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Everything posted by Dimes

  1. Most people I talk to quit because of the grind. They said their is too much to grind and not enough time to do it. Sailing 4 hours to grind and 4 hours back between safe harbors isn't fun, it's anti-fun. Freeports gaining basic supplies and removing special supplies was bad.
  2. id like to see something that reduced the boredom of farming mats to do anything. it wasn't so bad in Ark.... but for some reason it so horrible in this game.
  3. I want to know where you can do this because the way this game is now, its extremely hostile in our area. last time I went gold farming I got chased through 5 zones when they pulled up to rob us after letting us do maps. not the first time and it wont be the last. everyone I talk to left the game because of the amount of farming needing to be done to do anything. The amount of anti-fun outnumbers the amount of actual fun.
  4. I sailed for 3 days for hours and never seen a whale. where did you find yours
  5. Today I patched, crashed, crashed, tried to spawn on a boat that is bugged. crashed, patched.... it hasn't been a good experience and the rest of the group of 50 of us are tired of it and trying REALLY hard to stick with the game. its not looking bright though.
  6. we are up to version 18. something and this is still an issue
  7. yes you can do that with prim garbage. but when you try to do something worth it using BP's its impossible to do anything worth while. The time it takes to sail to a safe harbor to farm, or even to trade takes hours. its really not worth it in the long run.
  8. Beds on boats go to green screen and cannot spawn. Deletes one bed only
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