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Everything posted by strawman

  1. Upcoming patch removes the debuff and adds FoY on every powerstone island... if only they'd thought of this a month ago
  2. Agree with this, upvoted the bug report
  3. No please less offline raiding it's such a toxic meta
  4. Nice idea. Maybe this would help prevent the infuriating rubberbanding when you get anywhere near a tame on a ship.
  5. I think it's pretty cool. Crew have a lot of jobs already, and they're so easy to replace. Tames are more valuable. If I blow up somebody's elephant and rhino in the arctic, that's three or four hours of ass-pain to replace, not just sailing two tiles over to buy another Bearded Mary Nine-Fingers.
  6. Despite the parade of fanboys trying to edit Jatheish's statement, OP, you're exactly right. Grapeshot is the biggest bunch of excuse-making amateurs I've ever seen. The support is trash, the game is full of bugs and designed like shit. If it's because they literally don't know what they're doing and are some of the least talented and professional developers in the industry.
  7. for anyone watching the daily peak is almost always at 3:00 EST plus or minus an hour
  8. can't believe my eyes... i keep thinking, this has to stabilize somewhere? but it's been a constant rate of decline for four weeks. is the population really going to be 0 the first week of march?
  9. It's really bad, and every patch seems to move further from the solution. (Community: Offline raiding is a big problem! Grapeshot: Explosive barrels are now easier to use than ever!). The game will only survive for about three more weeks at this point.
  10. This is dramatically worse than any other game I can find except Dark & Light
  11. But according to Steamcharts, the game is dying, and quickly. Don't you think the devs should be listening to the threads that say the same things over and over, if they don't want the game to die?
  12. Game will peak at 20-21k this weekend, another 20% drop from last weekend
  13. I'm not sure where I'm bitter. The reason I'm still posting here is that I want Atlas to succeed. It's a wonderful concept, and in theory, a game I'd love to play for years - but the execution is so, so bad. It's riddled with bugs, exploits and badly-implemented mechanics. On top of that, the game balance is atrocious - look at the swivel cart meta. This isn't early access stuff, it's bad programming and bad design. I wish it wasn't so, but the dev team is just a bunch of amateurs. They've earned an awful reputation with their handling of Atlas, and I don't think they have the ability to repair that reputation. As for Ark - a quick look at Steamcharts shows that during no timeframe in its three-and-a-half-year history has Ark lost two-thirds of its players. The worst decline was February 2017 to May 2018, ~100,000 peak to ~50,000 peak, a 50% decline. Ark grew during the first two months of early access. Atlas has lost two-thirds of its players in the first six weeks. Maybe Dark and Light would be a better comparison.
  14. Blaming the players for the game's failure - as Jathiesh did in captain's log 19, and as many of the posts in this thread do - will certainly make Grapeshot feel good about themselves, but it won't bring the lost players back. This is the same attitude that killed Ultima Online. If these people didn't want full-loot PvP, why were they playing a full-loot PvP game in the first place? If gamers are a bunch of carebears, how can EVE and Rust maintain their popularity over so many years? People are dying for more full-loot PvP games that are balanced and relatively free of bugs. Carebear games have a lower standard of quality than games like this because the consequences of bad design and bad coding are so much lower. Grapeshot's reckless attitude towards balance and quality will be the death of Atlas - you can't blame full-loot PvP.
  15. This was Grapeshot's attitude, too, and the response of the playerbase was predictably to stop playing
  16. There are always going to be fanboys who defend every decision a developer makes, no matter how plainly wrong and harmful to the population that decision is. But a dead game is exactly the path we're on. Not only do we have Steamcharts as you mentioned, Reznok's tracker still shows the populations of official NA and EU PVP. At the absolute best moments they have a combined population of about 5,000. Right now there are 3,300 online between both servers. They can't make any money selling cosmetics with population numbers like that. Since the Fountain of Youth was introduced, we've lost about 20% of players each week. The subreddit has actually been losing subscriptions this week, which makes it feel like there aren't a lot of new people buying the game (33% positive reviews on Steam probably doesn't help). I don't think the population is going to find a bottom without quick, major changes from Grapeshot, but they seem committed to their failed design. There will only be a few hundred people left on officials here soon.
  17. It's worse than most people want to admit. Something like two-thirds of the launch week players are gone and the peak players gets lower daily. This thread is another example of great community feedback that Grapeshot just ignores. What's the point of EA if you're not going to take community feedback? Oh, well, I guess it's a way to get money from a half-finished game.
  18. Comment in this thread says the "pistol" skills also apply to carbine and blunderbuss https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/ah7nhr/pistol_reloading_speed_test_results/
  19. Somebody posted that AOE damage still hurts them... oil jars, grenades etc
  20. That's the path we're on here. The problem with Atlas runs too deep - it's a dev team that does not give a shit about quality. You can see it in the atrocious collision physics, you can see it in the patch notes that ignore the worst bugs week after week, you can see it in the aloof and disengaged community managers... you can see it in the spelling and grammar errors in the discovery point names.
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