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Everything posted by Rickyh24

  1. Yeah it’s a bummer. I made a bunch of bullets and quickly realized there is no point. Fire arrows are much better.
  2. Right. Like I said I understand what this game is. Still impressive to me. That’s not going to change.
  3. yup I did the same. I understand it well. Still gotta be impressed by people willing to waste hours and hours with official rates at the moment only to watch 30 hours of work go poof when changing grids.
  4. Unofficial with stats buffed unfortunately. I couldn’t imagine playing official with the way these updates go. I’m very impressed with the people who stick through this stuff.
  5. The wildlife is so annoying when you start out on any island other than a Freeport. Knock back is horrendous and don’t even get me started on alpha snakes, wolves. No way to defend against them early game and one or the other will always show up. My two man company has resorted to logging out and waiting as a game mechanic. Kind of silly.
  6. If you are starting new or playing mostly solo you should probably be on an unofficial.
  7. Find an unofficial. Officials are already unplayable for anyone new.
  8. Oh man you got me. My credibility is ruined and you are the smartest person ever for quickly realizing I wasnt exaggerating at all and literally meant 6 years. You win the the internet today.
  9. If you read the dev notes they just posted they are encouraging people to claim mass amounts of land in both modes. It’s not changing. Lmao
  10. Yup. Not sure how they didn’t see this coming. While I was building tonight I didn’t eat at all the except for some regular meat from a few kills. Just let myself die and respawned multiple times. Only downside was my bed in my raft stopped working and then when I relogged it wanted me to create a new chracter again. Lmao. Needless to say I’m done for a bit.
  11. At least they are nerfing the ghost ships by a lot now that they’ve already wiped most of the servers.
  12. Got character wiped yesterday. After the recent changes I’m not even going to bother for a bit. Hopefully they turn things around. I hopped on a boosted unofficial just to mess around and unfortunately those are not that great either. Not a fan of not being able to sail completely around the world and hitting red walls. They need more official servers. 1 of each type for each region isn’t going to do it.
  13. Think you mean “their Xmas”. Maybe proof read your work a little before you go hurling insults at everyone.
  14. Lmao. When you release a mess a day before the holidays you plan on working the holidays. They did it to themselves.
  15. Yup. The problem with gaming is early access not the customers giving these guys a chance. Wildcard just needs to man up and actually release a game the normal way. Finish it and release it. After this and ark they shouldn’t have early access privileges anymore. It’s just gives them a built in excuse to be incompetent.
  16. Before yesterday I couldn’t progress beyond level 8 and when I logged in last night my character was wiped. Instant gratification right there.
  17. It doesn’t even look like you need to take your ship out. Ghost ships are attacking stuff docked on shore. What a mess.
  18. Why does it matter if he’s mentioned it in other places? It’s being discussed everywhere. You would have been better off just not clicking on this thread.
  19. I’m going to try and get a refund from steam since it’s essentially unplayable as a two man group now. Slim chance I get it but worst case I at least know not to buy it on console now.
  20. Check the patch notes. Intended change.
  21. “It’s early access they said” me while playing ark 6 years later and people are still hiding under the mesh.
  22. So thankful they worked on the broken game they released on the holidays on the holidays.
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