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Everything posted by LaiTash

  1. People are abusing treasure maps as it is. This is the most effective way of acquiring gold, the most effective way of acquiring experience, it's completely risk-free and there are always tons of maps pointing to your island (even better if you control more than one) so you don't even need to go anywhere. They need to be nerfed, not buffed.
  2. I'm re-reading one of their interviews right now and it seems to me that their intention was to allow solo players to thrive via cooperating with large companies without necessarily joining them: This isn't happening in real Atlas so people ask for alternatives.
  3. That would be a perfect solution but i don't see that many companies interested in offering land for rental. It's not really solo player's fault that they don't live on taxed lands.
  4. The issue is that you need land to have a chance of having a ship for more than one day and to have not all progress lost when his extremely fragile ship is sunk.
  5. - you can be a medieval Pope and own asses of almost every king in Europe while owning a just tiny piece of land - you can be a banker in one of the merchant republics and decide the fates of whole countries from the safety of your cabinet - you can own google and have an effective wold-wide mind-control machine and there's nothing a president can do about it. He's using google too. Who cares about some guy who has the power for 4 or 8 years and can't even fuck a girl working for him?
  6. So you got a lot of stashes... is it even fun?
  7. Yeah you announce yourself, get permission to land, and then suddenly you're being hunted. I don't bother with permissions anymore. Take a glider, pick the main discovery, glide back, full sails.
  8. Well one company may have all the land but another one controls all trade, for example, and another one just has more friends. But yeah, land is just simple and easier to implement as a metric, instantly visible on the map too.
  9. a) large groups aren't the majority of the player base. That's another delusion they fall into in addition of elitism. b) i've been in one of them, was reading another one's discord, and seen people sharing their experience. So yeah, i have all reasons to believe most of them are like this. And i'm not saying these companies are bad, they can be good for you if you joined for the right reasons (large scale pvp and stuff like that), and that does not include safety.
  10. Your words reek of "who cares what some old fart once said i'm the smartest ass in the world". You're probably living in a society that, while not perfect and full of injustice, still values freedom even if forces you to accept some limitations that are beneficial to all it's members. And when people find out that some of those limitations are actually beneficial to a minority of people in power they riot and do all kinds of risky stuff. If you were living somewhere in North Korea you'd understand the meaning of that quote, that is if you were even allowed to learn about it. Because enemies are everywhere and only our glorious leader can save us. From what i've seen while being in a large tribe, joining one simply because you don't want to get raided is more akin to migrating to North Korea. You can't do much on your own, you do what you're told, you don't have a saying about anything that matters, you can still be raided and your ship (if you're allowed to have one) can still be lost overnight, all in exchange for illusion of safety and delusion of being one of the elite.
  11. They'll have to start skipping it anyway when the megas will take over every little bit of claimable land. And it's ok. Megas need to start wiping eachother, that won't happen until there is no more easy targets left and wiping even a small company can take a few days.
  12. As someone having a mobile base and not staying in one place for long (especially since i don't want to loose everything i have in a matter of seconds to some bypassing 30-cannons brig while i'm on land) i can't really do much of treasure hunting. And honestly i don't see why it should be such a superior way of getting experience - if you have land you can do several treasure hunts/day and level up extremely fast without going anywhere or risking anything at all. Same goes for alpha creatures too btw. Why can't we level up by killing those SotD? At least the high level ones? You actually risk loosing a ship while doing this. Uncovering more of the map could grant you little xp as well probably. This is a game about sailing and exploration after all. Give us a way to level while sailing and exploring pls. Yes i know we get ship exp for killing SotD but hey my little ship is already maxed.
  13. I'm personally ok with this. Maybe megas will start taking casualties and the game will stop being ez mode for them, while smaller companies' focus will shift towards preferring mobile bases over having land and grapeshot will notice it and give us the much needed freeport protection.
  14. Like they need anyone to defend their border islands.
  15. 1) buy a pirate mmo 2) complain about having to spend time at sea
  16. haha, nice one Atlas already have a system kind of similar to eve, just terribly unbalanced and it surely needs a lot of work. Official PvE has too many problems with claims (because those were designed with PvP in mind) and i don't think we need those problems on PvP. Especially since the megas will immediately claim all the PvE land and no one will be able to take it from them, ever. A proper highsec should be no-build no-claim basic-resources-only, basically freeports without the stupid decay, with some safe storage and maybe public shipyards. Claiming system is there for PvP companies to fight over something, lawless is there to gather special resources with some risk involved (because good luck doing that on a claimed land) and to allow people who don't feel like joining a mega to build stuff if they like building stuff. If anything we just need more land, lawless or not.
  17. They could just reduce the amount of discoveries per level for example, i don't know... It's basically impossible to get all the points. I've seen too many discoveries completely blocked on lawless islands and it's even worse on normal ones (i'm not even talking about having to leave my ship there for more than 1 minute, even if you get permission to land there's absolutely no guarantee that land owners won't just sink it while you're trying to get on top of that stupid mountain, and that's now when megas didn't take ALL islands for themselves yet)
  18. Well none of this will ever be implemented. Freeports and some additional damage resistance while anchored is the best we can hope for, and it's probably enough.
  19. a) no one is ever forced into living in nullsec b) i've been doing just that and survived
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