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Everything posted by Chucksteak

  1. Umm lol except for the broken spell, static was it? Flat 25% dmg to remaining health. Cheese mode on bosses with uber health pools. Made it the hardest hitting spell in the game under certain circumstances. Look, let's not pretend the int factor wasnt broken last season untill the first nerf. Let's not pretend it wasnt still OP for people getting lvl 100+. Balancing isnt for you to keep your favorite cheese. It's to even out the playing field. Math can be tricky and multipliers MUST always be very small or gear immediately becomes more important than skill. That's a road to P2W folks. I applaud the changes.
  2. Wow, yeah Ark blows. I like Atlas. I play it a lot. It is not worth $30. It's worth $15, maybe $20.
  3. So, I asked WHY you, or rather oni, disagree. Should I take your response as simply, becuase you dont like it based on nothing whatsoever?
  4. I'm curious why you would say this. I said anchored ships. They should neither take nor deal dmg. The boat is the exact same as it is now once you raise anchor. This solves a lot of problems, but chiefly the #1 and #2 reason people quit/dislike Atlas. 1. I got wiped...again. Lost every thing... again. I quit. 2. Sailing takes too long, I cant go very far becuase I have to return to a safe (yeah right) base to park for the day. I quit. If this is the ever be an MMORPG, and they say they want it to be, at some point there needs to be something that is garunteed to still be there when I log back in. Safe anchor allows your boat to be your base, while limiting, severely so, how much stuff you can save. At the same time the whole map is now open to you as you dont HAVE to return to an island fortress to preserve your boat and voyage. The only other thing this might require is adjusting the ship per company limit. Easily done.
  5. Hard caps aren't bad. People getting lvl 100+ with over 400hp with nigh unlimited stamina, fortitude and all skill trees are bad. I'm all for diminishing returns, but the easy way is what GS needs to go with. Personally, I would have just capped levels and BPs, as that would balanced stats and given ability points more importance at the same time. Skill should always > gear. Starting with health, 300 is more than generous. BPs have been out of control. Reducing thier base stats gives GS the ability to not trash the intelligence stat and still have some semblance of balance. Let's keep in mind, it's a game about being a pirate. That very nature precludes GS to develop the game with that in mind. Changes will ALWAYS be made based on PvP. There is a server to play as a pirate who cant pirate, but the game is clearly not catered to it. Really looks like great changes. I'd still like to see the speed sails fixed as well. Its unfortunate they are already meta and fixing them makes the other sails 100% useless. I'm still looking for ship invulnerability while anchored and an AH in free ports as the least they can do to make the game viable.
  6. All these long posts. Your on PvE, so boat choice is irrelevant. Pick one and go. 1 bed is enough, becuase PvE. Carry 4 picks and a glider. If your hungry, outa vitamins, cold, hurt whatever, just jump off the boat and let a shark eat you. Boom good to go. The levels should be capped at 50 for better gameplay, but they arent, so when your ready, get a hundred gernades and throw them in the pit by a fountain of youth and max level in a few minutes of effort. Your solo enough to not bother with krackens and ice caves. Being PvE, it's just minecraft/farmsim from this point. Congrats you beat Atlas. You can now be free to pirate nothing from anyone.
  7. Ia not a console player, so this is speculation. As long as the interface you bought it through was steam, it should work on any platform. I I ow for a fact that it works that way with PC to Apple.
  8. @Redarcus @boomervoncannon Before we accuse them of money grabbing, let's please do acknowledge that there are no cash shops or loot boxes. Let's also keep in mind what we paid for the game, vs what it would sell for when it's finished (over a year away still). I challenge you to find a much better deal in video gaming. I would also differ to GS's own statement about thier financial position when it was released to EA. They stated that they had the cash to finish the game for a winter 2021 launch without the EA revenue. This may be a lie, but then that's me speculating. I will give them the benefit of doubt and trust thier statement. This does bring us back to Xbox launch. Why? Why wipe and launch now? It truly doesn't make sense to me until more was done.
  9. The 10 day decay timer is one of the best things theve done. And get real, if you can afford a 12 day vacation and your glorified minecraft is that important, youl bring a damn laptop and log in once to prevent it. 10 days is a good balance, argue 14, argue 8 its nice and round. The reckless spamming throughout the map was out of control with no good way to clean it up before they had the decay.
  10. Lol, I've always liked this exploit. I'm still in the camp to remove all NPCs that do things players should be doing.
  11. *squints eyes and shakes head at boomer for still replying to this thread* 11 pages, fuck sakes. I'll take 2 kracken dildos, dont ask why. #norealistleftbehind
  12. I would assume, based on personal experience, that someone floated by and sunk it for fun. Becuase why not when it's almost free and takes 30 sec to sink and harvest a boat that took someone many hours to grind out. Pro tip, build a boat on friday and scuttle it sunday night. If your lucky enough to still have it. At least this way you get some mats back. Better if you have pirate tree filled out. Its sadly what I do most of the time.
  13. Let's save the faux outrage for a wipe until....I don't know....maybe AFTER they say there is going to be a wipe? Currently we were told they would rather NOT wipe. So, interpret that how you will. I wrote it in English for you. Your welcome.
  14. I dont think anyone mentioned anything about dumbing it down in any way for PC players. Perhaps there will be a graphics cap for the console kids, but again, speculation at best. Oh wait, realist prolly screamed about something like this. Lets not put faith in what trolls say, especially the ones you know are ignorant.
  15. Sailing with your crew? The NPCs? Lol ok. For Christmas, please dear Santa, forget about the single player. Id prefer you to focus on the MMORPG you are working on. Im not entirely sure why a SP mode was created, when in your generosity you gave us private servers. The fuck are you talking about? Never before have I seen such back bending to cater to people who want thier own personal MMO to solo. Be grateful or go play a game made for your preferred style. No other MMO gives you what Atlas has for your perverted solo crusade against the worst mobs ever coded.
  16. That's the problem with trolls. They don't actually mean anything they say, they are just fishing for reactions.
  17. I would find it hard to believe there is any RMT here. Nothing in the game has any value. Anything can be done or made with relatively little to no effort.
  18. Yeah, Boomer is being nice. Your idea has clearly not been thought out very well. You removed any ability to be a pirate. You made it so no ship will ever be worth pirating as they are all only empty discovery ships. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you play PvE and as such probably don't understand how the game was intended to play out. You need to build things with different resources. They put different resources in different locations. You have to go find and harvest these resources. Someone can attempt to pirate your ship (RISK) You might decide to build a base here if its a better location. (REWARD) Then you have to take them back to your base, or one way or another get all resources in 1 location. Someone can pirate your ship WITH the resources (RISK) Now you can build what you wanted to. (REWARD) Its called a Risk/Reward system.
  19. Perhaps Avius is a little brutal in his presentation. I would have used the metaphor that I enjoy jerking off, but it is soo much more fun with a suitable partner to assist me. However I believe his sentiment is in the right place. I was personally appalled when I found out about the extent of the NPC crew. The necessity to have other people, real people, that have to work together for tasks of all sizes is a core component of an MMO. Everyone should realize this doesn't exactly feel like other MMOs, and a big part of that is due to the fact that NPCs make it so you don't need other people for 99% of all things in this game. I consider this a mechanical flaw in the game. I get that it is needed to assist defense while you are offline, but holy hell, what a cop out. Here's my problem, they create an incentive to NOT use real people....because the NPCs are better than real people. Imagine having 5 people below deck shooting cannons, and how accurate they will be compared to NPCs on auto fire against say, a SoTD. The NPCs are crack shots and fire in sync as fast as possible. The NPCs should never be preferable to live people. I for one would be perfectly fine with removing NPCs from the game entirely in an attempt to foster more of a multiplayer aspect to the game. I LOVED having my mates in Sea of Thieves work cannons, sails or helm. It puts more of an emphasis on skill and teamwork over who found better god damn BPs. I also don't believe removing them would be a penalty to solo players. This is supposed to be an MMORPG after all. Group play should have as much incentive as possible. The Galleon should absolutely be something that a group can use to much greater effect than a solo person simply due to its nature. As a solo I can still sail a brig on my own, but I wouldn't be very good at combat. Doesn't this sounds like it is how it should be, as opposed to how it is now. Let's not forget my hairy palmed friends, there IS a setting for solo palyer's, and nothing said here about the MMO side would, or is intended to, affect that in theory. This is not to even mention private servers. Boomer, I was gunna say something about how an incentive to play in a group is not the same thing as a disincentive to play solo. However as I read it back out loud I realized I was being retarded. 8Ball, bro, read your sentence out loud. Playing solo is literally the definition of playing alone. -CS
  20. Damn, well, I suppose it doesnt matter, but in America we have craigslist. We use it like an online garage sale....aww hell....you prolly dont know what that is. Well, good luck to you sir, and please keep that Sphinx in good condition. Its far older than most people think.
  21. You wont. Not becuase of the game, but becuase your build is super obsolete. Fun fact, I threw away a gtx 560 yesterday becuase i found it hiding in my shop like a mouse. But your bigger issue is the 3rd gen i5 your rocking around like its 2013. This means you RAM and MoBo are also from that era. So your bottleneck will happen at the cpu most likely once you get a 1050. Btw, at least get a 1080, they're cheap now.
  22. So, first off, yes. Discord and twitter ARE they platforms of choice for this era. They have successfully supplanted forums. I am 35. I prefer forums. It allows one to thoroughly read through peoples thoughts and take the time to digest and respond in kind. However it isn't fast enough or accessible enough for today's world. What discord in particular has done is find a way to merge forums with voice and accessibility. Its super uncomfortable feeling for people like yourself and I. To try to grasp the concept of a lesser voice platform than say, Ventrillo, coupled with a forum lacking abilities compared to what we would prefer. This is however not recognizing how incredibly seamless it is from phone, to tablet, to PC. You can effortlessly read posts, get alerted of them like a text message and even connect with voice with no real upper limit of users. Yes, aside from console boy, we are all the older group of gamer's. The ones with the disposable income and free time to consume. -CS
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