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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. Well.....I'm sure this is not working as intended. I personally love the age system and look forward to changes but that said right now it's not working at all. These places are loaded with sloops just left to be sunk. Just an idea I had and I'm sure I'll get destroyed over this because this is the way it was intended lol. So why not have the fountain of youth at every freeport and also have random spawns.... this is why... Let's face it not all want to get a sloop and run naked thru a cave. Why not take a trip to freeport jump in fountain and do some shopping at the new shops coming. Say hello to some shop owners and buy some cosmetics. Make a few trades then head back out to sea. Now by doing it this way you will go to age 20 but you will not get a bonus. Now have the other 2 random spawn like you have now. Travel to the island fight your way in, dip in the water and get your bonus for taking the harder route plus your now age 20 again. More risk more reward. Would lower the count of players in a single server and leaves gameplay for players that don't want to fight and leaves the cave open for players that do. Like I said just an idea....Know need to harp all over it but opinions are welcome as that's why we are all here.
  2. Ok this idea of the fountain of youth in one area is brutal , ping is so high my ship dont move so we left the grid, tried to go back in and now we are stuck. Add more locations please. No chance in the next 5 years will you be ever to hold that many players in one area. I'll be shocked if we still have our ship when we are able to log back in due to server full.
  3. Had to log out yesterday cause my bear was stuck on my boat due to some invisible wall slash rubberband. 5 mins and I was still in the same spot.. Left the bear and went to farm by hand but same thing the rubber band was sooo bad I couldn't take it any longer. 30 players connected ping was a steady 100. Hope it gets fixed soon cause wow out at sea and one min on your boat then bam your in the water. Its BRUTAL
  4. Build base go explore. Log back at home base so it don't run out and decay. Get all kinds of loot and a week later you head back to put it in your cabinets but your base is gone because u didn't farm enough because you were out on the seas. I'm sorry you need to farm more so I can tax the shit out of you and because you went out to enjoy yourself like a pirate on open seas I have gave it to another puppet that chops trees all day. Have a nice day.
  5. Can't vote cause I feel 1 per person is way to low and there is no other options I like either. 5 seems legit though per player.
  6. I won't rent . Nope not gonna happen...so what my crew have done is make a list of mtls we can find in lawless and Freeports. We will not farm any land that has tax over 10%. If there is an emergency we will grab the min amount we need. nor grab treasure from them. Pretty much last place we will ever farm is claimed land even 10% we will pass by most times after we grab the land marks. We get our gold from lawless also. Almost daily we see a trader from other grids. So we trade stuff we get from lawless which helps. Always ways around this. Don't support greed and if you ever see land owned by us you will see no tax. Farm away my friends and sail safe.
  7. So u roll up to my dock and say hello...dude can i see your ship u ask kinda like knocking at my door of my house. Sure i say and raise anchor or unlock the door to my house and allow ou to enter. Then u say dude I lost my ship and got way to much loot on me and don't want to die. Then you say any chance you can take me to that island over there. No problem I say anchor is up already so I'll head over and drop u off. Get to island and you jump off and go to our house. Not sure what is broke....not sure why u can't offer rides and not sure why you can't show off our ship. Best part is I have a ship to show off and not the one sitting bottom of the ocean cause some child with mommy and daddy issues decided to overweight my ship and sink it.
  8. I play solo up until 2 days back, so just over 300 hours and loved it. Was tuff and thats what made me log in daily. There was nothing i couldnt do....lvl up hmmm i need a bear ...respec into tames... got my bear lvl up respec into sails ....make sails .....lvl up respec again....beautiful system. I now roll in a brig solo.....i have crew to fire my cannons....crew on my sails.....im solo....cant wait to log in again..because i wasnt able to finish everything in one night....amazing finally a game that is tuff.....my teammates pretty much run solo and we can meet up whenever. From what I've seen and I have the hours to prove this, this game is built for large groups and solo players.....
  9. Lol , so a few hundred hours go by me and my crew build a few ships log in next day and some child sunk it all and you call it crying? Really....you can't honestly believe that....something was broke and abused and needed fixed. A solution was put in place after hundreds of ships were lost....thks btw devs for doing so....Look forward to more changes and big fixes as the game grows. Now I don't want to insult you but your kind of an asshole.....
  10. Seen this to many times....only thing I can come up with is these are the people that got crushed in PvP so they have moved to Pve to bully others to make their real life feel better. Karma will get them one day.
  11. Next thing you know the tree huggers will post people in Atlas level a forest lol.
  12. I used the BP to craft the Bow yes but I can upgrade the Bow 16 times and each time takes mtls and gold, now I can shoot over 100 arrows instead of 60 that the common bow does and do way more DPS.. it's a great system and has forced me to farm for gold.
  13. It is though. Solo I could not get my treasure cause I can't do enough DPS to the warrior. After I upgrade my Bow many lvls I can now solo most of my treasure maps just need to upgrade my gear. All this does take gold. Plus I've traded gold for better treasure maps from locals.
  14. I have a chicken and a cow .....very easy to stay alive and for me personally I don't like to die all the time. Staying alive for days is far more rewarding.
  15. Please put raft all around my stuff so I can take a photo and send it in.....your name is all over the raft..........so please do it and see if you get smacked with the gold ban hammer.....
  16. I needed gold to upgrade my Bow....plus crew and cosmetics....lots of use for it.
  17. It affects both Pve and PvP and needs to be addressed, no need to be so negative. To me it seems PvP has got to you a bit.....maybe put the game down and try something else cause I see no other reason why you would be so angry about this post. This is positive info for both Pve and PvP.
  18. So I have been hunting a place to stay besides lawless cause easy 70 plus people there. Well claimed islands are a joke, i was told to fk off as soon as i even came close to land. One group said I can rent a space max 6x6 2 floors high but only if I pay the discord fee........fk off ....now I have a few people on my list to piss off. I can handle these people on islands cause I have tuff skin and the world around me has made me this way. But I totally understand why people are upset. Some of the group's holding the lands are rude and charging real life money to build on......fix your shit man until then I have 2 groups to torment lol see ya on the sea.
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