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Everything posted by Pax

  1. punch... Punching take liek 2 mins to kill your self.. when you run out of stam and keep punching you will start loosing health..
  2. For every one else... https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/forum/54-market-place/ Or https://discord.gg/8RGKxvN In the roll assignemtn channel at the top you cna pick NA or EU then you will see your servers.. NA-PVE or PVP same for EU. General chat for NA-PVE are pretty good place for help and the NAPVE Trading is a great place to set up trades. its 50/50 on wether peopel want to have stuff delivered or want to pick up.
  3. lol well i dont know what your bitching about. Im not playing the roll of a troll i legitimately came and posted to help you.. the ingame system is limited to the server ytour on.. you can go to the forums or discord. could find people 1 server away to trade with.. IF your trading with people that arnt giving you a balanced trade then your getting bent over the bar. there is no communication with people on other servers unless your in an alliance.. The discord and the forums have hundreds of us that trade with each other. trades are good deals if you have a bunch of poeple to trade with.. But if your not wanting to sail to another place to trade then your missing out on the point of this game.. but your more than welcome to sit on your island and only trade with peopel that live in your server and get shittty deals cause you are refusing to use other systems offerend to you.. Good Luck
  4. You paid for a DLC pack ... Same as i did.. You got your DLCs. SC, Ab and Ext. Where does that pack say your entitled to everything Wildcard ever makes for 50$
  5. who cares if it was ment to be an ark update.. the DLC would have cost the same as EA cost.. Plus there are plenty of poeple that play atlas for atlas not cause of ark. Everyone bitches its just the same game built on Ark code and just new models and new mecanics.. What do you think battle field IV going to battle field V is.. Why is it people here on PC have such entitlement that they should get new DLC and new games for free yet you dont hear this crap from people on consoles.. Soooo teams cant make differnt games on different engines??? One is dinos One is mythical creatures One is pirates..
  6. I love the people that post everything is broken and nothing works yet there are plenty of people that play fine.. Sure there are bug and your going to loose stuff but what EA game doesnt. + PS Love the video from day one saying the game is broken....
  7. ok have fun not doing anything since you refuse to help yourself.. while your at it make sure your not on the wiki at all.. Anby further complaints from you will be ignored Have a nice day.
  8. What did you think? you could have a few friends and thats the only people you need to trade with to progress.. there are so many resources that only appear in specific biome and only on specific islands in thous biomes? your gunna need alot of friends to cover the 6 of each type of resource needed to craft the highest level gears. But if you dont want to take the solutions. Then sit there and only trade with your friends.
  9. IM just trying to help you buddy if you dont want it dont complain. The reason behind discord is that game chat only covers the server you are Discord has good players on all servers.
  10. can only come up with 2 solutions for 1. come to the official discord 99% of the peopel here are in this game for fun and enjoying and trading and cooperating. 2. you dont seem to have much fun with this game why keep playing it?
  11. The devs have said from the beginning the reason people dont have islands with everything on them is to promote player interaction. they DONT want this game to be one where no tribes get along its alll sneaky break in steal resoces and run off. they want to see trade involved... and if you want to survive and thrive, you need to learn to trade with people and establish trade routes.. we have dont it we sell saps and organic paste and in return we get things we dont have. We are a2 man tribe and we trade for alot of things we need and it makes the game less grindy and more fun establishing trade
  12. i have video of this let me see if i can upload it. Im driving my brother is riding and filming
  13. yha cant vote cause theres nothing wrong with the system deisgn. just a few bugs in it that need addressing... So your resualts wont mean anything as your cutting out a large group of peopel that have no problem with the current ssytem
  14. No you dont loose everything you are simply not allowed to build there anymore.. you have 4 days before your stuff can beremoved you will see a timer like builkding on the Lawless servers. you only loose your building.
  15. Selling alot of BPs. Please let me know which one your interested in and can give you specific stats.
  16. Problem is not all ships are the same when it comes to the keel.. Some are deeper than others.. in areas a gally sinks a brig could be just fine.. The bad part that could solve this is most people dont know this is a thing and find out when somthing like this happens.
  17. Cant you take me a picture of the underside of the brig... to see how much land is under it.. Also yha it stinks that sometimes you loose ships to this with no warning.. The sloop would have been fine there but as ships get bigger they need deeper water.
  18. This is apart of the new PVE Over weighting fix. Noone that isnt in the same company or Allianced to that company can walk on a ship.
  19. This is apart of the new over weighting fix. You cant walk on someone else s ship anymore unless you are allied with them.
  20. This was a big issue in the very beginning of Atlas. The lag in a freeport was preventing the food from being recognized by the animal. Whats the Ping of the server while your trying to tame?
  21. Where was this placed? If it was placed on the out side of a ship you can not open them from off the ship.
  22. The way the new system works if the owners /company are active in the area they have claimed it resets the clock. However with that many claims its very likely that each flag when it becomes steal-able it will have a very low timer around 15mins to steal
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