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Everything posted by vaylain

  1. Grapeshot, please acknowledge that you are working on the following bugs, thank you: The Survival skill, "Water Swimming Speed" has been rendered useless as the SHARK'S behavior has been recently tweaked to NEVER stop their chase and they now swim Faster than maximum points invested into this skill. (Used to be fine before the recent shark changes). The Archery skill, "Strong Arm" does NOT modify the projectile weapon damage as described. Same DPS with or without the points invested. The Beastmastery skill, "Sneaking" does NOT modify aggressive creature's visibility range, rendering this skill line, a waste of points. The Hand-to-hand skill, "Brass Knuckles" fist weapon has too little durability and a fraction of durability is depleted on every punch, effectively breaking the weapon after and during combative encounters. (This is rather significant as the Brass Knuckle can only be repaired at the smithy.) While in third-person, "Orbital view" and moving the camera around to place a Large Gateway, the Atlas client frequently will crash to the desktop. While on a wooden ladder looking up, the player is unable to close the trapdoor to their hatch frame, but if that wooden ladder were to be replaced with a rope ladder they are then able to. (seems like an unintentional bug). The Tool, "Grappling Hook" does not expend any stamina to use. Characters can climb, swing, and hold on to it all day long without losing any stamina. There also seems to NOT be a need for the parachute as merely "grappling" the ground and falling straight down to the ground produces no detrimental effects only an exceptionally safe and advantageous landing. Characters can move at sprint velocity while draining very little stamina in a series of well-timed "Bunny-hops" around the map. Using this technique, one could bunny-hop across an entire island without draining the normally intended stamina sprinting the very same distance would have required. The "Tarot" skill tree has still not implemented, will we be seeing magical/Tarot related content in the near future? Grapeshot, I would greatly appreciate if you would kindly respond with some sort of acknowledgment that you are aware of these bugs and are possibly working on them. Thank you, sincerely.
  2. I agree, I play the game, I can personally see the dwindling numbers. I log in each night to find only four to five players on within any of the seven regions that I have homes and I am hard pressed to find any more than a handful of players while sailing through region to region as well. I know that the last wipe rang loudly as a death knell. I agree with your notion that the game has lost any interest except for those of its most loyal of fans. I just feel that the issues concerning Atlas's demise are far worse off than just a few meager "warships" could resolve. It is apparent that the DEVs do not actually play this game nor have any vested interest in the time and effort that goes into playing this game. They lack first-hand knowledge of what they create and how it may be a success or failure, short from their own assumptions and feedback from the community. Personally, I feel it is the absence for concern to address the current and most detrimental bugs/glitches within the game that is most troubling. It is also from the lack of interest to promote more meaningful "Player vs. Player" encounters as skills require a complete redesign and overhaul to become more relevant. The game seems to only promote "Offline" encounters and ship to ship combat but I feel strongly that this game would be at its best and most intriguing if players had more intimate one-on-one combative skills with more depth and diversity for each of the skill trees. Atlas should boast more than just a boring sword strike, arrow or bullet shot, punch, mace swing, a shield slam. It should offer more involved combative disciplines and feats. Allowing players to actually get toe to toe and dual for several fleeting moments in a skillful dance of various strikes, doges, and parries. This would greatly enhance the warship encounters as well as it would bring more to the ship boarding aspect when crew fights crew, "mano a mano"...
  3. How many "War ships" will it take to earn your fealty, pray tell? Have you given that notion much thought? Nay, I fear you are bitching just to hear yourself bitch my friend...
  4. vaylain

    Im out

    This game has already lost more than 3/4 of the player population since the original launch. Many simply did not return after the last wipe and one more wipe, no matter how much you want to point out "EA" clauses, this game will NOT survive one more wipe and so soon after the last wipe. Just BAN the assholes that feel the need to cheat and be done with it... If there are players that are running around with high levels, who cares? I hardly ever run into any players as it is these days on the NA PVP Servers. If it wasn't for being offline griefed, I'd say they all were myths...
  5. Half-ramps Half-ladders Windows with steel bars Murder Holes Oubliette Sleeping bags Allow players to dig trenches or better yet, moats! Tents ***********(Please) - Parachutes!!!!!************* An option to fill gaps between structures with the debris of sticks, rocks, and metal scraps. This means by making an extra honeycombed inner wall you could fill in the gap with the debris of sticks, stone, and metal as added reinforcement. Foundation clipping or a method to excavate and level out a plot of land so that ALL of your foundations may be placed down evenly. Cammofaluge decorations or netting that offer us the ability to cover or paint your structures with textures and colors that better blend in with the immediate surroundings. Auto-opening/closing-gates for our shipping structures. Allow players to dig tunnels and holes to build within. Spiked walls. Tree platforms. Water foundational stilts, floating barrels, or even floating pontoons to build water bases. Vacuum sealed structures to build on the ocean floors. A longer lasting refrigeration unit of some sort...How about make that new Icebox be able to keep food longer as well? Tripwires, stringed cans as alarms, punji sticks, shotgun and string tied to the trigger traps, hanging log trap, quicksand, human snares, deep pits, or even flammable pits
  6. It's actually: "And, so it begins..."
  7. You are very naive. Video games are just one of the many release mechanisms that working adults employ to recover from stresses, worries, and daily struggles. When you grow up, if video games aren't your thing, that is fine but for many, video games are a great way to vent and relax but this is off-topic from the OP's original post. As a working professional and parent of several children, I paid for the game and would easily pay for a monthly access fee and so I support this request/inquiry as I never know each week, exactly when I can squeeze in the time to play and would love it if I experienced these rates anytime that I got the chance to.
  8. It is NOT pvp anyways with offline ganking of unprotected, docked ships....that is merely griefing. Clearly, you are a griefer if it bothers you so much. We shall eventually see if the DEVs plan to design the game to support you "griefers" or if they plan to address griefing and make offline sinking of ships impossible... Hey, if you don't like it and just want to cry about it, go play a hardcore PVP game then...Altas was advertised as an online sandbox with both, PVE and PVP elements intertwined. Hell, if you "griefers" got your merry way, Atlas would have to have its advertising changed to: "ATLAS...spend all day building ships to have high-stakes pirate combat but then awaken the next morning to find them all sunk by griefers. So, get your money together, because you are in for one hell of an adventure. Join today...because tomorrow might never come!"
  9. Very nice work on the "Skill UI redesign". Looks so much better. I love it!
  10. Ohhhhh, hey DEVs. If you are gonna leave out the originally intended Tarot tree, could we please add UFO's into this game then? Thanks Much!
  11. I always built sloops as my ships tend to get destroyed by griefers nightly but I have come to understand that it is not really the ship's speed that makes the difference, it is the ability to turn faster and get back up to top-speed that makes the difference and that I may be better off in a schooner with the new, "cargo accessory" instead of a meager sloop. Thank you for the advice/info, much appreciated.
  12. The game would certainly suck if the typical meta was getting one-shotted from ranged attacks. That would be cheesy. I can understand being sniped in the head while wearing a hide or less helm, but certainly not while wearing a heavy, cumbersome metal helm and after investing a significant amount of attribute points into hit points. Do you typically see bows or any melee weapons being able to one-shot higher level players, wearing plate mail, and considerable points pumped into HP?
  13. The "interview" term was just a ONE-word way to describe the process of trying to get recruited with a company. Typically, a company leader would have a few questions to ask from you or the largest companies tend to direct you to an online form to fill out before they decide on accepting you into their company and that would constitute as an interview, wouldn't you say?
  14. I agree here. I feel that reaching the highest tier (bottom) in the skill trees should require a greater investment in skill points and those advanced skills should have more impact on the game. This would eradicate the "Jack-of-all-trades" meta Atlas currently has right now and allows for a larger diversity in skill specializations and ultimately a more unique meta. This also would mean that players would bring more value to the table when they interview for a position within a company as each player could specialize in different aspects, bearing more weight in their unique abilities. That sniper that invested heavily into the highest tiers of their skill tree should offer greater damage and precision in their sniping abilities, effectively offsetting the base armor and hitpoints of most players because they have honed their art and sacrificed considerably in many of the other aspects of specialization. As it stands right now in Atlas, I do not feel very original. I feel more like a cookie cutter character that has pretty much the same skills that many of the other players have chosen as most players tend to gravitate towards building a "jack-of-all-trades" kind of spec to be more viable. Most players try to get to Stone in construction, have a weapon specialty, place points into the basics, advanced tools, enough to unlock the bow and possibly ziplines, lower tiers of armor, basics in cannons, and maybe even the grappling hook from the piracy tree. What Atlas really needs is to make our skills have a greater impact on the game and cost more, preventing players from getting to the bottoms of several skill trees as we all increase in our levels...
  15. My issue is NOT building such a ship solo, it is keeping it safe from griefers as I go to sleep (or work) and the expensive costs to pay for such a large crew. I do not have an easy method for cash flow as a solo player and I rather detest sailing. It is extremely boring but I do enjoy ship salvaging, treasure hunting, exploration, and spice trading while on a PVP server. On a PVE server, it bears no risk and PVE'rs tend to be boring. I just prefer that Atlas would offer a fast ship that is NOT built for combat but built to avoid PVP encounters while at sea.
  16. Willard, I have always chosen to play on PVP as I rather enjoy opportunities for an equal PVP encounter. I also appreciate the sense of risk that a PVP server bears. I detest large companies merely "Ganking" smaller to solo companies out of the simple fact of griefing. Ganking/griefing is just a douche thing to do as it offers no real value to a PVP mmo but I do realize that some folks just cannot maintain themselves and must flex their "epeen". You sound like you got one of the biggest epeens in the game and it must be troll hard... But this has nothing to do with my original post. I had said that in most traditional MMOs, the smaller ships, be it wooden boats on the ocean or space ships, etc. tend to be swifter and more agile and the larger ships tend to provide more damage, armor, and muscle. At the very least, what I am trying to convey is that there needs to be separation from heavy, fully loaded ships built for combat and lighter ships which sacrificed their armor, hp, and firepower to promote faster speeds and agility. Unfortunately, in Atlas, there is no such separation. The larger ships built for dominance and combative punishment also maintain the superiority of faster speeds. This, I feel is not right and should be looked into. The lighter boats streamlined for speed and agility should be faster and the bigger and heavier boats built for damage and tanking should be slower. Savvy?
  17. Just because solo or smaller companies complain about the largest companies getting all of the content and glory, does NOT mean that we do not desire PVP. In fact, I am extremely fond of PVP encounters where I am able to go one-and-one on even grounds where skill matters NOT the size of your company. That is real PVP to me. You pompous ass, you think that only you get to decide whether someone should be playing the game in PVP mode or not? Screw you, I am a paying customer just the same as you are. Of course, I have not experienced the Galleon, as I had said. I cannot even dream to build one and maintain it as a solo company. This does not change the fact that they always run down smaller ships none-the-less. That was my point. Oh, good one! Your intelligence is staggering...
  18. Why are the largest ships equipped with speed sails the fastest ship in the game? This makes little sense in regards to an MMO. As traditionally, the smallest ships are the frailest and defenseless ships in the game but to compensate for this fact they are smaller and lighter and usually offer faster speeds and agility as the trade-off. But in Atlas, the largest ships suffer no negatives, they get to have it all, weight, HP, armor, firepower, agility, and speed. This makes no sense from the MMO perspective as generally the solo and smaller companies will never be able to viably maintain the largest of the ships. But solo and smaller companies need to be able to rely on speed/agility to survive and flee from the larger ships built for death otherwise your MMO is flawed, allowing only survivability for larger companies and the solo/smaller companies be damned! As a solo player, I almost always get run-down trying to flee larger ships as I try to salvage wrecks, fish, treasure hunt, transport exotic spices, resources, and creatures, or explore. This is NOT very fun for us players that are NOT trying to have ship-to-ship encounters. Smaller ships should NOT be allowed to equip cannons and turrets but offer greater speeds and agility, allowing better opportunities to escape deadly encounters unscathed.
  19. The sub is just a better version of the dive suit? They are considerably different. A diving suit offers no protection from the dangerous oceanic wildlife and yields an obscene detriment to a player's vision. Although it stands to be confirmed, I suspect that the submarine will offer an unlimited supply of oxygen while it remains powered. The submarine is NOT just something prettier or faster...it is diametrically different in regards to protections and the quality of life for the player employing it. As the game stands now, players do NOT have to have a large group to earn the right to build and use any of the tiered gear/structures, why is it that players need to have an army to acquire the knowledge of the submarine, pray tell?
  20. That's the spirit! Truth be told. I have "quit" several times myself and I fear that the great lack of content for the end-game will ultimately destroy Atlas and fans alike in the end...
  21. Willard, you are just being a troll. Quit being an ass Mr. Troll! ALL cannons placed on ships should be restricted to their corresponding Gun ports. This was the intended design and corrects the design abuse and meta for positioning all your cannons on one side with the intentions of releasing an obscene payload in one consorted salvo. Secondly, why even have siege weapons if you are just going to allow players to mount cannons on carts where a tame can pull that cart up to someone's structure? This is the meta and it is silly. Encourage players to have to use explosive barrels and siege weapons to attack land locked structures as was your original intentions. Thank you, sincerely.
  22. The Brass Knuckles are not on par with all of the other weapons. After just one combative encounter, the Brass Knuckles will have lost at least half of its durability. It seems that the base durability is set too low, considering the fact that the durability is drained on each swing of a fist, of which there are two fists. Then you add in the insult that the Brass Knuckles require to be repaired at a smithy and this renders the Brass Knuckles useless. If only the Brass Knuckles could have a larger base durability rating or the durability per fisted punch be reduced then the Brass Knuckles would become a very viable weapon. Grapeshot, could you please look into the viability of the Brass Knuckles and maybe the Brass Knuckles could instead be repaired on the fly, from our inventory instead of at a smithy? Much appreciated, thank you.
  23. An LFG system would be helpful. Almost all the zones I sail through have only a scarce amount of players in it. I am not sure where all of the Atlas players are actually hanging out. From my experience, this game seems as if there is no actual population. Used to feel a lot more active and has been dwindling down considerably since the wipe last month.
  24. Locking the sub and thus all of the content one could experience after acquiring the sub behind a wall only serves to create a major technological divide between lesser companies and the alpha companies. This is something the ARK devs would do, don't fall into this pitfall, it is a bad design/game decision. ================================================================================================== I am not fond of WoW's system of locking high-end content from most of the community. Not everyone is a no-lifer, unemployed, or little kid without responsibilities. Many avid players are adults with careers, bills, and families to take care of and play this game in a casual capacity and we should NOT be punished by this aspect as we are paying customers too. They are not only locking that particular diving mount but most importantly, they are locking a KEY diving mount with mechanical claws and an onboard weapon system. Big difference from all of the other diving mounts that you have argued.
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