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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. That wouldnt be bad if he did it on both sides. The worst one is the one where he put 21 guns on the front of a schooner. That one looks stupid as hell. I also just hate the look of the large cannon but that is another thing all together.
  2. There are ways around this.... Besides the obvious fact you can turn it off so you dont know. But then there is the periodic checking of the server numbers... if there is a sudden spike you are pretty sure someone is on your tile up to no good. Then there is the other way of avoiding giving notice to people when you join a server.... well if you dont know that then you are doing it wrong.
  3. Hmm someone came from Naval Action.... Sorry as much as I liked the "realism" in NA, this game does not have that. First we are using ships that are very loosely based on real ship types. I would love to see more cannon types or a longer ranged cannon. But honestly the current cannons are fine.. not great but fine for what this game is doing. It is naval combat light. Not a age of sail simulator.
  4. I hate that most MMOs now are catering to solo players... especially in games like this where teamwork should be the key to success. Not some dreamscape where you can build your own castle become the king of your one man nation and be unstoppable because you never login to be attacked by anyone.
  5. Not Earth... And it can get VERY cold down deep depending on the pressure and saline levels.
  6. The weight in the resource chest adds to the ships weight. Your ship may look like a dragster but that maybe because your ships acceleration is not tied to its weight. The top speed is. Which is why the weight sail is pointless.... completely pointless.
  7. The next weight thing to look at is the weight of gold coins... each coin weighs in at 1lb or .4kg which is HEAVY AS HELL for a single coin. That is heavier than a cell phone. Then we have weight on stone walls.... 1 stone wall is what 16kg? A large sail is under 200kg.... I have just come to ignore the weights on things.. I mean your simple cloth shirt, you know the one without sleeves comes in at a light 8lbs or 3.5kg!!!! Is this thing lead lined?
  8. When it rains the reservoir refills, and it doesnt have to be open like the water barrel, and does not evaporate water if it is left open. You can also run pipes from it to inside of structures or over crops.
  9. I do.. but the lower level ones are pointless and the discussion is about the ammo cost vs the rewards. It doesnt even break even. There is always a point to PVP...
  10. You need to level the ships for PVP and for some other jobs.
  11. Outside of leveling your ship there is no reason.
  12. Not 5 NPCs, 3 NPCs up to level 5.....
  13. At that level maybe 10 gold coins, 3 blueprints of nothing special, maybe some food, like salted meat, or salted fish and 2-3 level 1-5 crew floating in the water that you have to hire at 5-10 gold each.
  14. You make 100 medium cannonballs. The complete breakdown of that is. 1000 metal, 1200 gunpowder ( 2400 charcoal, 1200 flint) and 100 flint. And that will last about 6 SotD maybe 7... Each medium cannonball does about 1200 damage to a SotD. Your average low level SotD has around 30-40k health. So figure about 25-30 hits.
  15. Like I said... 14 metal + 14 gunpowder + 1 flint per large cannonball 10 metal + 12 gunpowder + 1 flint for 2 medium cannonballs. So for every broadside on a base model schooner of 5 medium guns you are looking at 25 metal + 30 gunpowder + 2.5 flint.
  16. I hadnt tested, I can check tonight when I get home.. I think I have 6 on mine. Because I know I have 2 on guns, 1 on the sail, and then me and I picked up 2 who were from a SotD kill. And didnt have any issues bringing them back.
  17. Confirmed Necromancy next update!!!!!!!
  18. Large Cannonballs 14 metal 14 gunpowder, and 1 flint EACH... Medium Cannonballs, 10 metal, 12 gunpowder and 1 flint for 2 balls.
  19. You could man it.... it would have been the first 12 levels on crew. But those are easy to get once you kill a couple of SotD. I took my most recent sloop, from level 1 to 28 in one night about 4 hours hunting SotD with 2 large cannons on the back.
  20. So what I am getting is the OP is a younger gamer who has yet to understand that this game is just not for them. It never was their type of game, they would be better off in a game like Sea Of Thieves, or Skull & Bones (if it ever comes out). I am coming to these conclusions from these key points. You took forever to find one spot to build a galleon... REALLY, you decided to build the biggest ship in the game FIRST... LOL wrong. Then when you lost it to either poor design (most likely the case) or a bug. (also likely.) You do the right thing... downsize to Schooners. Good choice there was hope for you at that point..... and then.. You lose your schooners and you RAGE over it? They are schooners, I build them by myself in a couple of days. I gathered all of the materials for mine in less than a weekend. I currently have enough planks cannons and sails saved up to build 2 schooners if I want. And I have done this on my own in my much larger company. I built a sloop in about an hour or two because I wanted something to go kill SotD and do treasure maps in. This game is about building and losing stuff, dont like it.. go and do like you are saying.. play something else. Dont make a big goodbye post, because no one knows you or cares about you. So just go away.
  21. Try out fitting a PVP fit galleon... With fine or legendary level cannons..
  22. Exactly, I found that either those or there is another fish option that levels out both.
  23. The ship cost isn't the issue it is the gun and ammo cost that is the issue. Making cannons is VERY time consuming and expensive.
  24. This is true... but you can build that SAME ship with twice the guns that one has... You dont build the top two floors above the weather deck and you add a second gundeck. I tested on a Schooner, I was able to double its broadside firepower from 5 guns to 10 guns a side AND 2 bow chasers and 2 stern chasers... just doing that. And the ship didn't get over 60% weight, and once I leveled it to level 20 I could man EVERY gun on it and both sails. The ship was not super fast but it hit way above its level with that many guns.
  25. So a Brig, a Brig and a Frigate? LOL....
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