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Everything posted by Whitehawk

  1. Yeh but it's not you using the technology you give them is it? it's the kids. And you try and get them to stop, in a society where raising your voice is seen as abuse. And using the adage you only supply the pc, it's not your fault how they use them, is shirking on the role you play. And I guarantee the homework is all web based too, makes marking homework easier I should think. Yeh some parents are bad, but it's not always the parents at fault.
  2. Ok so I know it's fussy but could you make the large handling sail slightly shorter than the large speed sail please, I love designing realistic style ships and the large handling sail just looks wrong no matter where I place it. I end up using the medium sail instead just for the look of it, but it's not as efficient on the ship. I'm sure i'm not the only one who likes a bit of realism in their ship building.
  3. As far as I know it won't save on xbox, and i've tried everything.
  4. Yeh I had this happen to me today on sp, luckily I managed to open the sail and my ship sorta hopped to deeper water where it corrected itself. Damn nuisance though. But not as bad as my ships getting stuck in the dock, i've had to demolish shipyards just to free them.
  5. this only happened to me when it was released on xbox, and once when there was an update.The only thing you can do is check your hd space to make sure you have enough room for the game to update and boot. It used to be like that on my pc.
  6. It's unfair that as parents we get critisized by our governments for our kids spending too much time on the pc, when it's the schools that encourage it.
  7. Actually it's my childs school that put him on the computer, and then the homework has to be done on the pc too.
  8. Don't know if this is a glitch or intentional but the wpe ships I attack take damage then turn, and the are at full health again I can't sink em they just keep coming back at full health.And I can't claim the camp until I beat the ship, Don't get me wrong it's a great battle but surely they should stay damaged for a couple of minutes at least.
  9. Not just the sextant, i've had this happen with a lot of things, only to look again and its back.
  10. When that was done to me I kept pointing out that the saddo's were spending hours of gameplay trying to upset one person, when it's glaringly obvious it's only the griefers that were upset. I used to jump up and down round their base laughing at them. You need to be thick skinned for an mmo, or if you are griefing, just thick will do!
  11. well the way pvp sounds at the moment, give it a few months and you might be able too !
  12. They did, it's called single player, and it's the only atlas game where you get on with everybody.
  13. If you are gonna try to be clever, at least try to make sense.
  14. I've got both versions pc and xbox, and I play the xbox version cos it's more relaxing with a controller.Also kinder on my hands cos of arthritis. Not that it's any of your business why People choose to play console. I just thought i'd let you know you are wrong. Also xbox players paid twice the amount for atlas as we did on pc. I don't know why some people think the forum is now a football match of pc versus xbox, we all play the same game regardless of the platform it's on.
  15. Yeh and it looks like being civil to other people is too hard for u bro, try twitter.
  16. Yeh I had this issue with atlas in the summer this year, It was the only game doing it at first and then conan exiles did it too. I bought a new power supply cos I thought it might be that ,but then it stopped after an update, just before I fitted the new power pack. One thing I did notice though in task manager was that windows was doubling up all my games at the time they booted and my pc was struggling to run them. I've since come to the conclusion that this is a windows issue.
  17. If you put points into the shoveller skill you will get more salt, I normally get 12 before the shovel breaks. Also when you make preserving salt in the pestle and mortar it is always doubled.
  18. I would actually like to see players below level 8 not having to suffer heat or vit effects or at least have them at a reduced rate, that way new players could ease their way into the game. I only say lev 8 as you can't lev above that until you leave the freeport zone anyway.
  19. The biggest lag I have ever encountered was a company base peppered all over with shipyards, I couldn't even get to the shore as my pc just crashed. Atlastians have asked many times for either a way to save ships or one shipyard that makes everything, Has this ever been done? no. Yet this type of problem has been a massive issue for players for ages. So any suggestion we make isn't gonna be decided on by how much lag it may cause or prevent.
  20. If you use the fishing rod it will give you a small amount of gold with each catch, within no time you'll have enough for ship crew to help you start. You also get fish this way for blue vit, and skin sometimes.
  21. I've asked for this many times they could do it as a fleet commander skill.
  22. If you can't accept other peoples behaviour, then there is always single player. Otherwise you just gotta take the rough with the smooth and learn to roll with it. Personally I think you are severely misinformed if you think an xbox only server will have no cheating!
  23. Once they get the ship npc's working properly I'd love to see a fleet commander skill, so you could solo ships full of npc's and command them from the lead ship.
  24. Let barnacle bill tear their rumps asunder, keel haul the lotto em'
  25. I think the worst thing is when I sail and the npc automatically go full sail when i'm trying to damn well slow down!
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