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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. Second everything Sulfur said here. Beyond about 2k it is really hard to spend much money on a PC and get value in return for those extra dollars. If you want to spend 3k extra because you think your Alienware box looks really cool have at it hoss, but it’s not going to run meaningfully better than my 1k Newegg build. Btw Sulfurblade u r total noob if you are just running mineral water through your cooling system. U need dis to B leet: https://www.lifeionizers.com/product/life-ionizer-mxl-13-under-counter-alkaline-water-ionizer/?pid=100010&?utm_term=&utm_campaign=Shopping: Kangen&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_ver=3&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_tgt=pla-295725574066&hsa_ad=121114811594&hsa_cam=2038497544&hsa_src=g&hsa_grp=33932688074&hsa_acc=1714727340&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrMa3mZ2h4wIVxQOGCh3TTwdEEAQYASABEgKNlPD_BwE
  2. I’ll take that bet but instead of doubloons I will put up my mythic quality speed sail bp’s.
  3. *sighs*; That is a tricky question. On the one hand the game still has significant shortcomings and I’m not at all convinced this development team has a solid grasp of MMO design. At this point I am dubious the game will ever be a strong performer playerbase wise, which is an important factor for several aspects of MMORPG design like economy and team formation (aspects which are stillborn in Atlas). But in some meaningful ways it has improved noticeably since you left. They’ve fixed a lot of bugs and made things run smoother. The huge drop in activity means elbow room for base locations is no longer an issue. Grieving seems to be way down. They might not be making brilliant design decisions but they are by no means sitting on their thumbs, and atm they seem very responsive to what players want. At the end of the day I can say that I also took a break and upon returning liked the game’s changes well enough to lure sucker invite a coworker to play with me and he seems to enjoy it. (He’s only about ten hours into the game and already tinkering with breeding)
  4. Wipes are possible, but there is nothing in the communication from the devs that even implies a wipe is impending. I am under the impression the biggest reason for the previous wipe was the need to rework the claim system and test it with a clean slate. That does not currently seem to be a pressing issue so if I were to offer my best guess it would be that I don’t see a wipe coming down the pipe. However my handwritten invitation to staff meetings at GrapeCard seems to have gotten lost in the mail, so that prediction does come with my personal guarantee.. Boomer’s guarantee: All predictions wrong or your money back.
  5. would kind of depend upon what the stuff was. I'm not married to the vitamin system, I just think it makes sense within the survival genre and people aren't really giving it a chance mostly, they're just deciding without putting any effort in that it's something they dont 'want to deal with. I also think that the way the game currently is designed, a big chunk of the usefulness of cooking is in making managing vitamins a lot easier. If they nerf vitamins to make them super easy to deal with without cooking, that kinda nerfs cooking, which is a negative for developing a trade economy.
  6. One thing I've figured out that most people don't seem to realize is if you're using basic foods, not prepared recipes, you should eat up to your normal max food with meat only, either b or D, then once you are at normal max (typically 100), switch to A and C foods, veggies and berries respectively. These foods impact your food meter at a tiny rate when you are at or above your normal max, and there is typically plenty of cushion from that to overeating (120)
  7. I'd be in favor of that if the debuff or xp loss was appropriate.
  8. Some of the recipes add one of their vitamins slowly over time for no good reason I'm aware of. This gives the impression it's bugged and you're only getting one vitamin. Eat a Bubble and squeak and wait a few minutes before checking your vitamin levels.
  9. You have your opinion. I have mine. The beauty is we both get to have our say. I find vitamins to add depth to the game and differentiate it as a survival MMO, giving it a unique place. You mention it's easier to eat a turd. Doubtless it is, but if you are only playing games because they are easy, then the survival genre is probably not your best bet, as one of it's hallmarks is early difficulty out of the gate. To me it adds another layer of challenge to the game instead of just munching on whatever food I can get my hands on in bulk. Making assertions about what no one does is not supportable because only a fool would believe you actually know what everyone who plays Atlas does or does not do.
  10. to be clear, I choose to do things this way. I think most folks upgrade whole systems at a time more often than not, but it's nice to have the flexiblity to roll with an ever changing technology curve more smoothly than say, oh, consoles..:P The main point is, if you had a pc, you could do it this way or not, it would be up to you.
  11. So I took a break for a bit owing mostly to rl and recently returned to check out what's new with Atlas. I haven't had a chance to really dive into some of the newer stuff yet, but I did notice something I found disapointing: the removal of individual debuff effects from vitamin deficiencies in place of more mundane taking damage when any one gets too low. I'm aware this was almost certainly done out of player dislike for the system and complaints it imposed too much of a burden. I'm also aware that many find the vitamin system unappealing in it's entirety and want it eliminated. For what it's worth my two doubloons are contrary to this view and here's why: The vitamin system adds to and enhances the survival genre and seems a natural step to differentiate it from other games that just have health and stamina. Many people put forward an initial complaint that it was overly punitive and unrealistically required micro management of eating and drinking. I will conceed that the system in its initial form lacked polish and needed tweaking, but many people pointed out that vitamins don't drop that fast irl. You also can't build an entire building or a massive ship in a single day, so I think it's safe to say things in Atlas can occur faster relative to real world time frames. Stil, many players were unhappy with initial tweaks to make vitamin consumption less punitive. I strongly suspect many objected while at the same time being unwilling to put points into the skills that mitigate vitamin drain, or invest points and effort into cooking. I think cooking holds a lot of potential for Atlas as providing a reason to gather far flung mats and to maintain land based operations as well as ships. However, vitamins have now been nerfed to the point that cooking is at best a flavor option, rather than a strong means to mitigate vitamin loss and manage it and the food meter more effectively. I think a balance needs to be struck where cooking isn't necessary, but is highly useful for both buffs and managing vitamins. To the degree vitamins become increasingly easy to manage on their own, this serves as a form of nerf to the cooking tree. I would encourage the devs to cointinue to add depth to cooking by adding more recipes, giving most recipes a distinct use or advantage, either a buff or a good combination of vitamin heals for more commonly found ingredients. Right now it's a good start but needs work, and is somewhat dependant on vitamins for it's viability. Combined with the crafting system which requires an increasing variety of mats for better and better gear, cooking could be one of the core things to spur trade and exploration, as players fan across the map to locate ingredients for all sorts of recipes. For this to have a meaningful risk:reward ratio, the devs must carefully consider how good a food buff needs to be to make finding or trading for it's ingredients worthwhile. If they can find this balance, I think it could be a significant step towards helping Atlas develop a vibrant and engaging economy. At present I would say that most of the buffs are lackluster in comparison to the effort required to get them. I also want to urge the devs not to listen only to players complaining about managing vitamins without considering whether those players have been willing to avail themselves of the available tools to manage vitamins better, or are just whining out of laziness. My personal experience so far with Atlas is that vitamins have always been manageable because I was willing to invest in the relevant survival skills and cooking. That's just my two doubloons.
  12. I adhere to a technique of upgrading one major component per year: GPU, HDD, RAM, power supply and disk drive, with a major upgrade of mobo and cpu every 5 years or so. My overall budget is probably pretty close to yours for a complete build and I've always found this to work well for me. Since I suck at first person shooters, and high end fps games are where a lot of the greatest need for max performance lies, I find this more than sufficient for my gaming needs. As always ymmv.
  13. *surrounds Doc's smithy with cows and mahogany credenzas.*
  14. right but does the crow's intelligence impact the buff it gives to your intelligence? I was under the impression it was the crow's level that matters, but by no means certain.
  15. and if the buff to ice production for every degree lower than the min is working, it should produce quite a lot of it. What kind of production are you seeing at that temp?
  16. Land to water ratios don’t vary dramatically. All grids are way more water than land, as they should be. strike that, might be nice if just a very few grids had substantially larger land masses just for change of pace.
  17. Hey don’t get me wrong, I liked it better when people actually knew how to read and had attention spans and understood reason and logic, which, come to think of it, may have been never. Ah, the good old days, which never actually existed but my brain tricks me into thinking we’re real. At least we did actually get a manual at one point, you’re right about that.
  18. Per the wiki, imprinting only affects damage and resistance of imprinted tames, neither of which impacts the buff a crow gives to your intelligence, which according to the same wiki is based on the crow’s level. Wikis are not foolproof but this is the best available information and consistent with what I have heard in the past. Also Ark imprinting works this way so it’s kind of the default of what you’d expect.
  19. The shrunken head stew might work for what you want, but I can’t remember if the debuff portion comes only at the end or not. If not it might work against what you’re looking for. Been a hot minute since I used one.
  20. Atlas is not as demanding as Ark graphically partly because ocean is much simpler to render than land. In theory anyway. One thing I have been pleasantly surprised by and is well done is how well the water is rendered and changes dramatically based on wind conditions. High winds make for big rolling waves while lack of wind means calmer seas. I don’t see it mentioned much here but I think you’ll be pleased with how well it’s done when console comes out.
  21. I think basically he's saying colonies was supposed to cater to solo and small clans but doesn’t because his ship still keeps getting sunk before he can use it. The thing that I can’t follow is he seems to be suggesting ships be vulnerable for only 9 hours after anchoring at their home island, which wouldn’t solve his problem of ships being sunk while he was offline sleeping... Also Op, you should really try using this new thing called paragraphs. All the cool kids are doing it.
  22. I put tamed cows in the living room. Gonna turn my base into a Chic-Fil-A commercial.
  23. Jat pretty active on the forums the day after a holiday. I might criticize your work output, but I won’t criticize your work ethic. Thanks for the timely responses today.
  24. Make a case for why your idea is better, rather than trying to make a case for why other people’s shouldn’t even be considered.
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