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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. This sounds big. There’s probably a naming rights deal in here somewhere. Maybe two. How about: Bethesda presents the Boomer Inc. Memorial Realistic Auction House and Respawn Point, sponsored by Mountain Dew The kids’ll love it.
  2. Sorry I just need the one. Also I was hoping to buy on credit. No reason.
  3. Meh. Sacrifices must be made. If you're gonna make an omellete, you gotta break a few eggs.
  4. At point blank, aiming skill is not required.
  5. If they put an auction house in because of you guys, so help me dog I'm gonna shoot you all in the face with a bazooka.
  6. Given how 1st person perspective (pvp) works, and 3rd person (pve) works, I find myself surprised that so many people seem to care much about the cosmetics of aging thing one way or the other. You have to go out of your way to see your character's face, and imo if you spend a lot of time looking at your character's face instead of actually playing the game, that is a pretty weird form of narcissim imo. I understand that a significant number of people seem to care a great deal about this, but tbh I find it to be a minor detail at best. One of those flavor rping things some folks are always on about. Buzzword of the day: immersion. The debuffs for growing old are a game mechanic and a seperate conversation, but just looking old? Can't say I spend enough time looking at my character's face to care. Also my avi is african american with white hair, so he looks like a badass no matter how old he looks. Just sayin.
  7. Auction house would be antithetical to one of the core ideas of Atlas.
  8. I'd never belong to any club that would have me as a member.
  9. Great fun. He gets drunk and then says things like “In vino veritas” and plays Chopin nocturnes on the piano.
  10. I love this oxymoron. Sith friends would make a great guild name.
  11. Because GrapeCard™ *nod nod*
  12. "Every day, at least twenty times a day, I think to myself how right I am, and how wrong others are, and yet, how easy it is to be right." Clemmons Von Meternick
  13. Given that Wildcard never felt the need to upgrade their search filters for Ark even after it surpassed over 50k servers, I wouldn’t hold your breathe on that. Battlemetrics is owned by steam and likely gonna be your best bet for improved filters. Just sayin.
  14. I think the Op is speaking hypothetically, rather than of an actual landlord he’s dealing with. I could of course be wrong, but that has never happened before.
  15. 1440 x 7= 10080 cost of player shop maintenance for a week coming up short 1k = 9080 divided by per brig = 2270 sale price per brig. Since this makes your brigs less than 2 days worth of shop rent, it would be hard to argue you are overcharging for them. However any player considering purchasing one of your brigs would need to weigh whether the time needed to farm the gold was less than the the time needed to farm the mats to build the brig himself. For the sake of the illustration let’s assume the brig and all its components are of default quality. By careful analysis of comparing the relative time investment of each option we can clearly see that... JK. It’s still patently absurb that shop rent should be a gold per minute, a fact that should be obvious even to brain dead lemurs on crack without any in depth analysis whatsoever.
  16. Ah. That’s what I get for pretty much ignoring the quest log altogether.
  17. Maybe I’m missing something but aren’t the power stone quests the only quests in the game so far? Also don’t say dead serious to a pirate
  18. I don’t even pvp much but this is an awesome suggestion. 10/10. It would indeed be glorious.
  19. Not. Sure. If. Serious...
  20. In what reality do you really think 1400 gold per day in rent makes player shops viable for anyone? I don’t mean everyone. I mean anyone. This seems like more evidence of developers disconnected from their own game. There is no conceivable economic model under which this is viable with a player base even 5 to 10 times what you currently have testing the game for you, and at the current rate at which gold is earnable in game as a practical reality. The most disappointing thing is this should not be required feedback. One gold per minute is so insanely over the top as a maintenance cost that it should have been immediately shot down internally as too high the moment someone suggested it, not actually put into the game, leaving the players to tell you the sky is blue, water is wet, and women have secrets. Please tell me this is a coding error. I have owned a small retail business irl and when comparing options to rent retail space my partner and I used a simplified model of seeking to rent space for between a penny and a nickel per expected person in foot traffic. This was a realistic model that gave us a fair chance to make a profit and saw us paying a fair rent to our landlord for the space. By contrast, one gold per minute would require two thirds of the entire current playerbase to visit a given shop every single day. If you want player testing of shops, reduce the rent cost by a factor of 90%, minimum. If you want them to be ignored and players to continue to wonder what you could possibly be thinking, leave them where they are. For a development studio that started out claiming it wanted to pattern Arlas after Eve, your apparent grasp of economics is abysmal. Jat et al, I hope that by now you are familiar enough with my posting history as a member of this community since day one to know that I do not engage in hyperbole or overblown emotional reactions. This is straight talk from someone who has played MMO’s since 2004, whose favorite aspect of MMO’s is economy, and who has a real world background in business.
  21. First of all, I’m not bitching or crying about anything. All criticism is not bitching or crying so let’s just get that out of the way upfront. If you can’t distinguish between mindless complaints and reasoned, fact supported criticism you should learn to tell the difference before deciding anything you don’t agree with is the former. Second of all everyone is fully aware servers cost money. MMO’s have been in existence for over 20 years now and somehow for years and years companies managed to cover the cost of those servers without doing so at the expense of the development process by either producing an unfinished, unpolished game or charging players for “Early Access” as a revenue generating and shoddy replacement for actual legitimate beta testing of their game behind closed doors. Therefore, your point about server costs is clearly an irrelevant red herring. The cost of servers is just one of numerous development costs when producing a game and clearly cannot justify the consumer unfriendly change in industry practice. The underlying point here is about whether Early Access as a substitute for traditional alpha and beta testing is appropriate as an excuse for substantially established studios to dump unfinished products onto the market, label them Early Access, and get away with charging full price.
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