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Everything posted by darcek

  1. wtf im talking about is we just got in game message Patch V17 major update is about to be send please exit game, It confuse me so im asking.
  2. Submarine patch released now? I thought it was due late Feb?
  3. I tried dark and light in the past,you compare this trash to atlas? whatever..
  4. Aha for combat applications? cool didnt know they were viable.
  5. Saw some people mention,that high level SOD gives you high level npc crew.. However I never saw any real benefits from leveling my crew except,for health and food to make maybe their survivability a bit better.. Is there anything im missing here that benefits having higher levels Npcs?
  6. Cant belive im 32 already,reserve me a spot guys soon going to fountain again lol
  7. Some of the food and drink I see have one large arrow with one kind of vitamin,or theres an up and down arrows. Whats the difference between these?
  8. Finally found the workaround myself,on an old ARK steam thread: Originally posted by Moon: I've been having the same problem, but i notced that if u place the pillars first, then it works and it also doesnt stick through the ceiling which makes it look neater... :3
  9. Not only do we get this horrible patch,making me farm all day for paste and metal to try make a suitable base,but now when I started a second floor at my base it doesn't let me place ceilings,saying :"Cant place Stone square ceiling:Requires Nearby Foundation Support". There are foundations below it as its second floor. I have also tried to lower a pillar all the way down,but nothing helps.even with those pillars getting same message... Anyone got an idea how I can make this work please?
  10. Server went down without warning..
  11. Longer item life span,less repairs to keep up,better durability,better protection from wildlife attacks,to name a few,it also looks nice. Your either very lucky or playing a different game
  12. So jealous now. Yesterday was busy rebuilding my own,after people overlapped my claim and made it impossible to use. At least got 40% done.
  13. The regular way? travel the various Ancient ruins zones and leave a sloop by the closest beach to the cave entrance,in each,until you find the right one. The smart way? Follow forum threads and discord for precise current locations.
  14. I vote to keep foy mechanic as is. What needs to be fixed is the server crushing under large amount of users connected, all the technical bugs giving people with bad internet connection or low settings and also nerf Sod attacking helpless people coming from other zone with gun less ships.
  15. This sentence has so many problems.. First theres nothing to be "learned" from assets of ARK. This game is using the same engine as ARK,thats all. The devs claimed this game is completely different then ARK,and one of the reason ,im sure of , is this exact line of thinking,people love to do here in the forum. And the engine is having same negative bugs,the ARK engine had,for the same reason,they are using the same engine. not an upgraded version or anything.from what I read they cant build better version of it,just live with the problems and find workarounds,the only fix is to scrap the engine and they dont want to do that obviously. So what your basically saying: "They learned the ARK engine was flawed, they need to discard that engine and start brand new game engine,cause of those flaws." See thats exactly what the devs didn't want! Because that engine is a basis, to develop many great games,flawed but still great. And no,they didn't want to start from scratch and just wipe all the hard work they did on the engine in ARK.they want to keep using that tool,until the day comes when they will work maybe on a new engine,only then will they "learn" from their mistakes and can improvise.but just like "Unity" or "Havoc" etc,building an engine is the most difficult part of the game..its like the chassis. and to scrap that cause of some flaws? yea maybe,not what they decided and as a customer you can decide thats a reason not to play. You might counter react and say:"Its not the engine" well I cant argue with denial, but if your looking for a valid explanation of the current bugs etc thats what I can offer on my end. If your talking about implementations,like the claim system,then again they said in their broadcast that like the engine,its a basic part of the game.scraping that will take a very long time like years,but they said they will try to tackle that in time. Yes thats how Wild Card operated,and Grapeshot born out of Wild Card use the same job mechanics. They dont see the issue with this,they never did. That might annoy a lot of people,but thats just how they work.and if you didn't like it,you shouldn't try an early access game from the makers of a game you already know you didn't like their work behavior.. Just come back after the release. Many issues would be changed and dealt with by then like ARK was much better 3 years after it was only on Early release.
  16. Letter to my mom: Dear mom I love you! sincerely yours: Darcek!
  17. Are there treasure maps above Journeyman(blue colored) levels? Wandering cause never saw higher,only common,fine and journeyman.
  18. Is there any reason im freezing to death now in the Tropical biom? Comeon Grapeshot,I know you want things to be challenging but thats just an immersion breaker.. To add to the pain I was actually with my parrot and ostrich,both give fortitude buffs,still I was freezing to death.. Dont recall people in Jamaica walking around with furs..
  19. Fountain of youth is not that hard once you know what to do,like so many stuff in ATLAS. Best weapons of choice are the official forums and discord. All you need is a sloop for fast travel,you can use the ramshackle one you get in free port thou its slower or make your own one with better sails. With the x2 event on its even easier.. You need to go with only stuff your willing to lose,your sloop a bed ofc for re spawns(your going to die alot). A good tip I got in global chat was to respec to all your points to health and stamina(like 90% to hp rest stam) and invest in sneaking 3. From there is just follow the feeds find a location go there,find the closest shore to caves entrance,and just start running sessions,till you get it right.
  20. Ehe..what you got against ARK? Best game I ever played.. doh
  21. Im playing in EU PVE Sirens call server. I recently stumbled on some islands in at least two zones so far(A11 AND e11), Where I found islands,that dont show on the map,and nothing grows on them...alpha alpha islands? not sure are these forgotten islands or what..kinda dangerous you dont see nothing on map,boom you almost on a mountain with your boat..
  22. During my travels I get all the time high ping(120+) This morning woke up loged in ,zone A11,Only 20 players online,ping 120+ High ping and the constant rubber band and lags really hinders the game. Funny thing is,ive also encountered regions where ping was quite low like 40~ ,still it was lagging and rubber banding. So not sure whats causing this bad performance.
  23. Its very easy tbh,when I considered all the tames i did so far,elephant is right at the bottom if done right. Wait till you try an Ostrich or a rhino,now that is insane,even parrot was harder for me to get. if you play on EU PVE,your invited for taming session with me ill show you how easy it is.im on C10
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