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Everything posted by McDangles

  1. I don't think $5000 is TOO bad for a schooner. Realistically you could farm that pretty easily with just diving and the mats are somewhat trivial. $25,000 and $50,000 for a brig and galleon respectively PLUS mats? Come on. Unless this trade system is going to give a bunch of gold I think that's pretty harsh. If you're going to do something like that at least increase the gold drops for SotD. I go diving and get 70G from a mediocre wreck. Kill a brig and schooner SotD and get 17G total.
  2. Its so bad I can't even get out of my grid. This morning I tried to open a door. I know after you load the game it takes a minute for things to get loaded in. Five minutes later still can't open the door. Never had this problem before Friday. Had a friend try to connect too with the same results. Hope it gets fixed during the wipe.
  3. I can get in on PC but it's a bust because the latency is so bad I can't do anything. I mean like ever since Friday night it's like 2000-4000ms. The game only shows a max latency of 255 I think but it's clearly much higher. I know different grids can have different latency but this is on E4. Not sure if the rest of them are this bad but it's unplayable for me. I mean I can't even open the food larder to feed my crew.
  4. ROFL. You can get into dueling them. Fire with fire and all. However it keeps escalating until you wall off the entire island. I got into a feud with another company. I don't even remember what it was about now, it was like a year ago. It degenerated into foundation, pillar, etc. spam. Walling in of shipyards. At one point I was swimming in the water dropping hundreds of pillars. I walled off an insane amount of the island. I actually made a building large enough to house over 1000 bears easily. It's never going to get better until you just move. If they have you completely walled in just start off at a freeport, make a sloop, find a new home, and then once you are established take a ship to your old base and grab any valuables you left there. If it were me I would leave everything up so they think they are actually causing you some grief. They will just be wasting their own time. It's really not worth your time.
  5. I also don't understand why diving pays better than taking out SotD. I have a brig and go out and kill SotD sometimes but the payout is so low I am just like what's the point. Yes plans are a thing but if I can make enough gold from diving I can buy them from the many shops around. SotD should pay out huge in gold.
  6. IF I was a tamer. Which I'm not. I hate the mechanics of getting boned trying to feed the damn things. I would tame two of everything. Two of the highest levels, male and female, so that I could breed them and use them or sell them. I had bear army of about 40 or so bears before the last reset that I was going to use for the powerstones and similar. I might do it again but I am hesitant to put in any effort because they might just do another wipe for no real reason. I still don't understand WHY the last one was needed other than downsizing, which also makes me think the next one will be the end of the game anyhow.
  7. The AoD already REALLY has a problem with disappearing. They just sink back into the ground unless you kill them really quickly. I think treasure maps don't even really pay well enough for how much of a pain in the dick they are. Even if they are'nt in a player's base they can just as easily be on top of a spire, in which case I'm not even going to fuck with it. I climbed one spire just to be met by a tiger at the top. No thanks. If you just care about gold diving is a much safer proposition.
  8. I can't explain why I still play. I don't even like Ark. Yes I have tons of newer games like RDR2, New World, MS FS 2020, DayZ, The Division 2, just to name a few currently installed but I am still drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Maybe for the same reasons I occasionally play DayZ. I think maybe it's because even in PvE you can still occasionally fall prey to the environment and die. Also that sometimes dying does have a tangible cost in-game. Like in DayZ for example you basically lose everything. Unless you are really lucky and respawn near your corpse. In Atlas if your ship sinks that's generally that. I've never sunk near enough to my base or under the right circumstances where I was able to even attempt a salvage.
  9. I meant to say farmhouses. I can't even make one of those. I tried again today. Still getting the error that too many nearby farmhouses. I don't see why they have to have such a ridiculous range. The area I was in only had a couple of farmhouses and it was a really big area. This has been a total waste of skill points for me. I rarely do it but I think this is worthy of a respec. What a cluster.
  10. If they mark the spawns people will for sure wall around them and gate them in just to be a*******s. No matter if you make it unbuildable people will still be able to wall them in even if it means they have to wall off 1/4 of the island.
  11. Sharks don't aggro you in a dive suit. Were you actually using a diving platform or trying to rawdog it? This is why "mobile bases" are a bad idea. Even if you don't do something stupid you can get disconnected in the middle of the ocean where pretty much anything can happen. I've had it happen to me a few times during what appears to have been server reboots. I had internet connectivity but the servers were unreachable. Luckily I was able to stick around and keep trying to connect. If it had happened before I had to go somewhere like work then I might have just had to risk losing my ship. Anyhow they're not going to restore your ship.
  12. The warehouses are totally boned. I spent so many points just to get one and I can't find anywhere to put it. I'm just right back to where I started just now with wasted skill points. I'm going on my third outing to find a place to put one but it's starting to seem like I'm going to have to put one on the other side of the island.
  13. Schooners, especially with the farmhouse update, are so quick and easy to make that I really don't see where you would want a sloop over them. Equipped with a large and small speed sail are they not the fastest ship for the cost\time to build? Yeah I get it some PvPers want disposable ships and a schooner is pretty disposable. Also frankly I can't imagine even being on PvP without being in a mega. If you're just a solo company does that not mean your base would be raided every time you go offline to sleep, work, etc?
  14. This sounds like the reverse of the OP. Crying because you cant reach the reward. I've never reached the really high levels in this game. I don't have a single powerstone. I still enjoy it. I find ways to make some money. Interact with the world and EXPLORE all of the corners of it. I don't just go to a zone near a freeport and gank people and then hide back into the freeport. As a PvE player that isn't even a concern, and that's how I like it.
  15. "Reward seeking behavior"? It's a game bruh. Nearly everything you do in the game is tied to a reward. If you don't like it go do something else. Who says you can't enjoy the game and be rewarded by it? Why do the two have to be separate?
  16. He's going to get sick of it. I had built a mega structure as well at one point. It was basically a massive box with a roof to keep people from falling into it from the neighboring cliff. Probably the reason why his pyramid panels are not finished yet is they will keep disappearing. That's the problem I had with my ceiling panels. I think if they aren't near a wall or foundation they just disappear after a certain time limit.
  17. The render range in this game is rather stupid. Case in point. I have a huge rock in the bay my base is at. Even when I am standing almost next to it I cannot see it much less avoid it. Which is why I surrounded it with buoys. Frankly I don't care about seeing other people's stupid structures as much as rocks that could damage my or even sink my ship. I think they should be rendered with less quality and not pop-up unless really close or you're on foot.
  18. I found a lvl 15 shipwreck clipped into the ground. Spent like an hour trying to get that damn treasure but there was no way at all. The flotsam they should either buff the gold or get rid of them. I just run them over rather than stop. I've tried grappling them as well just as a sort of fun mini-game while sailing but its nearly impossible at speed. Hell even stopped with the waves moving them up and down.
  19. I wouldn't even mind. In my zone, E4, it doesn't even rain. Honestly when was the last time you died from a cyclone? Really the most annoying thing is the wind changing directions. In my schooner I just sail through the actual cyclones. Really the only scary part is if you run into a pack of orange\red SotD or fog that risks you running aground.
  20. This comes from an idea I had to keep sharks from attacking me while trying to make an ice box at the bottom of the ocean. I just built a 1x1 tunnel going down all the way to the sea floor. Then I put the ice chest in there. I would just swim down and collect ice and bring it back up. It worked great before they patched that method of ice collection. If you didn't make the tunnel all the way to the top of the water it wouldn't be visible unless there were big swells. Even then you make it far enough down and it won't really be visible from the surface. Yeah there's the off chance someone would find it with a sub but maybe if you didn't build it near any island less of a chance. Not fully supportable for a main base but as a cache it might work. Also along the same lines make the cache really high up in a pain in the ass place to get to. So people won't even want to go through the hassle. Probably also a pain in the ass for you though.
  21. I've watched so many videos specifically on bear taming with conflicting information. It depends who you ask on which is the easiest way. I have tried almost all of them. The one thing I haven't tried is taming without a trap of any sort. That logic sort of makes sense that maybe they are trying to bite the trap and its just coincidence and also that they spin around because of it. Since I already have a bear it seems like that would be pretty easy to try. This isn't the first bear I've tamed. I've tamed probably about 5 or so. Most of them are scrubby lvl 10 or less. I would love to get a couple higher and start breeding again but alas this island I'm on seems to have no berries to keep a bear army fed. I've been looking around these new (to me) islands and I don't see huge berry fields like I had on L7.
  22. Not a wind up account. I'm just playing devils advocate. I work with a lot of people who just come into work and do what's required and nothing more. At times when we have incentivized them I have seen those same people get off their asses and give extra. If they use it on hookers or blow that's not my problem which they choose. I've been here since launch and there has not been a huge amount of content added I agree. The game still resembles nothing like the launch trailer. That's what I want to play and if I have to pay extra to get it, I'm willing, but I want to see a real plan. Not just a blog post that says we're gonna do some things. Dates, milestones, etc.
  23. All of these things are frankly stupid shit that doesn't need to be part of the taming system. Billboards traps? Stupid. Wall and foundation traps? Stupid. Even more stupid that they clutter the area and people leave them up and locked so you can accidentally fall in them. Multiple anything sucks for the solo players. I'm not saying they shouldn't have an advantage but they already have a huge fucking advantage of being able to rotate people to feed the fucking asshole animal they are trying to tame. The rest of it is purely academic.
  24. I'd prefer if they would just finish the game more. Give me the option to pay more money once targets are defined and reached. Once reached I will pay more.
  25. I played Ark long before Atlas. No way I want to go back to 7 hour tames. Let's just go with food on a stick for feeding. Hell you don't even have to make a stick model. Just use the fishing pole and attach meat.
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