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Everything posted by Sirgonz

  1. had a custom painted flag that turned white last night when it was completely custom painted for 3 days.. anyone else have this
  2. ARK had one or 2 wipes early on...but hey we also do not know all the changes and how the core systems need to change or how claim systems are tied to player may be the reason...I didn't write the game so not going to speculate.... they said early on they would try not to wipe..... they found a reason oh well. the reward is a BETTER game that will play BETTTER... that's the reason we do EA games... they are bug riddled messes at times and a waste of time a lot of the time... they have to reset discoveries due to a 24 hour change they made that caused some to have too many discovery points and other to lose discovery points... except they are changing them.... and doing a rework of that system also
  3. he found an emoji the looks like the other guys picture.....and you think he should be fired... bet your office management position would be lost soon as they sued your for wrongful termination.... spineless pricks like you are whats ruining this country
  4. this is most of the time a server sync issue... get on ladder and stay still for a few seconds before going up..... or longer depending on sync issues
  5. I have searched for days and want to start our ships normal and be able to grow them a little more then official servers..... I just cannot find the ini command to adjust the per level modifiers for the ships.... I have it for wild tamed and players all set up...want to be able to add 300 weight to a brig on a level up point... or 5% durability.... if anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.
  6. STOP my animals from glitching through floors and animals from killing them through walls... please!
  7. instead of gold costs...should be tied to number of items placed IN a claimed areas... so first flag is live not get second flag until x amount of items like floors walls stations are placed.... then second flag becomes available... and have it get more expensive per flag... this will stop land grabbers and spam flaggers
  8. all my tames fall through the floor almost every time I log in
  9. we did it in m12 died 20 times leading the bad guys away from the cave only to get in and find the entrance body blocked by 3 wolves and 2 cobras stuck in the miniscule little cave opening I had to duck to fit in...spent another 20 deaths trying to have them chase us out of the tunnel...then we were able to run in and hit e on the sparkles.... funniest part the cyclops were stuck on the rafts like we get stuck so all we did was swim under them
  10. or better yet make dedicated starting zones and different zones for selling/trading.... some nice ones some black market pirate styled ones
  11. here is an idea...put the bed on your ship to respawn...or when the friends that been playing together are done in that area...have it be a rule to remove the flag
  12. where is the challenge in that...so many things in this game are broken and stupid like the Fountain Of Youth run die run die already.... the few things that take a little thinking should not go away... game should not be carebear / near impossible it needs things like this to make you think so its not a boring game like the sims games.....in my opinion its not perfect but if it was like you say it would be boring
  13. well guess you guys want care bear styled games... guess maybe they should just sell ready made ships to and a beer assistant to hand you your beer and wave a fan on your character on hot days,
  14. In stead of unlimited flags we should all start with one larger area...then you must place "x" amount of structures or pieces of buildings and work stations to earn up to the second one... after that each flag should become more expensive.....this way larger groups would still do good and can afford it but smaller groups don't flag SPAM and just hog up land for the sake of it. this is a more fair system that rewards hard work and allows more players to succeed and not be trampled buy people who have more time to play or a better computer and got in early and ran anfd claimed everything in site.
  15. in pve NA only 3 of us here at m12 hope it didn't move
  16. wow thanks devs I was to lazy to look underwater what was around … Damm dude want them to just come over a play for you also?.... takes 3 seconds to swim around and see the lay of the land under the boat docks when you set it... got 30 seconds to pick it back up and move it to a better location.
  17. 848 mostly negative posts and he doesn't even play....
  18. now this would be expensive with the cementing paste and metal added cost of stone
  19. I had 102 Fortitude and still would die of heat and cold …. save the fortitude for carry weight or anything else till they fix this,... we saw 155 degree day in i14 and was 155 on the bottom of the ocean!
  20. Been playing for a bit now went to freeport to hire more crew... game says its going down for a few min in a few minutes so I log off to do chores... come back to a sunk ship and loss of everything... wasn't gone 2 hours.... wanted to not log off there but the patch was happening . with player shops coming to these areas this is a bad idea...sometimes life happens and we need to log out why make it destroy our ship in such a short time
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