and i'm getting my stuff, build ships, went for treasures, build a couple of bases, craft weapons and armor, discover a lot of islands and places, i did the FoY alone, and more without help, sometimes i found a random player which trade resources, help each other to kill some high level animal or things like that, but if at this time, you couldn't established yourself in some place in lawless zones, well, you're doing something wrong. And yes, i'm f_cking having FUN!
  2. Besides, what is the point to play a MMO in singleplayer mode? I like how is the PvE in Atlas, i'm not a hardcore player and don't have a lot of free time to play in PvP, so, i play in PvE trying to survive to the environment and trying to make some friends or allies to share resources or help each other. People that are asking for a singleplayer mode in this game are confused about what kind of game is Atlas. Isn't a game for you, people. Get over!
  3. Climbing Picks are the solution.
  4. Playing like 300 hrs, the first 100 hrs sailing from one place to other and living in my raft and sloop in the middle of the sea or in freeports or near to the beach in some lawless zones, moving from servers, trying to find a place, looking all the islands in like 12 servers, dying many times, finally found a nice place in a nice island (has clean water, sap, metal, minimal wild animals) , removed the base that some inactive player left, build my base and stablished for a while, sail to other island (with different resources) in lawless zone, again, found a nice available place and build another base....so...HELL NO! NO Wipe! at least until this game finish is EA state. The problem is that all place are claimed? OK, take your time and found a nice place in some lawless zone or try to catch a claimed land. WIPE is NOT the solution.
  5. People move to another island to locate special resources, for example, i have 3 bases in 3 island that has different resources and sometimes i stayed for a while in one of those bases to gather everything that i need, then, i sail to the other base to carry those resources, so, sorry, but i'm disagree with you, it cost me a lot of time to found a place where i can build "my shit" and protect it.
  6. Well, thats something! Good luck that i have my base in a little island with a lot of sap
  7. And always we have the "Hoping for others don't sinking my ships event" and "the never-ending search for a little piece of land to build a base event"
  8. Stop listening to Toxic PVP'ers they make to waste your time.
  9. Today (i was 88) i was sailing near to the zone, so, i want to try what about this. Arrived to the island (should be more ships parked than cars in a Superbowl parking ) the first 2 attemps, killed by a snake and a lion just after jump from my ship. Ok, other 10 attemps and killed far from the entrance (again snakes, lions and wolves). Other 10 attemps to reach the entrance (i was so close) and killed by wolves and lions, YES, like 10 fire elementals shooting to other playes and me, and 2 stone elementals and a lot of ghosts and they didn't kill me, but wolves and lions did Finally, i reach the cave, but just in the entrance, a ghost block me and i was killed by...YES, another f_cking wolf that was following me. Second time that i reach the cave, go through the cave without a problem and finally i'm young again , sorry that i didn't get the bonus, but it's ok, in 1 month i will be back or don't... P.S: This is a trash mechanic, is the more annoying thing that i did in any other game.
  10. How is that possible with the ice-skyting bug when jump to others ships?
  11. Maybe is because YOU die but not your company (has his logic because could be another members with you) and thats why all the things that belong to you don't disapper. Anyway, i'm agreed with you, this game is already hard to survive and we easily dies (animals, vitamins, water, food, cyclons, bugs, disconnect, etc) to add the age dying mechanic.
  12. Is not a bug, is the real fix for sinking others ships, nobody can go outside to do that. GG devs!
  13. A couple of wolfs attacks me i was killing them but, then a lion appears, jump and attack me and again, sticky to that motherf_cker and then i died.
  14. Oh my god! Thank you guys! i wasn't in a company because i didn't see the point to create a company playing solo in PvE. I should login to the forum first and saw the topics and don't lost more than 1 hour to sail from the nearest freeport. Thanks again guys.
  15. As the title said. One hour ago, i died in an lawless zone island, and when i want to respawn at my ship bed, i didn't see my beds ships in the map. And had to respawn at freeport zone
  16. Today, 2 or 3 f_cking lions attack me and my 60 lvl tamed bear, both, me and my pet died, also, i was bugged and sticky to 1 lion and couldn't attack him. Dev's need to nerf those animals or don't spawn to often or just one, not 2 or 3. With alphas i don't bother to do anything if i encounter one of those, just let him attack and kill me.
  17. Dev's adds the Claim Abandoned Ships mechanic. So, isn't all about sinking others ships.
  18. Fixing an Issue with an annoying bug. 10/10 I mean, i think is a bug, don't you? they didn't advice us about that in patch notes. I understand the people that were having this issue with toxic players sinking their ships, but this isn't the way to fix it. I was swimming near to my base, trying to catch a fish, i was close to a raft and the game pull me out the water jumping to the raft (that animation when you are in the border of the raft and "help" you to climb up) well, i was stucked, dancing like an ice-skater. The only way to get out of there was killing myself exausting me. It's ok to fix a problem with this, but why don't to apply some kind of system that if you jump to others ships, your inventory stays outside the ship, or maybe avoiding your weight, if you have 400 kls, if you are in others ships, that number is zero and don't affect. Hope they found a right way to fix this.
  19. ELROOD has a point. With so many toxic players in games like this, is a shoot-in-yourown-foot allow rent a place for somebody that you don't know which thoughts has.
  20. The problem with that system is even you didn't put any foundations, other people will allow to put them and f_ck you. Is the day-by-day in this kind of games. I have a little house (4x4) in lawless region, i put a couple of foundations near but there are more others players foundations around my house, so, i'm f_ck even demolish my owns.
  21. Ok then, Lawless Zones were created to stay for a while, craft a ship and leave the island to....where? to those islands where all zones are claimed? 10/10 logic. People who claimed infinity number of zones are the cancer of this game even worst than the people who put foundations in Lawless Zones. Dev's must have to restore the resources respawn to the pre-patch v10 or people will start to leave the game. They need to understand, than in PvE are many lonely players who only wants a little base in lawless zones to stay safe for the dangerous enviroment and to save some resources while they are exploring the map.
  22. So true! I built a house, no need to put more foundations around, but, it's me, and in this kind of game, there are always at least 1 guy, trying to f_ck the others experience with the game, so nothing guarantees that nobody else will put a foundation to block resources spawning in that area. If this was a deliberate change in Patch 10, Dev's failed to announce that. I will stay hopping that is a bug and they will fix it.
  23. We don't know that. If this was a deliberate change in Patch 10, they should have said it. But there is nothing in patch notes. I think that was something that goes wrong with the patch and they didn't expected that. If there are 3 patches fixing some of those bugs and none the resources respawn is because the issue is hard to fix yet, if don't they need to notify us about that change.
  24. Some people are making theories and turning around the same point, but, the true is that is a bug, a problem that Dev's are trying to fix. If that was a change, they must advice us about that, but is something that goes wrong with the patch. The only thing that we need to do is be patient and wait for the fix.
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