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Everything posted by Combo77

  1. Today i was killed several times by a lvl5 wolf although my lvl25 character was wearing leather armor and an iron pike. This is just ridiculous. Not to mention the alpha creatures... why do lvl200+ alphas spawn all the time? There´s nothing you can do about them, just kite them over an over again to another part of the island and dying a lot in the progress, hoping that no other players take your stuff from your body in the meantime.
  2. really? now i can´t even sail a raft without being shot into pieces by several ships of the damned? nice
  3. in pve all containers should be locked by default, no pincode. i read in a post that there are already people running around with a bruteforce bot stealing stuff from pinlocked containers.
  4. You can talk to a guy at the pier to switch the starter islands in an area and there are no corpses to run to in starter zones (they removed them to reduce lag) edit: just noticed, that you are talking about lawless regions. my bad
  5. Good idea. I´d like to add the idea of ghost ships being attracted to owners of the power stones. every power stone increases the chance of a ghost ship spawning near you/attacking you, if already spawned (on the ocean only)
  6. totally agree. with instances you could replace many starter islands with more interesting ones, too.
  7. totally agree. in pve all these things shouldn´t be possible
  8. Great post, thanks! Really good pve/pvp system that would make this game actually playable. I hope this gets attention from the developers.
  9. You can remove bugged water skins by pressing the take all button instead of trying to drag&drop it. About the weight of the barrels .. i think 550kg is way too much, given the fact that a barrel can only fill 5 waterskins.
  10. We had the same problem with a lighthouse on our island. PVE is unplayable atm with the current claim system, ghost ships and broken ressource respawns.
  11. Today i logged in and spawned in a freeport, instead at our little base with a shipyard, raft and nearly done sloop. After checking the log i saw that everything was destroyed in just a few minutes with no explanation who did it. I´m guessing the F*CKING GHOST SHIPS destroyed everything, what a wonderful patch. After sailing around for two IRL days till we found a tiny little sandbank in B12 we could claim, then we spend another two IRL days to build a small House and a Shipyard and Sloop and then everything gets f*cked by your retard patch in minutes? Really great guys!
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