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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Funny the camera shake slider works fine for me.
  2. UNplayable is the new trigger word for kids nowadays.
  3. I have seen the potato seeds from wild potato plants in the tundra on a few islands..
  4. If that is what you want to imply out of that, sure.
  5. As far as I have seen yes.. and as a company mate being nearby our tamer as he is leveling his bear, I have gained XP also.
  6. No need to get defensive. I am just stating my opinion on your opinion. Fact is neither one of us are in a position to make any speculation on the current or perceived future of this game or the company behind it. So there is no need to add to the negativity with more baseless negativity.
  7. Ok what facts do you actually have? Steam charts? Which are not exact, not by a day in sight. Not every player who plays this game is playing through Steam. Then the cost of the servers, you are guessing. There are a lot of factors in the cost of the server, they could have a standing contract, which would reduce the cost, or they could be part owners in the servers, or complete owners. You dont know what the situation is. That is my point. I can talk a lot about how this game company is doing everything wrong but I dont know to be honest, all it is, is assumptions. And assumptions well you know the saying. It is no better than all of these fly-by-night game reviewers who show up with the latest hate review on the latest game, in hopes of making a quick few hundred subs for their weak assed channel.
  8. Fact is most of these Youtube "Game Reviewers" are nothing more than shock reviewers. They love to try and be the next "Angry Joe" or Yatshee. So the trash everything they play and try to do it in a very outlandish way to attract kids who will feed off of the negativity. This drives up views and thus subs, so they can try and make a few dollars off of Youtube in hopes of being the next idiotpie.
  9. Because the ports are named incorrectly. They are large planks with gunports. Not large gunports for large cannons. I personally feel that there should be a gunport for the large cannons.
  10. I agree with this. If you cant drop anchor you shouldnt be able to place a flag. If you are on the open sea, and your ship is captured.. well there shouldnt be a 6 hour wait time, you should be able to take the ship right then. It was captured on the open waters.
  11. No. It is the best way to prevent offline capping. It is pretty stupid to get capped with your character sitting there.
  12. If you really to go for a loop. Factor in spears... There is really no reload timer on them, they stack, and they are kind of cheap to make. Without buffs you can throw them and hit for in the 40s consistently. I never bothered with bows after a while because I found I use spears far more often for fishing and other day to day hunting activities.
  13. No offense if you are dying constantly then you are doing something wrong at this point. Is it players that are killing you? Is it animals? Is it the environment? Or are you just starving to death every hour? I am not scared, it is just pointless speculation. Without any of the facts, you are basing your information off of hearsay. Would YOU as a small business person, ever consider running your financial projections on pure speculation?
  14. Cant compare modern firearms to flintlocks. The average modern firearm is either a 7.62 or 5.56mm those are the most common rounds currently on the market. Your typical flintlock used in the age of sail... 1700-1840, was a .58 to .70cal round. or 14.7mm to 18mm round! Modern bullets are aerodynamic... old ball shot was not. Modern bullets are usually copper jacketed with a variable core, some are steel, some are tungsten, some are pewter/lead, others are solid copper. Round shot was almost always lead, stone, or iron. My point is those youtube videos are a joke. I can do the exact same test and have a result that I want to convey.
  15. Sorry I normally dont comment on topics like this but this is one of those mornings for me. Let me ask you these questions. 1- Are you a business finance expert? 2- Have you ever worked in the business development of a game company? (Major or minor) -If so what company and how long were you there. 3- What makes you qualified to comment on another companies business model when absolutely zero percent of that information has been released? In short stop fear mongering and just enjoy the ride, one way or the other.
  16. I was going to ask is it fuel is it fire, is that what you desire?
  17. So you HAVE to be incharge to have fun in a game? Wow a lot of the time I play games to NOT be incharge. And the company I am in, they dont ask anything demanding of me or anyone that came with me. We have been pretty much left to our own devices and they have even been thankful we are there to help cover them during their off peak times. Try talking to a few of them.. you may be surprised. I have even heard of a company that was letting groups join, and they treated like a union, the leaders of each company that joined them was part of a board of leaders. They ran it like the United Nations... which means there was a lot of bickering and very little got accomplished but they worked together.
  18. Never underestimate the stupidity of the average gamer. Dynamic- 1. (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. The map is in a constant state of change, activity and progress... so yes it is dynamic. You assumed it was something else which is on you.
  19. It takes 6 hours at the fastest. And you need numbers to do it. Most of the time I suggest all of these solo and small groups of 5 or less to join larger companies. I have seen some very good larger companies that have taken in smaller groups like mine and gave them a home and made them feel part of the bigger whole.
  20. This is going to sound kind of mean, but 70-80% of those smaller companies are already dead. It wouldn't take much effort to claim the land from them. If you go into a zone and see less than 10 people during peak times you can be pretty sure they are dead.
  21. If the game models potatoes after real life... the potato itself is the seed.
  22. My current house is a 4x4 house that is 4 levels high. This was actually accidental 4x4x4
  23. The problem is people are building OUT instead of UP. I have seen some fantastic structures since I have been sailing around a bit. I have also seen some horrible designs that wouldnt survive a alpha chicken attack.
  24. Grenades are anti-personnel not anti-material. Stop getting this confused people. You use a grenade when you want to kill everyone in the room, not blow the whole building up.
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