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Everything posted by gnihar

  1. It is NOT a frekaing pirate game. It is an open world multiplayer sandbox survival game set in a maritime world, where you can be anything you want. “Pirate” stuff is an odd stump or skull, and that is it. Go play sea of thieves.
  2. If you are a PVE player, you can skip them easily. If you are a PVP player, they pick up npc from your automated defenses, have shit ton of HP and damage resistance. Can be used as moving catapults to launch suicide bombers and commandos inside enemy base past the walls and fortifications. Can jump hundreds of meters high and past your walls easily or into safety to heal. They can do that while holding cannon bears in their claws as well. The only counters that somewhat work are lots of tigers (relative DoT), catapults and baliistae and of course crabs of your own.
  3. This, you need to do this. Land npcs needto be assigned to tame groups. Also whistle all passive asap so they don't attack sea fish.
  4. There are 2 mesh types, lol. Still a bug from ark. One will allow you to see thru it, while the other will sink your ship...
  5. Finally, I welcome this change. Sick and tired of small ass trolls pot shotting my sail npcs. Come, and fight me, chickens, if you want to kill my cannons.
  6. Unless you got wiped by armada and cobra soon. Those guys have huge numbers and are hell bent on wiping the I.
  7. What do you get in them, how much gold per wreck?
  8. Can we use rotten meat instead of squid innards?
  9. It is true that you will cater to the largest group, but it is also true that largest group were individuals and small casual tribes.
  10. Lasers, yey! “Will you restore old tech and evolve?” Guess we shall. Pirate game? Guess you can roleplay a space pirate soon.
  11. It is not a pirate game at all. Idk why people are quoting it, when it is obvious that tech will evolve. fought Kraken? Seen how techy it was? Seen the drone above healing it?
  12. It is not a “pirate” game. It is a snadbox survival steampunkish game in a marine world resembling renaiscance europe. Featuring some pirate costumes, so what.
  13. So I have been trying to set that up, and here is what I did: 1. In my discord server opened a new channel 2. Created a new webhook, and copied the webhook URL 3. Inside ATLAS, under Tribe management, Notices, selected all chekboxes and pasted the webhook URL that dicord game ne Doesn't seem to work, aka tribelog doesnt get pasted into my company discord channel where webhook was created. Am I missing something here? Is there a step I didn't do or something? Official PVP.
  14. The point would be to paste company log to discord channel. How exactly do I do this? Official server.
  15. Everything that kills zerg , I welcome. How will you now bully small tribes to pay you taxes, when you know you can not conquer them, and they know it too.
  16. Aaaaand now the zerg are on colonies, already bullying and threatening small tribes. Awesome.
  17. L10 upper left is temperate, an anomaly in the tropical. What the f is that.
  18. Zerg are the poison of Atlas. Especially French and Spanish- they are all connected between themselves on EU, it can easily fit 200 players. How are small companies to fight and resist those bastards.
  19. Semantically you are right. Technically it is a MMOG, same as Ark was, what I was referring to are those disgusting helper features and "balancing" stuff that I dislike (premade factions, non-pvp areas, NPC "quests", inability to actually lose something etc. which Atlas doesn't have luckily. Automation is necessary for offline protection and execution of those pesky and boring tasks, and in Ark it was far superior than here. Generally, I don't mind if you wanna stand behind a cannon or sat on a sail for the whole time, no one is stopping you and your friends to play with no npc, but I will take npc crew to do it any time.
  20. Ok what version in-game says it is?
  21. Will the download even start if we are opted in test server??
  22. Makes small sense, isn't whole patch like cleaner download? Hope devs don't troll us to be late
  23. These eyes from the coucch are the real danger. Beware of them o traveler!
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