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Case of the Scurvy

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Everything posted by Case of the Scurvy

  1. I wish they would get rid of these ridiculous designs with triple rear decks and cannons.
  2. Yay instead of 30 you need 22 per
  3. Acceptance is the 5th step, glad we were able to make progress here. Now time to make repentance, apologize to the op.
  4. *we have increased wood wall cost, it now needs cannon balls to craft
  5. So confused right now.......
  6. You probably ran into someone's flag and they put that in the message as a joke....
  7. Wonder which one of you on this thread is the actual offender eh....
  8. I mean... its not even a fountain lol Cmon man
  9. You mean the glowing lines at the power stone chest. To me really doesnt qualify as a quest. It was horribly implemented with seemingly 0 thought put into it.
  10. I dont think any skill works except for those that require you grab the wheel
  11. Sucks this falls on deaf ears, especially considering what was written.
  12. Ark at least had torches, we don't even have that. This game is a complete mess. EA or not its a damn mess.
  13. Yup, it was done so damn poorly... Hell i would be happier with a large fountain on a small island that didnt move locations. Something you just had to sail to. anything other than what we got. Some of these choices made by the devs are really starting to make me lose faith and confidence in them.
  14. All of this is irrelevant. I like it because i do. Im not scared or a little debuff and or work to correct it. I like it because of "immersion", something semi new in games, and also its something else to do. You are rewarded for hitting up the fountain. I really see nothing wrong with it. What i do see was an extememly lazy fix for it with 0 innovation or effort going in to the solution, hell we dont even have a fountain, what we have is some glowing lines at the power stone chest. And if this is any indication on how development is going to go then none of this matters because the rest will be garbage as well. To not like the age mechainic due to a small debuff that is fixable and comes with an additional buff well then thats on you.
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