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Everything posted by Luxfere

  1. Welcome to EA I submitted a bug yesterday guess you didnt bother to check bug reports and bump it there instead of crying about it here.
  2. God you 2 kiss and make up you can get over the doors we all have to deal with treasure maps and the goofy spawns atm still in EA
  3. Climbing picks you have them you can get in leave the bear behind....sucks i know
  4. Its not like lawless you cannot demolish even though it says you can demolish, it is a bug report it as one.
  5. The fountain of pain I mean Youth so where is the place to find out where it is at ? Thanks
  6. Posted a bug report on it last night
  7. As of the current patch NPC crew do not work they cannot be accessed seems like they are not there but they are there. current v18.92 They are there but you cant interact with any of them
  8. Luxfere


    All crew are broken on PVE HYdra
  9. Some of you are out of control with land ownership and in lawless areas looks like Arkh with foundations all over the damn place.
  10. Its EA it will be fixed in time, I dont see these so called islands at all, maybe its a limit on your machine>? 32g of ram and 8g on my video card with plenty of room on the HD to swap
  11. SOTD new models for the new ships? Is this coming ?
  12. Luxfere

    Quadrant B8

    On the Hydra-PVE server in quadrant B8 the map is somewhat hosed on an island I will come back and edit and add the correct island. Basically you cant build on it and its shading is all screwy no animals are on it and i can see docks built under the actual land mass. So if you step on it you just fall through it into the water I will post the island when I log in
  13. Allow salt to be put into a larder to slow down the decomposition why this isnt allowed makes no sense. Or remove it from the captain skill and place it under Cooking. A few to many skills that intersect with others , on the areas of food I just have a few chickens so i have a few 100 eggs makes it easy to deal with
  14. Please sometimes it doesnt even show up
  15. There were no such things it was fixed after my post
  16. In the tropics ive seen the temperature go up to 155 and in the desert at max maybe 115 seriously fix this nonsense. You cant survive this , and houses do nothing nor does dumping into the ocean.
  17. Not anymore I have the buff been playing this game since release....no other boat takes this sort of damage or aka decay nonsense
  18. Seen this also on areas that are under a claim
  19. I had to load the game up in low memory to get into the game otherwise it wouldnt let me in, it stayed on the loading screen for over 10 mins til i killed the client. So whatever you patched in broken the current state of geting in game. With 8 Gb on my video card and 32 G of ram devs broke something.
  20. Schooner at sea takes to much damage of most of the boats this one is prone to taking constant damage for no aparrent reason even when it is under weight example 2200 / 10k it will take up to 500 or more damage while out sailing. Even in real life boats like this would never take this sort of damage. So you have to carry around 1000 pounds of resources to keep it fixed all the time seems a bit much. The sloop and other boats do take damage but not in this range its seems way off. Even in calm waters you raise anchor and then oh look the hull takes damage from what lol
  21. Schooner at sea takes to much damage of most of the boats this one is prone to taking constant damage for no aparrent reason even when it is under weight example 2200 / 10k it will take up to 500 or more damage while out sailing. Even in real life boats like this would never take this sort of damage. So you have to carry around 1000 pounds of resources to keep it fixed all the time seems a bit much. The sloop and other boats do take damage but not in this range its seems way off.
  22. Was a bug that people could bypass pins that was fixed so they say
  23. If your in a freeport and you die you lose it all so quit dying
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