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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. Well at one point it was entirely possible to build out over the water, which was really cool, using pillars as foundations. Then some bug made pillars non placeable under the water. If they fix that bug, then you don't have to worry about having a flat place on land, just find a decent beach with shallows and build out over the water. Honestly It's what I'm going to do with my next spot as long as the bug is fixed.
  2. Soooo uhhhh yeah... The short version is don't hold your breathe on that one. In the meantime, welcome to the Atlas forums. Have a hat. It's on us.
  3. mmmhrm, so in that line of thinking, you would of course recommend that even if the game were awesome and you loved it, that once it was say 10 days old, no one should ever buy it because they'd be at such a horribly unfair advantage in pvp that it would be better to refund than put in the effort needed to overcome a challenge, right? Because that's fundamentally the same situation you're describing. In actuality it seems likely that xbox players will greatly outnumber pc players in the early going, so that will be an excellent chance to get in and get yourself established to negate any headstart while the pc player ratio is likely very much minimal compared to xbox players. Each PVP server has in the last month seen consistent activity of less than 500, sometimes half that. You're extremely unlikely to be overrun by hordes of OP pc players.
  4. No one knows for sure, but given the paucity of current pc player activity, I'd say it's not a stretch to predict that if you join in the early going, perhaps one in ten players you encounter will be pc players, possibly fewer.
  5. Uhhh, since you will know by a margin of 10 days that the pc players will have a headstart, why would you even buy the game in the first place, knowing for a fact that thing you object to is a done deal? You should definitely feel free to not buy a game that you find objectionable. You should definitely feel free to tell people what you don't like about it. But buying it just to refund it seems weird and unnecessary. Anyway, here's your hat.
  6. @Realist, when you say you want ALL discovery points, you really have no idea the scope of what you're saying. I wish you luck. If you do it before the cows come home, I'll be impressed. Hell I'll even make it interesting. If you can get ALL of the discovery points in under 1000 hours of playing time, I'll personally watch @PeglegTheAngry eat a handful of live bees. He's already angry. How much difference can it really make? He'll be fine. Probably.
  7. As someone who has been here since day one, I have to say that while I give less than a wet noodle about Xbox players having this mythical level playing field they think they are entitled to, if they are going to do a wipe at all, they might as well have given you that. Wiping and giving PC players a head start seems like someone sat down in a conference room and said "Okay, we have two options here, either one will piss off some group. But let's not limit ourselves people. Come on, think outside the box! There's gotta be a way we can piss BOTH groups off at the same time." Welcome to the club, here's your gripe with GrapeCard™ scorecard. Please note the numbers go pretty high. Actually, give me that one back, mine is full and scribbled in the margins. We'll get you new ones Soon™ Have a hat while you wait.
  8. This was always sage advice from day one because of the little tag on the store page which says "Early Access" It is a term I dislike because of the way developers are currently abusing it to player disadvantage and I think ultimately their own long term detriment, but I don't actually know that it's a foregone conclusion that WPE would require a wipe to implement into the game world. It's possible either way, but assuming and then advising others to base their actions off your assumptions is well, inadvisable imo. Ask Realist how I feel about that. We are both on NA PVE or at least Thorne was at one point. If you show up at my place you are welcome. If you bring more than one cat I will drown them. But I will be picking a whole new spot after the wipe.
  9. I try never to speak for anyone but myself, but when they first announced Atlas, the thing that got me excited about it was "wow 700 different islands to explore!" that and the possibility of sailing based trade empires with valuable goods shipped hither thither and yon for the greater glory of my treasure chest. What I found ingame with all the cookie cutter varients was okay...there were still quite a number of permutations, but once I'd seen them all, yeah it was a little deflating. One of the reasons 70 new templates excites me is because I think a game world that did genuinely have hundreds of different islands in the end (suppose they continue to push out batches of new island templates so that at launch even if there aren't 700 uniquely different islands there are still several hundred) would be a pretty interesting place to explore. Now making the journey to get there less tedious than it currently is....that's another piece of the puzzle.
  10. It's not a no brainer for me to play. I have been on and off the game since the first wipe was announced. Right now Red and I are having a look at Black Desert Online because they just expanded their water based content, and she does love sailing. I will almost certainly come back and check out the new islands, see what actual xbox players are like instead of just taking other people's word for it. I will never not be playing whatever the latest iteration of Civilization is, and currently I'm teaching my nephews how to play. I will probably continue to post here off and on until my company pulls me off the road and makes me a sales trainer, about which rumors have been passed down to me. At that point my work is likely to become more 9 to 5ish. Whether Atlas and these boards continue to get my time and attention will depend largely on what the devs do or don't accomplish to move the game forward. I understand where you're coming from, because with what they have, Atlas can be fun for a month or two, especially with friends, but it has none of the things that keep MMO players playing beyond that. I do think that a greater variety of islands to explore is one small step in that direction, because explorers are a core type of gamer, but only a small one, and obviously not everyone's cup of tea.
  11. An inability to preserve player data and inventory sounds about right. Your hypothesis about the event is intriguing. I also found it weird they couldn't just "flip a script." I don't agree that you're fairly describing it when you say just rearranging all the islands. They've said they are introducing new island templates. Either you are saying they are flat out lying about that, which would be easily provable pretty soon, or you're just being dismissive of it cause it doesn't matter to you personally. So I can't agree that would be wiping everyone out for nothing at all, it's just nothing you find worth it.
  12. Go back and look at the steam charts. Atlas lost 75% of it's players within 90 days. As much as I personally am excited about new islands, that and cats isn't gonna move the needle for Xbox players experience from 3 months to 10. It *might* move it enough for them to put in meaningful changes that could make the overall experience better, like adding to and or revamping skills, making changes that improve sailing and making the game more ship pvp centered, anything that might work, but Thorne is not fundamentally wrong when she points out that the core experience hasn't been changed, and I think the case is more than proved that the core experience won't keep enough people playing long term. You are coming to the right conclusion though, the devs have a very limited window in which to make real changes that matter. Everyone coming from Xbox isn't gonna be Whitehawk, and knowing that, all we can do is hope that the xbox launch buys enough time for the new guy to effect meaningful change. I'm just saying I'm pretty confident that window is single digits in months, not double, and it may well be low single digits.
  13. I think PVE-C sounds like it might be ideally suited for Atlas.
  14. *sighs* Thorne what do you want from me? To sit here and perpetuate an argument that has been done to death for over a month and is now a moot point? New islands may not be thrilling to you. They ARE thrilling to me. Cats I neither like nor dislike. New game mechanics would be thrilling, but do you remember when I expressed concern about releasing the exact some game that failed on pc to xbox? The new lead designer will need time to work out how to do anything of that nature. Do I think it's more prudent to hold off xbox release til he can do that and implement some changes and new ideas? Obviously, and I think I've been clear about that in the past. But I'm not in charge and it wasn't my call. They are at least putting in what new stuff they already have done to make the game as fresh as possible. You say none of that requires a wipe. I'm not going to challenge you on a technical basis, but those things sure sound like a wipe would make more sense than not to me. Now that I've had the chance to stop and reflect, I will say that I don't see any reason pve character wipes are necessary, and that was a lot of work people put in to level and get discovery points, so if you want to ask the devs pointedly why they feel pve character data wipes are needed, I'd like to know as well. Perhaps my earlier posts came off as too glib. I haven't suddenly decided everything is alright with the game and the devs are brilliant, but here's what I'm looking at: I'm tired of nothing but arguing. There will be a lot of new posters coming to the forums, they are already starting to post. I can't control anything about what the devs do with the game, the only thing I have any say in whatsoever is what kind of environment they encounter when they come here. For that reason and my own personal preference to look for the good rather than the bad, I want to focus on the positive for a while. I still have serious long term reservations about Atlas's viability and chances for success, but I think no one will accuse me of having failed to say my piece about them, or to have said too little. What I don't want to do is dwell on them incessantly to the degree of ignoring any new development that could be positive. I'm sorry if you don't like any of the new things, but you're smart enough to know that just because you don't like them, doesn't mean no one will. For all it's faults, and there are plenty, there are still players like Whitehawk who love Atlas the way it is, who will enjoy what the new stuff brings. Some portion of incoming Xbox players will too. Do I think these changes by themselves are enough to turn the tide? Of course not, but they have to start somewhere, and since they didn't take my obviously brilliant advice and hold off, I've decided it's better not to sit here and piss and moan about it, but to welcome the new players to the forums and try to help create an environment that is less like the flaming dumpster fire kindergartens that are most internet gaming boards. Spewing sour grapes about things not going how I wanted won't do that.
  15. You don’t have to have taming out of the box, but once you have some of the other essentials like vitamins squared away, it’s worth investing in it to get a bear. Heck if you’re just running for discovery points a super fast ostrich might even be the better option, or you could get both. The point is the time and skill points will pay off even just racing for dp. Cow and chicken super easy and afaik level irrelevant. In fact lower might be better just cause they tame fast. Bear will be the harder one, a high level will take probably an hour at least, maybe more depending, and you will have to practice at the technique. It’s not as simple as Ark’s knock thing out, stuff food in mouth, narco in butt.
  16. WPE won’t exist initially on official servers
  17. For the pc launch Atlas did no advertising to speak of, just released a trailer and announced at some awards show. That was pretty much it. I doubt very seriously they will do any for the Xbox launch. While I agree it was one of the worst Early Access steam launches ever, I wouldn’t refer to it as AAA. GrapeCard has nowhere near the resources of a AAA studio and to some degree this has manifested in the game’s shortcomings.
  18. Climbing picks are useful, so are grappling hooks, but when it comes to getting discovery points the most important tool is the spyglass. When you look through it, discovery points appear as giant bluish soap bubbles, making them easy to spot. So get your hands on some crystal ASAP and make a spyglass. Every island gives at least one discovery point just for stepping onto it the first time, but if you do the math this is only a portion of the overall number. When you look at the discoveries page in your character sheet, it will tell you how many total discoveries there are in the grid you’re on and how many of them you’ve unlocked. when it comes to food you have a couple problems. First up, you will want to make the effort to craft a preserving bag and get your hands on salt ASAP, because without it most of your food will spoil overnight while you’re offline. This at least allow you to kill stuff and gather food along your journey instead of having to spend time everyday dealing with getting food. You will also want to make sure you craft a water barrell for your ship. In non desert grids it generally rains enough to provide water as long as you open the barrell when it rains and close it after (water will evaporate out of an open barrell over time.) Your other problem is that on top of getting the vitamin skills in survivalism, the best way to handle vitamins is crafting the multi vitamin foods. However they all require grown crops among other things, and you can’t grow crops on a ship, so that rules that out. You could try gathering cooking ingredients you come across and then try trading them to cooks in other zones for crafted foods, but that will be hit or miss. I would consider doing beast mastery sooner rather than later because if you tame a bear there will be few things you have to worry about not being able to dispatch handily on land, which will simplify your quest and pay off over time. It will also improve your land speed over open ground, so it’s probably worth it. once you put 20 points or so into fort you should be good on that. I’d consider carry weight. Before you can survive in the arctic, one of you will need to be able to craft fur armor. You really won’t be able to survive long enough up there without it. it’s not quite murder snow on Ragnarok, but it’s headed in that direction. As far as ships, I’m honestly not sure which is faster. Haven’t sailed a schooner much in a while, think the brig is faster but you will need NPC crew to man the sails. Schooner might be better choice if you’re just wanting to get going ASAP.
  19. Nope. Sorry. The risk of wipes is part and parcel of the EA experience. I understand your feelings because I’m also NA pve and will be getting wiped, but it is what it is. To the best of my knowledge there is no transfer mechanism.
  20. Let me expand on that, because his positions have certainly changed on a number of things without doubt. What I meant is that Realist will have the best understanding of where the game has been, where it is currently, and why some things may be different from what Xbox players are used to, that they can turn to as one of their own.
  21. If the game fails, the blame lies with the developers. All meaningful decisions are ultimately theirs. Players can offer feedback, but they cannot implement anything. Even player toxicity, something often cited as a reason for quitting, is in this day and age something devs must anticipate and plan to limit both through design and enforcement. Blaming players is akin to blaming someone else eating in the restaurant if the food is bad.
  22. Hello and welcome to the Atlas forums. With the nature of Atlas’s game world where each is a grid of a couple hundred interconnected servers, it would be impractical to have separate dedicated servers for different platforms if crossplay is workable. Currently there are only 4 official servers, one each for NA end EU regions pvp and pve game modes. That adds up to over 800 servers but only 4 official game worlds. You will have to decide for yourself if the differences represent an advantage you can’t live with or overcome, but it may be worth noting that the current extremely small pc playerbase means it’s likely a minority of players you encounter will be pc players. I would also add that Realist has been active on these forums since the pc launch, so he is likely to be one of your best go to sources for perspective as a console player coming into the game.
  23. Well let me put it this way, based on my own personal experience with SOTD's dating from launch til now, if people are still quitting over SOTD's, they are really exhibiting a low threshhold for accepting a challenge. Immersion is a seperate issue, and I'm the wrong person to debate it with, because I've never really cared about immersion in any game I've played. Things that jar lots of people about Atlas, like the submarine, dont phase me at all. I realize some people care deeply about immersion, and I guess it's a valid concern to at least some degree because it's a widespread thing, it's just not honestly something I have ever really cared about.
  24. This is why I have prioritized living in the bushes outside Olivia Munn's house for years. Sure it violates the restraining order,but someday I will tame her, and then she'll be mine. All mine.
  25. I'm unsure whether to name my next ship this, or to start a garage band with this name. Maybe I'll just make a t shirt with this on it.
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