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Everything posted by Naviss

  1. Over the live stream last week, Jat mentioned there was some unlisted ship keybinds in game that would do a few different things. One was turn on or off all the lights on your ship. Without sitting through all the live stream again to find it, I was wondering if any of you fine folks happened to remember them? Jat said something about posting them later, and they will also be listed in game at some point, But after searching, I can't seem to find any mention of these keybinds. Thanks!
  2. As others said. I got a level at 47, and another at 71. Seems like you need 24 points a level.
  3. What's worse I found out was that Damned ships doesn't even drop much gold. So outside of grinding better BP's they aren't worth the NPC crew to kill them, Since you grind map's to pay for crew, that isn't worth the gold to kill the ships after you've got the BP's you want. (PVE) One thing I don't like about the Damned, is they can be right at the border wall of a grid you sail into.
  4. Ya, was some big gun nerfs. This is a reddit post showing all the unmentioned changes.
  5. Specing fully into ship building, I was deeply saddened to see we aren't able to unclaim / sell our ships we build. Speaking about land though, I wish the maps and grids would have been done alittle different, Having a few grids be massive islands. Like the whole grid being one land mass with wide, deep rivers running throughout for people to all have beach or river side land to claim. Increasing land overall by huge amounts.
  6. I've not done salvage yet, However I fully back such a thing. Not just for salvage though. A crane would be VERY useful for freighter ships. I've turned my schooner into one. I'd also love to see ceiling gates like we had in ark for flyer. Only modeled differently for a ships deck that we could open and walk or lower tames down into. For the crane, I'd love to see just a large cargo box attached to the end that could be raised, turned and lowered from the deck to the water level. (Deep as well for divers) that could be filled or unloaded easily without having to play the "Catch the ladder" game. The crane should be heavy, and meant for utility or freighter ships. Maybe a smaller crane like the side mounted dingy launch for warships that would be used to bring on ammo and supplies, that would weigh much less but the box would hold less and much less weight. Since there is no way to moor to a dock, pier or anything really safely, It's horrible to fight the ladders to get on and off a ship, let alone with low carry weight.
  7. Maybe turn during a storm? I don't know if the game looks at the larger waves as deeper water or not, But it does throw around a dingy. So just maybe it could be considered high tied during a wave? At least enough to turn around. Maybe it wont work but that's my only idea.
  8. I've been doing some testing, But wanted to ask here instead of a new topic. Does it matter where you anchor? Like does mooring in area you control (claimed) help in anyway over just anchoring any place you can? Does either affect decay of the ship?
  9. This is pretty early days. I mean these tree's are far from complete. I'm sure as the game goes on and more stuff get's added, things will become harder to max out more then a couple trees. Things like building. Right now only up to stone, I'd imagine they will do metal too? I'd also assume they will add more ship classes to the game, Maybe even a larger dockyard for even larger ships. More weapons, more arty types, I mean you name it! These dev's have went from realistic to completely scfi with Ark. So who knows what all they will add down the road and with DLC after launch. Being with Ark from just days after EA launch, to 3+ years later - The game is only a small piece of what it originally was. From all the new dinos, to tek tier, to what you could unlock and do. Even down to massive nerf and balance changes (Flyer nerf ruined the game for a huge amount of people.). I'm not going to get to worked up on changes right now. It will keep changing a lot. And I'm all for helping solo players. The game is hard enough as is by yourself.
  10. This is what happens when you rush them.
  11. Ya patch for that isn't live till tonight. I think they did this on purpose. They didn't want people having huge ships in two days, and at low levels. This will start many out from scratch. EA games I learned early on not to do anything I wouldn't mind losing. From a patch or crap gameplay glitches. Sucks though, And been there before.
  12. Good solid feedback here. I agree with most of it. Claiming land needs to have some major overhauls to it. And in my honest opinion more land placed in game. I'd love to see a few girds nothing but huge land mass with large deep and wide rivers that run throughout, Giving players more land to claim and land that has access to water front for dockyards. I get they want land to be limited, But with 40,000 players, I think it's a tad much. Ark always had limited space at least for a good area. But you could easily find another server. Here unless you go to unofficial, You're SOL, and unable to progress without finding a group that has some land.
  13. I personally think they did it for a reason of wiping the servers, People had the largest ships from duping and hard work together too, But I don't think they intended for people to access them at level like 20. This is of course my opinion. And it does suck you and others lost your ships.
  14. Never build or waste time building / farming stuff you're not willing to lose instantly. Through gameplay or a update.
  15. I always wanted to join a group later on, After I've learned more about the game solo, But after starting over 7 times now, all from different ports around the map and sailing into new grids checking out islands as I come upon them, It's more then clear that there is NO open land. It's completely 100% stopped me from progressing in any meaningful way. So I'm very much looking for a group or small group of players on the NA PVE server to join up with that has some land. I'll gladly help grind mats or help with progressing the group in anyway I can. I have over 3,165 hours in Ark so I more then know the basics. Just would like to play the game, instead of sailing east to west and north to south trying to build something. Let me know if you have any interest in a new member. (NA PVE) Dev's needed to do grids that was just full land mass with large rivers through the land so everyone could get some water front land, and be able to play.
  16. Well from what little I've found out is you need to have the ship anchored to decay less. So on the coast of a island or something. It's hard for me to figure it out. Because earlier my raft would be anchored by a island in shallow water and in 6 hour's it would be destroyed or close to it.
  17. Though Atlas is much less forgiving, The dev's whom made Ark had the mindset of the same. Depending on your build type, Thatch, Wood, Stone, Metal. It would only allow you to be away from the game for so long. Currently, The 3 days is no different then building a base out of thatch in Ark. And in my opinion that's not good enough for people who build large bases or invest a bunch of time. Advancing in the game should allow your claimed area to be yours for longer periods. Building a wall, base or pillars around your area in metal within Ark would mean you could secure your land for 12 or so days. Making it only 3 days makes for a solo person to never really be gone very long. Forcing you to have at least one friend to share the land. But who am I kidding anyway, Most people playing now can't even find empty land.
  18. Given the limited gameplay I'm allowed to have, I can tell you that my raft has decayed fully 6 times in the past few days. That's the knowledge I've learned from playing myself and watching it happen. As I'll shout what I've seen with my own eyes from my own gameplay each time. All within 6 hours. In either a port or on the coast of a island maybe 300 feet from shore with anchor down. And points into sturdiness. They may have changed it now but for the first 3 days that's how it was for me, So either I have / had a bug or glitch. Or that's how it is.
  19. Also make sure someone is online 24/7 babysitting and repairing your ships around the clock. Cause that's fun.
  20. Yep, Mix that with a raft decaying in less then 6 hours, inland anchored. And the game is just impossible to progress. I have nothing left to do in the game. There is no land to build a bigger ship or a home, There is no way to keep a raft alive if you dare have a job or even SLEEP. It's just pointless. I play PVE for enjoyment, If I want to fight other players I'll play on a PVP server. They should have said PVE still has to be trolled by other players. I would have avoided the game completely. Not here to waste my time with 12 year old's and nolifers.
  21. I can't find land at all. I'm about to give up.
  22. I'm very interested in this tree. I do like magic in games.
  23. I'm on my 7th raft and restart. Had all the issues OP had and many others. lol. Still enjoying the buggy game - when servers let me on! Take the game with a big grain of salt, Explore what you can, when you can and don't worry to much about it. Even if you can get to land and claim, or even build a ship, it'll be all gone by the time you wake up next morning. lol Only downside I have right now is still being stuck at level 8 in freeports. I get they want you to move out and try on your own, but right now that's near impossible. So I'd like to see that turned off so we can keep leveling up at least.
  24. It took around 10 hours for my server I was locked on to come back up. With it being Christmas there may not even be anyone there to restart things. My opinion of course I have no idea for sure.
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