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Everything posted by Evir

  1. That is a poorly set up galleon, I hope you have all the crew set up to different groups, because the game just doesnt support having cannons that spread out honestly even against other galleons, it will take multiple shots to break a single plank. Your damage is spread out to much. They are trying to get people to use the gunports, but this is a poor change. Especially when people are using roofs for armor on almost every ship.
  2. - When gunports are closed they now reduce their specific snapped-cannon weight by 60%, open-ports are default cannon weight.- Gunport crafting and repair costs are now the same as regular planks. So, they are reducing the cost of the metal, great! But the other change? It already does that. The gunports closed cause the cannons to weigh half as much, is this a 10% change? 60% more than it already does? But it doesnt do anything when they are open, this is such a minor change it wont change anything.
  3. One of the primary reasons that offline raiding happens, is because if you online raid people, and they are losing, they end up just tossing everything on the ground and it despawns. If you are raiding a base, the territory might matter a little bit, but mostly they want the resources, blueprints, ect. While they do have fun, they want a bit of a reward for their actions. I have had this happen many times, I attack a base and when all is lost, they just start throwing everything on the ground, it is very frustrating to hear the sound of things being tossed on the ground and you still are working on breaching the walls. Another primary reason, they simply cannot raid you while you are online, due to mortar towers and mounts with swivel guns attached being very powerful and people actively resisting, they may not be that good at PVP. Therefore to hurt you they attack you when you are at your weakest, it does make sense, but it sucks when you are the weak group and the strong group attacks you like that. The game does not have good offline protections, the NPCs are pretty garbage when shooting at anything other than ships. Puckle guns suck at actually hitting targets and when they do, they do very little damage, they are also expensive to operate in the numbers needed to actually deter anything other than the 1-3 man crew trying to sneak in and attack you. Swivel guns are really good, but have basically zero range. Ships are so large that building a box around them, is basically impossible unless you dedicated hundreds of man hours to it. even then, you would have a single 10k stone wall that gets destroyed by a handful of cannon shots. This is why everyone builds gateways around their stuff. It is the only cost and time effective way to protect your ships. Some solutions decent but doesn't stop all offline raiding, make puckle guns super inexpensive to operate (as in the NPC on the puckle takes 1 gold every 12+ hours or something to that effect), up their damage significantly, as well as make them actually hit targets consistently. Add a new anti-personnel cannon round that doesn't do damage to stone(possibly wood), but does high damage to players, tames and NPCs at cannonball ranges. Some less popular solutions, that I personally dislike but others really want, just not all of them please! Pick one: Add offline protection, when the last member of your tribe logs off, you are invulnerable after 30 minutes(time debatable) Add the Dark and Light shielding and war flag system. Add a new tier of building that has much higher health and damage resistance that takes hundreds of cannonballs to penetrate a wall, just make them super expensive to produce, in terms of materials required, not super rare only mega tribes can access materials.
  4. lol,I said be creative, it isn't hard, what you said is not creative at all. That is the brute force approach. Use them in an unconventional way. Think about how the gate functions. I can come out and tell you directly but where is the fun in that?
  5. 2 gates and creativity. you can do it.
  6. False. You can indeed. You just need to choose better defenses and terrain. I see people do it all the time, there are several thriving guilds on lawless.
  7. That is because most of them refuse to defend what they have, they would rather get on the forums and complain, than actually defend their stuff, if they spent 1 hour for every 2 hours they spent building ships, building defenses for those ships, they would probably still be around
  8. I havent seen an attacker that determined on lawless, I have spent a few weeks on them, the only time I have been attacked was when I had little to no defenses, by people looking for a quick hit and run for salvage on ships. Now I have seen large groups "clear" an island they thought was theirs, but never really saw anything beyond that. Most large groups do not even bother clearing islands or looting bases, because it is a waste of their time and effort, there realistically isn't anything for them to gain. Most likely it is one group(or alliance) doing the harassing, at that point it is time to leave that island and find a better place. Also, I havent seen your set up but it sounds like you didnt have very good interlocking fields of fire. from multiple angles, to prevent them from focusing in one direction. It sounds like you had 2 towers for them to worry about and that is it.
  9. Puckle guns all around your ship, that is in a box, made out of gates and/or walls. People are just looking for an easy target that they can sink from their ship. Put a few cannons on the top of the box or in towers that flank the box, that face out in a 180 away from land, set to ships only. for one to three ships, 10-15 NPCs set up.
  10. you cant damage your own company with them it seems shoot something else or kick someone, shoot them, then reinvite them
  11. actually considering a lot of the larger companies are down below 150 active members and in many cases below 100, I would say it will start to shrink soon, as soon as the smaller groups realize that most of them are paper tigers that are giving up land just to consolidate their power.
  12. They made it so you could put NPCs on cannons, and you can box them in fairly well, also they made puckle guns immune to all damage except explosives, and you can box them in so they cant be grappled off. There is offline defense, and it is expensive, but it is possible to stop griefers. They even made explosive barrels not work on ships. IDK what more you want anything but a determined attack by well prepared people can be stopped, if you defend correctly. but most people want, massive, undefenable bases that are really easy to access.
  13. Honestly one of the primary reasons people offline raid, is the fact that if you online raid, people popcorn everything when they are about to lose, if you raid them while they are online.
  14. That must have been a serious invasion to defeat all of your defenses, after a month of building up, you must have had dozens of puckle guns and swivels and balistas set up for tames only, defending your base from multiple angles, they would have had to come in with some serious firepower to get inside of your base, this was no ordinary smash and grab raid then. Wait, what am I saying, you probably didnt have that much and maybe only had double wall, they were able to easily bring up one cannon bear, and blow into your base with ease.
  15. So, you really think a flintlock rifle that wouldnt one shot an elephant or rhino in real life, should one shot one, in the game? You realize these are flintlock rifles and pistols, that are loaded faster than they were IRL already right? Now you think that "because gun, therefore defeat everything in one shot". You are delusional. Guns do not even one shot people in this game, and you want them to one shot animals that weigh several tons and have thick hide?
  16. The only tames that are "oped" in pvp, have swivel cannons attached to them, the only reason tames have high health and damage resistance is because grapeshot decided that alphas needed to be everywhere and spawn every 10 minutes for 2 months. Alphas kept killing tames and there was nothing anyone could do about it, if you had a fast alpha on you, your tame was dead, it didnt matter. An alpha wolf, lion, or tiger specifically would tear tames apart. Maybe, you should have some context as to why tames are "oped". Grapeshot did this, and didn't think about the consequences that interconnected game systems would have.
  17. Brigs can (even with armor), and galleons normally cannot, however if you are creative, using 2 gates, it is possible. Ill leave it at that.
  18. People have successfully bred animals, it is just very hard to do so. While it does need to be changed, the way to do so, in the current state of the game, is to go to the polar regions, tame several penguins, then make a decent sized breeding area, then use penguins to move in and out to adjust the temp, you can also use fires that you turn off and on in addition to the penguins. That is the way it is currently done.
  19. You can pick up a near infinite amount of weight if you pick up the popcorned boxes, and you can still creep along, just have people pick it up, then shuttle it back and forth, we bring a mount to carry stuff when we go treasure hunting, just to carry the amount back. This seems like a lack of game knowledge and poor planning that lead to this outcome.
  20. This happened again, it teleported to the same position.
  21. If so, that is a pretty serious error, and if someone put that ticket in and the admin went through with it, that is pretty serious admin abuse.
  22. We had it in our harbor, anchored, I hopped off to restock the wood with an elephant, I go get the the wood, come back, and the ship is gone, it says it is in the same spot on the map, i teleported to it on a bed, and it was not actually on a server, just in the water, anchored in the middle of the ocean, then a few more people spawned on it curious as to what happened, then the ship does some odd stuff, then appears on the server next to us right on the server boarder. This is not only inconvenient, but also very dangerous, I have no idea if it was a bug, a hack or anything else, but having anchored ships teleport off the server, with no one on it, when there is a low server population, to spawn in the middle of the ocean on another server, is unacceptable. We have to deal with enough BS, this on top is absurd.
  23. There needs to be a ship between the brig and galleon, the power jump is too massive, a schooner and a brig is not nearly as big of a power jump. Sloops are useless at this point.
  24. I have had other games that have had this issue, Life is Feudal has the same server node system, and there were servers where a lot of terraforming and structure building were done, and had the EXACT same issue. They probably keep the data server side, and as you move into the area, it draws that data from the server, and you load it in. Because there are clearly no structures on the server boarders so there is nothing in render range to load in, and yet, the servers run like ass with absurdly high ms for the number of people on the server. I have literally seen 12 people on the server, and had it be 250+ms.
  25. You realize that different teams work on different things? The balance changes are easy and just adjusting numbers, exploits and bugs, are much more difficult and time consuming. It is like asking an asset artist to stop making new designs for the objects in the game and telling him to focus on bug fixing, a field he has no ability in.
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