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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Lol, that's just too silly for me. I know I'm playing a game that allows me to fight cyclopses and dragons and krakens, but a diving attachment on a raft is just too unbelievable for me.
  2. 2 points
    I've used a raft with a diving attachment since I started playing. Of course, you lose the ability to haul any significant amount of resources and initially more than 5 companions. But sometimes I prefer it to boats lol It's just so silly but so much fun. You have to place the attachment before putting anything else on your raft. You also may have to pull into deeper water first as I've occasionally found that it won't place if where you're sitting in really shallow. I hope this helps, and happy sailing :-)
  3. 1 point
    Yesterday I saw a raft with a mini diving attachment on it. How do you get that to work? It has snap points but always says obstructed when I try to place it.
  4. 1 point
    It's the saving of the file itself that breaks things btw, not the crashes on quitting the game or to main menu. Saving through a console command also corrupts the save.
  5. 1 point
    @George Catcher I saw a 16.2929292929292 a few days ago. thought it was wierd. But yeah, I stop for anything over 10. I got 3 large armored docks of varying qualitys. I call that a 150k day in some sense. They came out of 9s and 6s. So dont sleep of the lower levels.
  6. 1 point
    In POTC When Davy Jones loses, Will becomes Captain of the Flying Dutchman because the ship can't sail without a Captain. But also he has to give his heart for the job. For Atlas to grow and succeed the Captain needs to have his heart in it. The Atlas ship needs a Captain.
  7. 1 point
    The problem with a singleplayer discord is that it would read like this: don't play singleplayer. It is far too glitchy at the moment to be of any use. You WILL run into a game-breaking bug sooner or later. Until Grapeshot improves the stability of their mess, don't play official singleplayer. If you want to go solo, run a dedicated server for yourself. Search for Phoenix on here and there are a couple of others who have perfect instructions. Not easy, but worth it if you really love this game, as I do.
  8. 1 point
    Look people, we are talking about devs who think a bowsprit is a figurehead, and that players want ships that look like squid. so unfortunately I do not think that sailing realism is too high on their agenda. Atlas is not a garbage game, yeh it uses early access like a serial killer uses childhood neglect, an excuse for everything. And it deffo needs some direction. But it still has potential, even at this late stage. As for the pre fab route, I agree this is a very wrong turn as there are games that do it much better. Also the more pre fabbed the game gets,the less reason there is to keep playing it. Once you've krakened the game the only thing left to do is attack each other, Which would be ok if the fighting was decently balanced. And adding gold to buy ships after saying they want everyone at sea as fast as possible doesn't make sense at all. I doubt if Atlas will win any innovation awards, But I still say it has potential.
  9. 1 point
    Reading this lame update and all the new crybabys venting their anguish is making me want to vomit. all i want to know is, attacking and looting physicalized trade ships, when?
  10. 1 point
    Are you aware that you are incompetent, or does being so prevent you from knowing that sad bit of information? Lets review some publicly available facts for you: - This is the 3rd set of devs, or leadership of said devs. - This group is the most responsive, and its not even close. Dropping patches every 14 days with notes and feedback. -Those patches contain at least a plurality, if not a majority of things that have come directly from us the community. They aren't doing anything? Perhaps English is not your first language. Please try to better understand the words you are using and what they mean.
  11. 1 point
    How can you call something that is not even finished garbage? You literally have not had a chance to even give this system an evaluation yet. You are only getting to see this system being built so far. The excuse of exploits on ships is not lazy. The fact that there ARE exploits on ships was the lazy part. Devs addressing this issue is the opposite of lazy. I think you have this 100% backwards. OFC there will be bugs when building a new system. Is everything you do perfect before you're finished? They even explicitly told us it was still bugged and even listed the bugs they know of. The new claim system is something that no one knows details on at this point in time. The fact that you say anything about it at all is bewildering. If you have inside information please let us know. To be sure we need a new claiming system. This one is terrible. I have hope that the next one will be better. I am sure they will put some thought into it, and I am sure it will not be perfect on the 1st pass. I also have a lot of hope for the new ship system. There is no customization in PvP. We leave off as many ceilings and decks as possible for weight. The boats are very very boring looking. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is customizing their PvP ships. Nobody has some awesome "build" that makes them better than a random teenager who builds the exact same boat. The way to repair, and replace planks right now is awful. Any step taken that moves us to a more seamless system with the boats is a good move. Or at least a move in the right direction. Like @Ranger1k said, they are already modular by definition. If we can increase performance and make ship combat more skill based with a more standardized ship system I am all for it. It could end up being the best thing they have done yet. Hell, one of the best aspects of SoT is the simple ship design that makes sea combat feel amazing. PvE guys, I am sure you love your houseboats. Hell, if my boat was perma safe all of the time I would probably do the same. They do look cooler, but they fight like shit and are slower than congress. For the rest of us, we all have the same boat. Lets all have one that lets us have bigger battles with less lag.
  12. 1 point
    Alliance Chat: Since you are able to create different alliances there should also be a tab or a way to type to each alliance. For example, I currently have 2 alliances that I created. One for my grid (N6 Allies) and one for Trades (Trades). When anyone that is in "Trades" types into alliance chat everyone regardless of what alliance they are in can see. So then everyone in "N6 Allies" is now lost when I reply. Thus only seeing half a conversation. Really what is the point of having multiple alliances if you cant toggle chats with each one? So that you are not confusing other people. There should definitely be some type of toggle to be able to chat to a specific alliance. The whole alliance option is really lacking luster. Alliance Access: There should be a way to allow an ally to use a bed and cannons. For example, I do not always want to take 2 ships to travel for one reason or another. Such as looking for a friendly mermaid. When an ally and I plan a trip together it's super stressful for the one that is not in the company that the ship everyone is on. Say the first mermaid you find is not so nice, and the ship is not in your company so if you die you are done with the trip. That's not fun. That's annoying. When I went with an ally to find a whale. I not only was restricted to one life (ya know if a shark got me or the whale), but I was also unable to use the ballista turret to help take the whale down. I only had my bow and arrows on my person (which did a whopping 22 points of damage per shot). That is also NOT fun. That is also ANNOYING. Either allow an ally to place a bed on an allies foundation or give the option to open a bed to an alliance. With a lock/unlock feature or pin code. This would also only be optimal on a PvE server. Also instead of putting a pin code on everything, you should just be able to have an option to "allow ally access" on a smithy, storage chest, mess table, even tames. A pin code should be for anyone not allied. It's difficult to come up with a pin that everyone knows and can remember. Also not so easy that someone you don't want to open a chest can guess. This would also only be useful on PvE.
  13. 0 points
    What you wanna do is go ahead and forget you even saw that travesty. Don't build or use a raft. For the same effort make a sloop.
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