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Everything posted by eeeceee

  1. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah. Hah
  2. WTF? Is that you Nami? edit: i mean dollip
  3. Can you login to ttweeeeeeeter???
  4. Oh yeh shit, tweet that d7 on North AMERICA pVE has been down. Dat tweet gonna make everything A-OKAY.
  5. uh huh. Tell me, do you like turtles?
  6. *microsoft spending money and enjoying themselves* Oh yeah, microsoft needs to do something, for sure, nice thinking.
  7. You say you don't play the game. so how the fuck would you know? Wow. USA A OK? hah paid...
  8. Meanwhile... in USA.....
  9. Only answer you need is don't do what these guys did.
  10. metaphor for the game? yeah, try yelling and punchin til u die
  11. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/atlas_gamepedia_en/images/a/a7/Explosive_Barrel.png/revision/latest?cb=20190102002532 edit: read dead
  12. Wtf does that even mean? You tried to log in, and atlas would run without further warning? And luckily that's been fixed? Ok thanks for your input. OP: maybe format?
  13. What is mechanics without maths? Bleh, u r a pleb.
  14. The fact that you kept reading after this poster said that they are yet to use a carbine shows you the desperate state of yourself. :)
  15. Or they want to develop a game in a way that allows their players to contribute, ea is always going to useful for that and for small dev teams. Years ago these guys were involved with ark, which I believe was a success. That doesn't have much to do with atlas however. Go through my post history, see if you notice whether or not I call the devs out on bullshit/ask them to please look at the mirror and think wtf am i doing?? Just fyi also, I love PVE, haha. I have 8k hours in ark, 5k hours in atlas. A few thousand of each spent in pve, because i get bored with the pvp meta/imbalance/lack of dev competence edit: just wanted to add, so sorry for your loss at being able to play pve on a NA server and also getting battleeye errors
  16. It's a legitimate question. You are obviously a PVE player, and i see from your post history that you got quite annoyed at getting errors and no assistance to fix those errors. Your OP is basically this: "hey i heard from people who play games that devs who do stuff like you devs are really going bankrupt, not saying that is true but i heard from people who played video games lots that it was, so, is that true? You guys ruined PVE. When you make big changes, smells like failure, if the devs havent already washed their hands of this i suggest they do." Rest of the thread... i might read later :)
  17. Incoming flyer nerf edit: the rest of the update looks good, and cows are great, so thanks
  18. troll devs :( People were complaining about shield being op and boring so you bring back cannon barrels? I can only think that you thought the barrels would help with the lag. If everybody can blow each other up easier, or quits the game because design choices don't make any sense, then less lag, right?
  19. That wasn't ignored. They said it was not possible due to "server memory" (coding skills) Which reminds me, my skills at logging into a forum are apparently sooooo good. I login to the correct account without saying sorry.
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